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      3。 character: n。 身份,角色,能力 in his character as the father 以父亲的身份    
      1。 She a method for quicker communications between offices。    
      A) devices B) revises C) devises D) invokes    
      2。 The FBI say the hijackers were very likely to have been 。    
      A) disguised B) disgusted    
      C) distinguished D) disposed    
      3。 She always acts so to everyone else。    
      A) exterior B) interior C) inferior D) superior    
      4。 This plane is in the of the flight。    
      A) course B) cause C) source D) divorce    
      5。 The Great Wall was made not only of stone; but of the and blood of millions of men。    
      A) fish B) fresh C) flesh D) flash    
      6。 Female workers like to in the office。    
      A) gasp B) grasp C gossip D) gasoline    
      7。 A Swedish wanted to join Napoleon’s Army。    
      A) granted B) greatness C) gigantic D) great    
      8。 He came back last night。    
      A) late B) later C) lately D) latterly    
      9。 He injured his hands in the 。    
      A) worship B) workshop    
      C) warship D) relationship    
      10。 He is in of this bothering task。    
      A) change B) charge C) chant D) chard    
      Can not be bought; can not be sold; even if it’s made of gold。    

unit 1 同形异义词辨析(10天)Day 5

      1。 A。 This plane is in the (过程)of the flight。    
      B。 What’s the (原因)of the acomident?    
      C。 Where is the (源头)of the river?    
      2。 A。 Many (式样)of bicycles are on show。    
      B。 Fill in the blanks with proper (情态的)verbs。    
      3。 A。 Little light (闪现)on the wall。    
      B。 The Great Wall was made not only of stone; but of the (肉体)and blood of millions of men。    
      C。 These are (新鲜的)vegetables。    
      4。 A。 He asked the man in the water to (抓)the rope。    
      B。 The people (喘气)at the cruelty of the bad boss。    
      5。 A。 The Department of Education gave him a (奖章)for his good work。    
      B。 This spear is made of (金属)。    
      6。 A。 There are seven (奇迹)in the world。    
      B。 I saw him (徘徊)in the street。    
      7。 A。 The boy was (发抖)with cold。    
      B。 There is a (寺院)on the top of the hill。    
      8。 A。 He (摸)me on the forehead with his left hand。    
      B。 The boss is very (粗暴)。    
      9。 A。 We have friends (遍及)the world。    
      B。 The Xiang River flows (通过)Changsha。    
      C。 The doctor gave the boy a (彻底的)examination。    
      D。 (虽然)he is a student; he knows a lot。    
      10。 A。 The old man was (挨饿)to death。    
      B。 The teacher (凝视)the class into silence。    
      11。 A。 The whole nation was in deep (悲哀)at this news。    
      B。 The road is so (狭窄的)that two cars can’t pass。    
      12。 A。 She got a (严重的)illness。    
      B。 Don’t be (好奇的)about everything。    
      C。 He felt (紧张的)when he said it to her。    
      13。 A。 There are seven heads of (牛)in the meadow。    
      B。 The (战斗)was over soon。    
      C。 How many (瓶)of beer are there on the table?    
      14。 A。 Beijing is the (首都)of China。    
      B。 He is a (上尉)in an army。    
      15。 A。 This (技术的)school was set up in 1960。    
      B。 The violinist’s (技巧)was excellent。    
      16。 A。 I (想)he’ll pass the examination。    
      B。 He is an (专家)on foreign affairs。    
      17。 A。 The (质量)of this kind of paper is quite good。    
      B。 He has a large (数量)of books。    
      18。 A。 The village had already been (抛弃)when the enemy arrived。    
      B。 There are (许多)supplies of wood in the forest。    
      19。 A。 The two parties (冲突)with each other on the question of tax deduction。    
      B。 The city police held a campaign to (压制)all kinds of crimes。    
      C。 The table overturned and the trays (摔)down the ground to pieces。    
      20。 A。 He quitted because he did not think it was worth (竞争)for。    
      B。 You can choose any part of the book to read acomording to the table of    
      C。 My parents would never (同意)to such an unsuitable marriage。    
      21。 A。 He has (致力)his whole life to the national sports development。    
      B。 The foreign visitors were amazed at the (精致)traditional Chinese works of art。    
      22。 A。 His smile seemed to indicate his (含蓄的)consent to the way of my handling the matter。    
      B。 The doctor patiently gave Tom (明确的)instructions about taking these medicines。    
      23。 A。 If you lose the bet; you should clear away all the (脏乱)in the house。    
      B。 Sorry; I cannot stay with you tonight as I have a (多)of work to do。    
      24。 A。 A good (原则)is not to borrow money you can’t repay。    
      B。 The (主要)reason for changing the job is that he is not getting along well with his superior。    
      25。 A。 Mankind has never stopped his efforts to explore the (外部)world。    
      B。 With an attractive packaging; the beer which is inferior in quality looks quite    
      26。 A。 The official was sent to (设计)the work of controlling the flood in that area。    
      B。 He’s been (复习)his notes all week for the coming history examination。    
      27。 A。 He likes to wear suits made of fine cotton instead of (粗糙的)material。    
      B。 He called upon God to (诅咒)his cruel and ungrateful son。    
      28。 A。 Every one of the audience (鼓掌)when the tenor finished his song。    
      B。 Grandpa had his grandson on his (膝盖)and read him a story。    
      29。 A。 The official was arrested soon after he was found to have acomepted (贿赂)。    
      B。 The (新娘)was worried about her future the day before her marriage ceremony。    
      30。 A。 It’s (肯定的)that he’ll pass the examination。    
      B。 They asked a boy to draw the (幕布)。    
      The 2004 Olympic Games officially came to an end in Athens with a spectacular closing ceremony on August 29。 Greek music and dance kicked off an evening of celebration before the flame was extinguished and the flag lowered。 The torch has now been passed to China as Beijing prepares to host the Games in 2008。    
      1。 officially adv。 职务上,正式    
      【单词变形】official(a。 职务上的,公务的)office(n。 办公室) office building 写字楼    
      2。 spectacular a。 引人入胜的,壮观的 in a spectacular fashion 惊人地,壮观地    
      【单词变形】spectator(n。 观众)spectacle(n。 观览物)(引人入胜的东西需要观众用眼睛看),spect词根意为“看见”    
      3。 extinguish vt。 熄灭,消灭 to extinguish a fire灭火    
      What has to be broken before it can be used?    

