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the red-headed league |
大小: 57K 人气: 8 上传: 点绛唇 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
电子书简介::THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMESThe Red-Headed LeagueI had called upon my friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, one day in theautumn of last year and found him in deep conversation with a verystout, florid-faced, elderly gentleman with fiery... 更新时间:2023-06-17 |
the ethics(part iii) |
大小: 144K 人气: 8 上传: 闲来一看 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
电子书简介::The Ethics [Part III](Ethica Ordine Geometrico Demonstrata)by Benedict de SpinozaTranslated by R. H. M. ElwesPART III: ON THE ORIGIN AND NATURE OF THE EMOTIONSMost writers on the emotions and on human conduct seemto be treating rath... 更新时间:2023-06-17 |
part18 |
大小: 91K 人气: 8 上传: 片片 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
电子书简介::"A REAL CHRISTIAN"_To Charles Thomson__Monticello, January 9, 1816_MY DEAR AND ANCIENT FRIEND, An acquaintance of fifty-twoyears, for I think ours dates from 1764, calls for an interchange ofnotice now and then, that we remain in ex... 更新时间:2023-06-17 |
the georgics |
大小: 133K 人气: 8 上传: 翱翔1981 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
电子书简介::29 BCTHE GEORGICSby VirgilGEORGIC IWhat makes the cornfield smile; beneath what starMaecenas, it is meet to turn the sodOr marry elm with vine; how tend the steer;What pains for cattle-keeping, or what proofOf patient trial serves fo... 更新时间:2023-06-17 |
the silverado squatters |
大小: 182K 人气: 8 上传: 淋雨 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
电子书简介::The Silverado Squattersby Robert Louis StevensonTHE scene of this little book is on a high mountain. Thereare, indeed, many higher; there are many of a nobler outline.It is no place of pilgrimage for the summary globe-trotter;but to... 更新时间:2023-06-17 |
artaxerxes |
大小: 62K 人气: 8 上传: 花旗 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
电子书简介:: ARTAXERXES437-359 B.C.by Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenTHE first Artaxerxes, among all the kings of Persia the mostremarkable for a gentle and noble spirit, was surnamed theLong-handed, his right... 更新时间:2023-06-17 |
18-kari woodengown |
大小: 25K 人气: 8 上传: 打死也不说 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
电子书简介::KARI WOODENGOWNTHERE was once upon a time a King who had become a widower.His Queen had left one daughter behind her, and she was sowise and so pretty that it was impossible for any one to be wiser orprettier. For a long time the Kin... 更新时间:2023-06-17 |
the high price of bullion |
大小: 150K 人气: 8 上传: 博搏 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
电子书简介::The High Price of Bullionby David Ricardo1810The High Price of Bullion, a Proof of the Depreciation of BankNotes.by David RicardoLondon: Printed for John Murray, 32, Fleet-Street; And Sold byEvery Other Bookseller in Town and Country... 更新时间:2023-06-17 |
cimon |
大小: 50K 人气: 8 上传: 左思右想 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
电子书简介:: CIMON507?-449 B.C.by Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenPERIPOLTAS the prophet, having brought the King Opheltas, andthose under his command, from Thessaly into Boeotia, left there afamily, which fl... 更新时间:2023-06-17 |
09-the enchanted pig |
大小: 24K 人气: 8 上传: 水王 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
