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dion封面 小说类别:文学经管 上传者:天净沙 作者:未知
小说大小:100K 完结状态:全本 更新时间:2023-06-17
总点击:10 总推荐:0 总收藏:0
月点击:10 月推荐:0 月收藏:0
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DION408?-353 B.C.by Plutarchtranslated by John DrydenIF it be true, Sosius Senecio, that, as Simonides tells us-"Of the Corinthians Troy does not complain"for having taken part with the Achaeans in the siege, because the Trojans also had Corinthians (Glaucus, who sprang from Corinth) fighting bravely on their side, so also it may be fairly said that neither R


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