unit 1 同形异义词辨析(10天)Day 6

      1。 The work was almost complete when we received orders to no further with it。 (2003。06)    
      A) progress B) proceed C) march D) promote    
      2。 It was the first time that such a had to be taken at a British nuclear power station。 (2004。06)    
      A) presentation B) precaution     
      C) preparation D) prediction    
      3。 Many a player who had been highly thought of has from the tennis scene。 (2003。12)    
      A) disposed B) disappeared    
      C) discouraged D) discarded    
      4。 They were admission to the military exhibition because they were foreigners。 (2003。09)    
      A) denied B) declined C) deprived D) rejected    
      5。 The twentieth century has witnessed an enormous worldwide political; economic and cultural 。 (2002。01)    
      A) transmission B) transformation    
      C) tradition D) transportation    
      1。 【B】    
      前缀pro…=for; before; forth; forward,有“向前,事先”之意。…gress词根意为“走”,pro (forward) +gress (to walk) =进步,前进,pro (forward) +mote (to move) =升迁;支援;促进(向前移动),pro (forward) + ceed (to go) = 继续进行;开始(往前),所以正确答案为B,题目译文为“当我们收到不必继续进行时,该工作即告结束。”    
      2。 【B】    
      前缀pre =before; pre (before) + sent(being存在)= 现在的(在眼前),precaution 预防(事前的准备),pre (before) + pare (to get ready) = 准备,dict=to say; prediction意为“事先说,预测”。所以此题选B,题目译文为“那是第一次要在英国核能源站不得不采取这种预防措施。”    
      3。 【B】    
      前缀dis…=apart; away; dis… (apart) + pose (to place) = 陈列,排列,处置(个别放置),dis… (to deprive of) + courage = 使气馁,使沮丧(剥夺勇气);discard,掷出无用的纸牌,抛弃,丢掉之意。B)为正确选项,题目译文为“许多呼声甚高的球员在网球场上没出现。”    
      4。 【A】    
      de…=down; downward;deny意为“否认,拒绝”,deny sth to sb; de…+prive (private) = 剥夺,使丧失,常考搭配:deprive of; de…+cline (to bend) = 下降,下垂;reject意为“拒绝,抵制,否决”。正确答案为A,题目译文为“因为他们是外国人,所以他们不允许进入军事展览。”    
      5。 【B】    
      trans=beyond; across; over; transmission,传输,传达;transformation,变形,变质;trans… (across) +port (to carry) +tion(名词后缀)=输送,运送。所以正确答案为B,题目译文为“20世纪见证了一次全球性的政治、经济、文化的变革。”    
      1。 pro…=for; before; forth; forward    
      proceed vi。 进行,继续下去【pro…+ceed (to go) = 往前】    
      produce vt。 提出,出示,生产,制造【pro…+duce (to lead) =向前引出】    
      profess v。 表示【pro…+fess (to acknowledge)=公开承认】    
      progress vi。 前进,进步,进行【pro…+gress (to walk) =向前进】    
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