电子书简介::THE ENCHANTED PIGONCE upon a time there lived a King who had three daughters.Now it happened that he had to go out to battle, so he calledhis daughters and said to them:`My dear children, I am obliged to go to the wars. The enemyis a... 更新时间:2023-06-17 |
returning home |
大小: 47K 人气: 8 上传: 别克陆上公 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
电子书简介::Returning Homeby Anthony TrollopeIt is generally supposed that people who live at home,gooddomestic people, who love tea and their arm-chairs, and who keep theparlour hearth-rug ever warm,it is generally supposed that theseare the pe... 更新时间:2023-06-17 |
09-the ponds |
大小: 51K 人气: 8 上传: 冷如冰 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
电子书简介::The PondsSometimes, having had a surfeit of human society and gossip, andworn out all my village friends, I rambled still farther westwardthan I habitually dwell, into yet more unfrequented parts of thetown, "to fresh woods and pastu... 更新时间:2023-06-17 |
the purcell papers-2 |
大小: 219K 人气: 8 上传: 猜火车 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
the madonna of the future |
大小: 87K 人气: 8 上传: 着凉 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
电子书简介::The Madonna of the Futureby Henry JamesWe had been talking about the masters who had achieved but a singlemasterpiecethe artists and poets who but once in their lives hadknown the divine afflatus and touched the high level of perfect... 更新时间:2023-06-17 |
the discovery of guiana |
大小: 188K 人气: 8 上传: 低诉 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
电子书简介::The Discovery of Guianaby Walter RaleighINTRODUCTORY NOTESir Walter Raleigh may be taken as the great typical figure of theage of Elizabeth. Courtier and statesman, soldier and sailor,scientist and man of letters, he engaged in almos... 更新时间:2023-06-17 |
mother |
大小: 51K 人气: 8 上传: 幽雨 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
电子书简介::Motherby Owen WisterTO MY FAVOURITE BROKER WITH THE EARNEST ASSURANCE THAT MR. BEVERLY IS NOTMEANT FOR HIMNOTEIN 1901, this story appeared anonymously as the ninth of a sequence ofshort stories by various authors, in a volume entitle... 更新时间:2023-06-17 |
a christmas carol(圣诞赞歌) |
大小: 181K 人气: 8 上传: 童舟 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
电子书简介::- 1A CHRISTMAS CAROLA CHRISTMAS CAROLby Charles DickensI have endeavoured in this Ghostly little book, to raise the Ghost ofan Idea, which shall not put my readers out of humour with themselves,with each other, with the season, or... 更新时间:2023-06-17 |
the cloak |
大小: 70K 人气: 8 上传: 冬儿 赞(0) 踩(0) | |
电子书简介::THE CLOAKIn the department ofbut it is better not to mention the department.There is nothing more irritable than departments, regiments, courts ofjustice, and, in a word, every branch of public service. Eachindividual attached to the... 更新时间:2023-06-17 |
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- · 神学政治论
- · 挑战盖茨神话--中国大学生创业潮
- · 爱尔兰咖啡
- · 老人与海
- · 大英博物馆在倒塌
- · 牛虻
- · 皇后之死
- · 牛虻世家
- · 文学概论讲义
- · 青年近卫军
- · 李洪成论十神信息类象
- · 孔丘 孔子家语 卷第009
- · 孔丘 孔子家语 卷第010
- · 孔丘 礼记 月令
- · 孔丘 孔子家语 卷第005
- · 论语(孔子)
- · 孔丘 孔子家语 卷第001
- · 孔子家语
- · 陆贾新语注释
- · 李鼎祚周易集解
- · 孔丘 礼记 杂记
- · 孔丘 礼记 曲礼
- · 礼记
- · 流浪到哈佛
- · 论语注释
- · 孔丘 礼记 内则
- · 周易预测学 讲义
- · 海上花魅影 脚部 清 袁枚抄
- · 世说新语 下
- · 礼记注释
- · 07四书五经合集之周易
- · 06四书五经合集之礼记
- · 五轮书地水火风空 及剑道心法总诀
- · 01道德经注释(李函虚)
- · 五轮书地水火风空 日文原版
- · 牛虻(下)〔爱尔兰〕伏尼契
- · 在中国做事 作者:黄夏君
- · 世说新语 中
- · 大学.中庸.孟子
- · 孟子(孟子)
- · 周易译注
- · the dore lectures on mental scie
- · lays of ancient rome(古罗马方位)
- · 靠近女领导:靠山
- · 激荡三十年1978-2007
- · 此生唯你终老
- · 首席前夫,婚婚欲醉总裁前夫,婚荤欲
- · 说论语
- · 我将此生,说予你听
- · 大江东去
- · 幽灵舰队
- · 老子他说
- · 搞定孙子兵法
- · 蒸发密令
- · 463个生活小窍门
- · 德伯家的苔丝