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playboy of the western world

playboy of the western world

大小: 116K  人气: 10  上传: 泰达魔王  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::The Playboy of the Western Worldby J. M. SyngeA COMEDY IN THREE ACTSPREFACEIn writing THE PLAYBOY OF THE WESTERN WORLD, as in my other plays, I have usedone or two words only that I have not heard among the country people ofIreland, ... 
the ugly duckling

the ugly duckling

大小: 20K  人气: 10  上传: 古诗乐  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:: FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE UGLY DUCKLINGby Hans Christian AndersenIT was lovely summer weather in the country, and the goldencorn, the green oats, and the haystacks piled up in the meadows lookedbe... 


大小: 53K  人气: 10  上传: 雨来不躲  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::The Varieties of Religious Experienceby William JamesA Study in Human NatureToE.P.G.IN FILIAL GRATITUDE AND LOVETHE VARIETIES OF RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCELecture IRELIGION AND NEUROLOGYIt is with no small amount of trepidation that I take... 
manifesto of the communist party

manifesto of the communist par

大小: 75K  人气: 10  上传: 津夏  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::MANIFESTO OF THE COMMUNIST PARTYFrom the English edition of 1888, edited by Friedrich EngelsTranscribed by allen lutinswith assistance from Jim TarziaA spectre is haunting Europe the spectre of Communism.All the Powers of old Europe... 
cambridge neighbors

cambridge neighbors

大小: 66K  人气: 10  上传: 热带雨淋  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::Cambridge Neighborsby William Dean HowellsBeing the wholly literary spirit I was when I went to make my home inCambridge, I do not see how I could well have been more content if I hadfound myself in the Elysian Fields with an agreeab... 
english writers on america

english writers on america

大小: 19K  人气: 10  上传: 朝令夕改  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介:: THE SKETCH BOOKENGLISH WRITERS ON AMERICAby Washington Irving"Methinks I see in my mind a noble and puissant nation, rousingherself like a strong man after sleep, and shaking her invinciblelocks: methi... 
on revenues(税收)

on revenues(税收)

大小: 66K  人气: 10  上传: 保时捷  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::On RevenuesOn Revenuesby XenophonTranslation by H. G. Dakyns1- Page 2-On RevenuesXenophon the Athenian was born 431 B.C. He was a pupil ofSocrates. He marched with the Spartans, and was ex... 
essays on paul bourget

essays on paul bourget

大小: 61K  人气: 10  上传: 负债赌博  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::Essays on Paul Bourgetby Mark TwainCONTENTS:WHAT PAUL BOURGET THINKS OF USA LITTLE NOTE TO M. PAUL BOURGETWHAT PAUL BOURGET THINKS OF USHe reports the American joke correctly. In Boston they ask, How muchdoes he know? in New York, H... 
emile zola

emile zola

大小: 23K  人气: 10  上传: 津鸿一瞥  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::Emile Zolaby William Dean HowellsIn these times of electrical movement, the sort of constructionin the moral world for which ages were once needed, takes placealmost simultaneously with the event to be adjusted in history,and as true... 
the secret sharer

the secret sharer

大小: 92K  人气: 10  上传: 闲来一看  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::The Secret Sharerby Joseph ConradIOn my right hand there were lines of fishing stakes resemblinga mysterious system of half-submerged bamboo fences,incomprehensible in its division of the domain of tropical fishes,and crazy of aspect... 
american literary centers

american literary centers

大小: 24K  人气: 10  上传: 匆匆  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::American Literary Centersby William Dean HowellsOne of the facts which we Americans have a difficulty in making clear toa rather inattentive world outside is that, while we have apparently aliterature of our own, we have no literary ... 
in the shadow of the glen

in the shadow of the glen

大小: 27K  人气: 10  上传: 保时捷  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::In the Shadow of the Glenby J. M. SyngeIN THE SHADOW OF THE GLENA PLAY IN ONE ACTFirst performed at the Molesworth Hall,Dublin, October 8th, 1903.PERSONSDAN BURKE (farmer and herd) . George RobertsNORA BURKE (his wife) . . . Maire Ni... 


大小: 178K  人气: 10  上传: 嘟嘟  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::Falkby Joseph ConradA REMINISCENCESeveral of us, all more or less connected with thesea, were dining in a small river-hostelry not morethan thirty miles from London, and less than twentyfrom that shallow and dangerous puddle to which... 
the ruby of kishmoor

the ruby of kishmoor

大小: 69K  人气: 10  上传: 冥王  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::The Ruby of KishmoorBy Howard PyleCONTENTSPrologueI. Jonathan RuggII. The Mysterious Lady with the Silver VeilIII. The Terrific Encounter with the One-eyed Little Gentleman inBlackIV. The Momentous Adventure with the Stranger with th... 


大小: 33K  人气: 10  上传: 车水马龙01  赞(0) 踩(1)
电子书简介::1872FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENUNDER THE WILLOW-TREEby Hans Christian AndersenTHE region round the little town of Kjoge is very bleak andcold. The town lies on the sea shore, which is always beautiful; buthere it might be ... 
the skin game

the skin game

大小: 136K  人气: 10  上传: 世纪史诗  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::The Skin Gameby John GalsworthyA TRAGI-COMEDY"Who touches pitch shall be defiled"CHARACTERSHILLCRIST ...............A Country GentlemanAMY .....................His WifeJILL ....................His DaughterDAWKER ..................His... 
the three taverns(三家酒店)

the three taverns(三家酒店)

大小: 134K  人气: 10  上传: 你妹找1  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::The Three Taverns A Book of Poems By Edwin Arlington RobinsonThe Three TavernsA Book of Poems By Edwin Arlington RobinsonEdwin Arlington Robinson1- Page 2-The Three Taverns A Book of Poems By Edwin Arlington RobinsonThe Valley of the... 
on horsemanship

on horsemanship

大小: 84K  人气: 10  上传: 低诉  赞(0) 踩(0)
电子书简介::On Horsemanshipby XenophonTranslation by H. G. DakynsXenophon the Athenian was born 431 B.C. He was apupil of Socrates. He marched with the Spartans,and was exiled from Athens. Sparta gave him landand property in Scillus, where he li... 
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