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unit 1 收得领地Day 6 牛刀小试——关键词类概述

      M: How about the food I ordered? I’ve been waiting for 20 minutes already。    
      W: I’m very sorry; sir。 I will be back with your order in a minute。    
      Q: What’s the woman’s job?    
      A) A shop assistant B) A telephone operator    
      C) A waitress D) A clerk    
      【解析】 在原文播放之前,应扩展联想到有关shop assistant、telephone operator、waitress、clerk四种职业的词汇如(food; order; number; shop; hotel等),为选择正确答案作好充分准备。抓住原文中关键信息词order、wait,可推断出场景发生在餐厅,女士谈话的语气和用词“sorry sir”来分析其职业为服务员。选择C。    
      W: I often mistake Tim for Bob。 Can you tell them apart?    
      M: No; they look so much alike that they even confused their mother sometimes when they were young。    
      Q: What is the probable relationship between Tim and Bob?    
      A) They are twins B) They are classmates    
      C) They are friends D) They are colleagues    
      【解析】 你的脑海中是否对twins、classmates、friends、colleagues积累了足够的信息词汇尤其重要(alike; homework; job等)。女士经常把Tim 和Bob认错,并问男士有什么区别(apart),抓住男士回答的信息词look alike、their mother不难判断其关系是双胞胎。所以答案是A。    
      M: Oh; dear! I’m starving; I can’t walk any farther。 (2001。6)    
      W: Let’s go to the restaurant across the street and get something to eat。    
      Q: Where are the two people?    
      A) At home B) In a restaurant    
      C) In a car D) On the street    
      【解析】 注意选项中的有关home、restaurant、car、street关键词汇来判断正确答案。原文中的walk; across the street是本题的关键信息词,所以选择D。同样提到的starving、restaurant是他们将要去的地方(小陷阱咯!),而不是现在的所在处。    
      1。 A) In the woman’s department。 B) In a department。    
      C) On the third floor。 D) At a man’s store。    
      2。 A) A railway porter。 B) A telephone operator。    
      C) A bus conductor。 D) A postal clerk。    
      3。 A) Driver and passenger。 B) Policeman and driver。    
      C) Customer and waitress。 D) Teacher and student。    
      4。 A) A Policeman。 B) A driver。    
      C) A boss。 D) A teacher。    
      5。 A) Manager and clerk。 B) Director and secretary。    
      C) Professor and student。 D) Father and daughter。    
      1。 【选B】原文重现    
      W: I’d like to buy a new dress。    
      M: The women’s department is up on the second floor; Madam。    
      Q: Where is this conversation taking place?    
      2。 【选D】原文重现 1997。6    
      W: Excuse me; sir。 I’m going to send this parcel to London; What’s the postage for it?    
      M: Let me see。 It’s one pound and fifty。    
      Q: Who is the woman most probably speaking to?    
      3。 【选A】原文重现    
      W: I’m going to Wood Street; but I don’t know where it is。    
      M: Don’t worry; I’ll tell you where to get off。    
      Q: What is the most likely relationship between the two speakers?    
      4。 【选A】原文重现    
      M: Miss; don’t you know it’s forbidden to talk on your cell phone?    
      W: Sorry; sir。 I won’t do that again。    
      Q: What might the man be?    
      5。 【选C】原文重现    
      W: When should I hand in my term paper; sir?    
      M: Since it must be a type…written one with 30 pages; you can hand it in next month。    
      Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?    

