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the memoirs of victor hugo

the memoirs of victor hugo封面 小说类别:合租同居 上传者:冷如冰 作者:未知
小说大小:438K 完结状态:全本 更新时间:2024-06-13
总点击:15 总推荐:0 总收藏:0
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The Memoirs of Victor Hugoby Victor HugoCONTENTS.PREFACEAT RHEIMS, 1825-1838RECOUNTED BY EYE-WITNESSES:I. The Execution of Louis XVI.II. The Arrival of Napoleon I. in Paris in 1815.VISIONS OF THE REAL:I. The Hovel.II. Pillage.III. A Dream.IV. The Panel with the Coat of Arms.V. The Easter Daisy.THEATRE:I. Joanny.II. Mademoiselle Mars....