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the lodger

the lodger封面 小说类别:合租同居 上传者:风格1 作者:未知
小说大小:430K 完结状态:全本 更新时间:2024-07-26
总点击:47 总推荐:0 总收藏:0
月点击:47 月推荐:0 月收藏:0
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The Lodgerby Marie Belloc Lowndes"Lover and friend hast thou put far from me, and mine acquaintance into darkness." PSALM lxxxviii. 18CHAPTER IRobert Bunting and Ellen his wife sat before their dully burning, carefully-banked-up fire.The room, especially when it be known that it was part of a house standing in a grimy, if not exactly sordid, London thoroughfare, was exceptionally clean and well-