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30-trusty john

30-trusty john

大小: 16K  人气: 12  上传: 一半儿  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::TRUSTY JOHNONCE upon a time there was an old king who was soill that he thought to himself, "I am most likely on mydeath-bed." Then he said, "Send Trusty John to me."Now Trusty John was his favorite servant, and was socalled because ... 
london in 1731

london in 1731

大小: 232K  人气: 12  上传: 冬恋  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::London in 1731by Don Manoel GonzalesINTRODUCTIONDon Manoel Gonzales is the assumed name of the writer of a "Voyage to Great Britain, containing an Account of England and Scotland," which was first printed in the first of the two foli... 
memoirs of napoleon bonaparte, v12

memoirs of napoleon bonaparte,

大小: 213K  人气: 12  上传: 低诉  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, V12by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de BourrienneHis Private SecretaryEdited by R. W. PhippsColonel, Late Royal Artillery1891CONTENTS:CHAPTER XXVIII. to CHAPTER XXXVI. 1813-1814CHAPTER XXVIII.1813.Riots in ... 
ethan brand

ethan brand

大小: 37K  人气: 12  上传: 希望之舟  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::ETHAN BRANDA CHAPTER FROM AN ABORTIVE ROMANCEBartram the lime-burner, a rough, heavy-looking man, begrimedwith charcoal, sat watching his kiln at nightfall, while hislittle son played at building houses with the scattered fragmentsof... 


大小: 59K  人气: 12  上传: 风格1  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::Inhabitants of the Alhambra.I HAVE often observed that the more proudly a mansion has beentenanted in the day of its prosperity, the humbler are its inhabitantsin the day of its decline, and that the palace of a king commonly endsin ... 


大小: 71K  人气: 12  上传: 千顷寒  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::Third BookThe SystemsChapter 28The National Economists of ItalyItaly has been the forerunner of all modern nations, in thetheory as well as in the practice of Political Economy. CountPechio has given us a laboriously written sketch o... 
the adventure of the noble bachelor

the adventure of the noble bac

大小: 45K  人气: 12  上传: 宫本宝藏  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:: SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE ADVENTURE OF THE NOBLE BACHELORby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleThe Lord St. Simon marriage, and its curious termination, havelong ceased to be a subject of interest in those exalted circles... 
the chimes(教堂钟声)

the chimes(教堂钟声)

大小: 211K  人气: 12  上传: 蝴蝶的出走  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::The ChimesThe Chimes1- Page 2-The ChimesCHAPTER I - First Quarter.HERE are not many people - and as it is desirable that a story- tellerand a story-reader should establish a mutual understanding as soon as... 
an account of egypt(埃及记)

an account of egypt(埃及记)

大小: 239K  人气: 12  上传: 向前  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::AN ACCOUNT OF EGYPTAN ACCOUNT OFEGYPTBy Herodotus1- Page 2-AN ACCOUNT OF EGYPTNOTEHERODOTUS was born at Halicarnassus, on the southwest coast of... 
12-jack and the beanstalk

12-jack and the beanstalk

大小: 21K  人气: 12  上传: 无边的寒冷  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::JACK AND THE BEANSTALKJACK SELLS THE COWONCE upon a time there was a poor widow who lived in a littlecottage with her only son Jack.Jack was a giddy, thoughtless boy, but very kind-hearted andaffectionate. There had been a hard winte... 
their silver wedding journey v2

their silver wedding journey v

大小: 240K  人气: 12  上传: 南方网  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::Their Silver Wedding Journey V2by William Dean HowellsPART II.XXVI.They found Burnamy expecting them at the station in Carlsbad, and shescolded him like a mother for taking the trouble to meet them, while shekept back for the present... 
miss sarah jack, of spanish town, jamaica

miss sarah jack, of spanish to

大小: 53K  人气: 12  上传: 铲除不公  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::Miss Sarah Jack, of Spanish Town, Jamaicaby Anthony TrollopeThere is nothing so melancholy as a country in its decadence, unlessit be a people in their decadence. I am not aware that the lattermisfortune can be attributed to the Ang... 
the vital message(主信)

the vital message(主信)

大小: 202K  人气: 12  上传: 公主站记  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::THE VITAL MESSAGETHE VITAL MESSAGEARTHUR CONAN DOYLE1- Page 2-THE VITAL MESSAGEPREFACEIn "The New Revelation" the first dawn of the coming change hasbeen described. In "The Vital Message" the sun has risen highe... 
letters to dead authors

letters to dead authors

大小: 193K  人气: 12  上传: 翱翔1981  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::Letters to Dead Authorsby Andrew LangContents:PrefaceTo W. M. ThackerayTo Charles DickensTo Pierre de RonsardTo HerodotusEpistle to Mr. Alexander PopeTo Lucian of SamosataTo Maitre Francoys RabelaisTo Jane AustenTo Master Isaak Walto... 
the jewish maiden

the jewish maiden

大小: 10K  人气: 12  上传: 当当当当  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:: FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE JEWISH MAIDENby Hans Christian AndersenIN a charity school, among the children, sat a little Jewish girl.She was a good, intelligent child, and very quick at her lessons;... 


大小: 101K  人气: 12  上传: 人生几何  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::Dreamsby Olive SchreinerTo a small girl-child, who may live to grasp somewhat of that which for us is yet sight, not touch.Note.These Dreams are printed in the order in which they were written.In the case of two there was a lapse of ... 
first epilogue

first epilogue

大小: 140K  人气: 12  上传: 蒂帆  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::FIRST EPILOGUE: 1813 - 20CHAPTER ISeven years had passed. The storm-tossed sea of European history hadsubsided within its shores and seemed to have become calm. But themysterious forces that move humanity (mysterious because the laws... 
05-there are no guilty people

05-there are no guilty people

大小: 25K  人气: 12  上传: 大刀阔斧  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::THERE ARE NO GUILTY PEOPLEIMINE is a strange and wonderful lot! Thechances are that there is not a single wretchedbeggar suffering under the luxury and oppressionof the rich who feels anything like as keenly as Ido either the injusti... 
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