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13-the little good mouse

13-the little good mouse

大小: 24K  人气: 11  上传: 冬儿  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::THE LITTLE GOOD MOUSEONCE upon a time there lived a King and Queen who loved eachother so much that they were never happy unless they weretogether. Day after day they went out hunting or fishing; nightafter night they went to balls o... 


大小: 24K  人气: 11  上传: 不落的滑翔  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::1872FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE WILL-O-THE WISP IS IN THE TOWN,SAYS THE MOOR WOMANby Hans Christian AndersenTHERE was a man who once knew many stories, but they had slipped away from him- so he said. The Story that used... 


大小: 24K  人气: 32  上传: 雨帆  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::骄傲的人必然嫉妒,他对于那最以德性受人称赞的人便最怀忌恨。-斯宾诺莎谁若想在困厄时得到援助,就应在平日待人以宽。-萨迪在一切斗争中,应战的人都有被击败的危险,但这难道能作为不抽刀应战就承认战败,甘受奴役的理由吗?-恩格斯 [精选资料_动力... 
last days in a dutch hotel

last days in a dutch hotel

大小: 24K  人气: 12  上传: 片片  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::Last Days in a Dutch Hotelby William Dean HowellsWhen we said that we were going to Scheveningen, in the middle ofSeptember, the portier of the hotel at The Hague was sure we should bevery cold, perhaps because we had suffered so muc... 


大小: 24K  人气: 29  上传: 那年夏天  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::作者:契诃夫内容简介: 那天晚上是满月,月亮圆圆的,只是在迷雾中显得有些昏暗,朦胧不清。安东·巴迪仁正在他那改装过的捕鱼纵帆船“蜻蜓号”的甲板上散步。在密利顿,人们称这里为大富豪湾。7月4日周末,这总是个忙碌的日子。因为平时这里停泊... 
christmas eve

christmas eve

大小: 24K  人气: 9  上传: 翱翔1981  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:: THE SKETCH BOOKCHRISTMAS EVEby Washington IrvingSaint Francis and Saint BenedightBlesse this house from wicked wight;From the night-mare and the goblin,That is hight good fellow Robin;Keep it from all ... 
09-the enchanted pig

09-the enchanted pig

大小: 24K  人气: 10  上传: 水王  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::THE ENCHANTED PIGONCE upon a time there lived a King who had three daughters.Now it happened that he had to go out to battle, so he calledhis daughters and said to them:`My dear children, I am obliged to go to the wars. The enemyis a... 
moral emblems

moral emblems

大小: 24K  人气: 12  上传: 没事找事  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::Moral Emblemsby Robert Louis StevensonContentsNOT I, AND OTHER POEMSI. Some like drinkII. Here, perfect to a wishIII. As seamen on the seasIV. The pamphlet here presentedMORAL EMBLEMS: A COLLECTION OF CUTS AND VERSESI. See how ... 


大小: 24K  人气: 35  上传: 空白协议书  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::作者:歌德内容简介: 乔治·兰吉林半夜,我被嫂子的电话吓了一跳.后来我强作镇静地询问她,为什么杀掉我的哥哥,而且在深夜两点还打电话来通知我这一噩耗。“电话里没法子讲,阿尔蒂,去报告警方并上这儿来吧!我告诉您,鲍的尸体就在您的工厂里... 


大小: 24K  人气: 16  上传: 精灵王  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::  “奥立弗,我的孩子,”梅莱太太说道,“你上哪儿去了,干吗你看上去那样伤心?这功夫眼泪还顺着脸偷偷淌个没完,出什么事了?”  这是一个希望动辄破灭的世界,对于我们极为珍视的希望,可以给我们的天性带来最高荣誉的希望,经常都是这样。 ... 
the outcasts of poker flat

the outcasts of poker flat

大小: 24K  人气: 10  上传: 白寒  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::THE OUTCASTS OF POKER FLATAs Mr. John Oakhurst, gambler, stepped into the main street ofPoker Flat on the morning of the twenty-third of November, 1850, hewas conscious of a change in its moral atmosphere since thepreceding night. T... 
02-the death of jean

02-the death of jean

大小: 24K  人气: 12  上传: 想聊  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::THE DEATH OF JEANThe death of Jean Clemens occurred early in the morning ofDecember 24, 1909. Mr. Clemens was in great stress of mind whenI first saw him, but a few hours later I found him writingsteadily."I am setting it down," he ... 


大小: 24K  人气: 24  上传: 吹嘻  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::空虚  “我近来的心理状态,正不晓得怎么才写得出来。有野心的人,他的眼前,常有着种种伟大的幻象,一步一步跟了这些幻象走去,就是他的生活。对将来抱希望的人,他的头上有一颗明星,在那里引路,他虽在黑暗的沙漠中行走,但是他的心里终有一个犹... 
the adventure of the veiled lodger

the adventure of the veiled lo

大小: 24K  人气: 11  上传: 梦幻天书  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:: SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE ADVENTURE OF THE VEILED LODGERby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleWhen one considers that Mr. Sherlock Holmes was in active practicefor twenty-three years, and that during seventeen of these I ... 
american literary centers

american literary centers

大小: 24K  人气: 10  上传: 匆匆  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::American Literary Centersby William Dean HowellsOne of the facts which we Americans have a difficulty in making clear toa rather inattentive world outside is that, while we have apparently aliterature of our own, we have no literary ... 


大小: 24K  人气: 22  上传: 翱翔1981  赞(0) 踩(0)
of refinement in the arts

of refinement in the arts

大小: 24K  人气: 9  上传: 笑傲网络  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::Of Refinement in the Artsby David HumeLUXURY is a word of an uncertain signification, and may betaken in a good as well as in a bad sense. In general, it meansgreat refinement in the gratification of the senses; and anydegree of it m... 
westminster abbey

westminster abbey

大小: 24K  人气: 8  上传: 不受约束  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:: THE SKETCH BOOKWESTMINSTER ABBEYby Washington IrvingWhen I behold, with deep astonishment,To famous Westminster how there resorteLiving in brasse or stoney monument,The princes and the worthies of all ... 
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