unit 1 收得领地Day 7 职业身份题

    ① 老师与学生(teacher and students)    
    homework作业 textbook课本 hand in交 page页    
    lecture讲座 take course上课 pass通过 fail不及格    
    mark分数 read读 write写 recite背诵    
    type打字 score分数 tuition学费    
    ② 医生与病人(doctor and patient)    
    fever发烧 headache头疼 cough咳嗽 toothache牙痛    
    hurt伤 prescription药方 pills药片 have a rest休息    
    stay in bed卧床 operation手术    
    ③ 售货员与顾客(assistants and shoppers)    
    on sale减价 cheap便宜 expensive昂贵 fit well合适    
    fashion流行 new style新款式 color颜色 size尺寸    
    customer顾客 bargain还价 cashier(商店)出纳    
    discount打折 receipt收据    
    ④ 侍者和客人(waiters and customers)    
    menu菜单 order订 bill账单 tip小费    
    wine葡萄酒 juice汁 dessert甜点心 hamburger汉堡    
    coffee咖啡 salad沙拉 steak牛排 soup汤    
    sandwich三明治 brandy白兰地酒 whisky威士忌酒    
    ⑤ 邮局、银行职员和顾客(clerks and clients)    
    letter信 mail邮件 zip code邮政编码 postcard明信片    
    postage邮费 stamp邮票 deposit存放 check支票    
    loan贷款 currency货币 credit card信用卡 acomount账目    
    cash现金 exchange rate汇率    
    ⑥ 老板和秘书(boss and secretary)    
    schedule时间表 appointment约会 type打字 letter信件    
    fill in form填表 file文件 fax传真    
    ⑦ 图书馆管理员和学生(library staff and student)    
    book shelf书架 novel小说 periodical杂志 borrow借    
    renew续借 return还 overdue到期未付 on time按时    
    ⑧ 司机和乘客(driver and passenger)    
    taxi出租车 fare车费 get off下车 get on上车    
    change零钱 station车站 stop停    
    ① Who is the woman most probably speaking to?    
    ② What’s the man’s job?    
    ③ What does the woman probably do?    
    ④ What is the profession of the man?    
    【例1】  1997。6    
    W: Excuse me; sir。 I’m going to send this parcel to London。 What’s the postage for it?    
    M: Let me see。 It’s one pound and fifty。    
    Q: Who is the woman most probably speaking to?    
    A) A railway porter B) A bus conductor     
    C) A taxi driver D) A postal clerk    
    【解析】  提前对四个选项(railway porter、bus conductor、taxi driver、postal clerk)积累相关词汇,再来听一听,你会发现本题关键信息词send this parcel; postage可推断出对话的场景是在邮局,所以男士的身份是D选项a postal clerk。    
    M: Here is a prescription for some pills。 Come back and see me if you still don’t feel well。    
    W: Thank you very much for seeing me。    
    Q: What’s the man’s job?    
    A) Patient B) Doctor    
    C) Pharmacist D) Physicist    
    【解析】  通过四个选项不难发现这题肯定是考有关于病的职业,patient、doctor是常见的对应考点,极有可能答案在这两个选项里面,考生一定要听清问的是谁的职业,不要张冠李戴。    
    这位男士提到prescription for some pills(药方),并且后面的语气see me if you still don’t feel well(如果不舒服再来找我),很明显man的身份是医生B。    
    1。 A) He is a newsman。 B) He is a mathematician。     
    C) He is an engineer。 D) He is a teacher。    
    2。 A) Travel agency clerk。 B) Office secretary。    
    C) Hotel receptionist。 D) Hotel manager。    
    3。 A) A driver。 B) A car saleswoman。     
    C) A customs official。 D) A receptionist。    
    4。 A) A policewoman。 B) An acomountant。    
    C) A salesman。 D) A bank teller。    
    5。 A) A pilot。 B) Office worker。    
    C) A driver。 D) A police woman。    
    6。 A) A reporter B) A student    
    C) A teacher D) A historian    
    7。 A) A cashier B) A customer C) Her friend D) A driver    
    8。 A) Patient B) Mechanic C) Surgeon D) Dentist    
    9。 A) A salesman B) A guest C) A manager D) A waiter    
    10。A) A secretary B) A boss    
    C) A teacher D) A student    
    1。 【选A】原文重现    
    M: I thought Tim majored in mathematics in college。 Now he’s just found a new job as a journalist in a news agency?    
    W: That’s true。 After working as an engineer for three years; he changed his major。    
    Q: What is Tim’s job now?    
    2。 【选C】原文重现    
    M: Excuse me; Do you have a single room with a bath for tonight?    
    W: Just a second; sir。 Sorry; I’m afraid that we haven’t any singles left; but we could let you have a twin…bed room for the same price。    
    Q: What is the woman’s job?    
    3。 【选B】原文重现    
    M: Hello; this is John。 Smith。 May I speak to my sister Joy; please?    
    W: I’m sorry; she has just gone out with one of her customers to show her a new car。    
    Q: What kind of work does Joy do?    
    go out  出去 go over  过一遍,复习    
    go against  违反;反对;不利于 go down  下去;(船等)下沉    
    4。 【选D】原文重现    
    W: I need two IDs and your acomount number before I can cash your check; sir。    
    M: Sure; here’s my passport and driver’s license。 And my acomount number is on this card。    
    Q: What does the woman probably do?    
    5。 【选C】原文重现    
    M: Can you speed up a little? I’ll be late for my flight。    
    W: Take it easy; sir。 Everything will be fine; we’ll make it on time。    
    Q: What is the woman?    
    speed up  使加速,增加速度    
    6。 【选B】原文重现    
    M: Are there any more questions on this lesson? Yes; Catherine?    
    W: Dr。 Smith; who do you think will win the battle?    
    Q: Who most probably is Catherine?    
    7。 【选A】原文重现    
    W: That’s 8。50; and 7% sales tax。 Total; 9。09; sir。    
    M: Here’s a 10 bill。    
    Q: Whom is the man talking to?    
    8。 【选C】原文重现    
    W: Can you come to my birthday party tonight; Uncle Brown?    
    M: I’d love to; but I can’t。 I’ll be
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