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    nest to follow its mother about。              
    4。 Down jumped was the burglar from the tenth floor when the    
    policeman pointed his pistol at him。              
    5。 Most of his classmates agree with the opinion that bad as he is;     
    but he has his good points。              
    6。 Not until have I passed the examination will I be able to go out     
    to parties。              
    7。 Not only the student disturb the authority of the older     
    generation he can threaten the social system as a whole。              
    8。 No fewer than one thousand people did come here to attend the     
    9。 We had hardly arrived when does she started crying to go home。              
    10。 No sooner had he drunk the coffee when he began to feel drowsy。             
    1。 they had—had they 2。 we should—should we   3。 it leaves—does it leave    
    4。 去掉was 5。 去掉but   6。 have I—I have    
    7。 only后加does 8。 did come—came   9。 去掉does    
    10。 when—than    
    1。 英勇无畏式    
    Nothing in life is to be feared。 It is only to be understood。 (Marie Curie)    
    【点评】这句话可用于提出问题的解决方法,比如说关于“global shortage of fresh water”,在提到如何应对时,不妨说:    
    Famous scientist Marie Curie once said; “Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood。” In the same ways; once we understand the causes of this phenomenon; we can confidently believe that we will solve the problem with the following means。    
    2。 热情无限式    
    A man can sucomeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm。     
    (C。 M。 Schwab)    
    3。 理想远大式    
    The important thing in life is to have a great aim; and also the determination to attain it。 (Goethe)    
    【点评】我们可以从歌德的话语里面,学到一个很好的句型:The important thing is to…; 不妨进一步学一个四级里面另两个更受欢迎的句型:    
    (1) Nothing is + (adj)。er than to + V。 + …    
    Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V。 + …    
    【例】Nothing is more important than to receive education。  没有比接受教育更重要的事。    
    (2) What a + adj。 + n。 + S。 + V。!= How + adj。 + a + n。 + V。!(多么…!)    
    What an important thing it is to keep our promise!    
    How important a thing it is to keep our promise!    
    1。 The narrator may be right about…; but he  neglects  to  mention        the fact    
    2。  As opposed to   widely     held  beliefs   ; I  believe   that…    
    3。 Although many people believe that…; I  doubt   whether the argument holds up to much  analysis            。    
    4。 The advantages of B  outweigh any benefit we could gain from  A。    
    5。 Although it is  commonly   held      that…; it is unlikely that…    
    6。 There is an element of truth in this  argument    ; but it ignores a deeper and more    
    basic        fact    that…    
    7。  It is true that  …; but  that is not to say    that…    
    True              it is unlikely    
    To be sure         it doesn’t follow    
    Admittedly          that doesn’t mean    
                        it won’t be the case    
    8。 The  main    problem  with  this  argument is that it is ignorant of         the    
     basic        fact that…    
    9。 It would be  natural     to  think         that…; but it would be  absurd  to     
    claim  that…    
    10。 In all the discussion and debate over…; one  important  fact is generally    
    overlooked         : …    

UNIT 1 基本技能篇(15天)Day 2 强调句

    强 调 句    
    It is universally acknowledged that + 句子(全世界都知道…)    
    It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us。  全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的。    
    It is…that + 句子…构成强调句型(The Emphatic Pattern)    
    英语常用的强调结构是“It is/was+被强调部分(主语、宾语或状语)+ who(that)…”。一般说来,被强调部分指人时,用who;指事物时,用that;在美国英语中指事物时常用which来代替that。    
    It is conceivable that + 句子(可想而知的)    
    It is obvious that + 句子(明显的)    
    It is apparent that + 句子(显然的)    
    It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life。  可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色。    
    1。 简介    
    (1) 一般情况用It is (was)…that (who)…,指人时,用who;指物时,用that。    
    He read three books in the library yesterday。(正常句子)    
    It was he who read three books in the library yesterday。(强调主语)    
    It was three books that he read in the library yesterday。(强调宾语)    
    It was in the library that he read three books yesterday。(强调地点状语)    
    (2) 强调状语或定语时,只用that,不用when、where,如:    
    It is at 5 o’clock that the train will arrive。    
    (3) 被强调的部分是主语时,注意句子的谓语动词和被强调的主语保持一致。如:    
    It is he who is late。    
    It is they who were late。    
    (4) 一般疑问句的强调句为“Is (was) it + that…?”;特殊疑问句为:“特殊疑问词+ is (was) +it +that…?”结构。如:    
    Was it ten years ago that his father died?(他的父亲是十年前去世的吗?)    
    When is it that you will set off?(你到底什么时候出发?)    
    (5)“not…until…”句型的强调结构为“It is not until…that…”应注意把否定词not转移到until前面。如:    
    I didn’t go home until the rain stopped。(直到雨停了我才回家)。    
    强调句为:It was not until the rain stopped that I went home。    
    I didn’t know the news until yesterday。(直到昨天我才知道那个消息)    
    强调句为:It was not until yesterday that I knew the news。    
    2。 四级必考套句学习    
    (1) It is the responsibility of       to do sth。     
    It is the responsibility of every citizen in our society to do his utmost to protect the environment。     
    (2) It is the       ; I suppose; that havehas given rise to       。     
    【分析】该强调句型强调句子主语,I suppose作为插入语。这是一个很好掌握的四级长句,在作文中需要分析原因时,可以用它阐述自己的看法。    
    It is the tighter job market; I suppose; that has given rise to the increase in the number of unemployed college students in China。     
    (3) It is only when       that       。    
    It is only when you nearly lose someone that you become fully conscious of how much you value him。    
    A。 翻译    
    1。 直到最后一刻,我才得知事情的传闻。    
    2。 他是否接受我的观点,我并不在乎。    
    3。 我不应干预此类事。    
    4。 在拥挤的公交车上抽烟,是不礼貌的行为。    
    5。 爱迪生是位真正的天才,这是不容置疑的。    
    6。 直到他走进教室,才意识到忘了做家庭作业。    
    7。 在我们家,饭前洗手是每个人的习惯。    
    8。 一个人应该精读一门,博览各科。    
    9。 她觉得回复这封信,是她应尽的责任。    
    10。 大多数年轻人都认为过轻松不用努力的生活是最好的,这是令人遗憾的事。    
    1。 It was at the eleventh hour that I got wind of what was going on。    
    2。 It does not matter whether he acomepts my opinions or not。    
    3。 It is not my place to interfere in such affairs。    
    4。 It is impolite behavior to smoke in a crowded bus。    
    5。 It is undeniable that Edison was a genius in the truest sense of the word。    
    6。 It was not until he entered the classroom that he realized he had forgotten to do the homework。    
    7。 In our home it is a rigid rule for each person to wash his hands before eating。    
    8。 It is wise to read everything about something and something about everything。    
    9。 She felt it incumbent upon her to answer the letter at once。    
    10。 It is to be regretted that the majority of young people should look upon an effortless life as the highest good。    
    B。 改错    
    1。 It is she which I think is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen。             
    2。 There is an old saying which says; “Great oaks from little acorns    
    3。 It is in the park which they’ll take a picnic。              
    4。 It is believed which the earliest feature of chronic bronchitis is    
    excessive secretion from the mucous glands and goblet call。              
    5。 It is one of his peculiarities that no incident ever happens to him    
    that without teaching him some valuable lesson。              
    6。 It is an error to suppose which the public is indifferent or unable    
    to understand the problems of religion and philosophy。              
    7。 It is wrong to acomuse a person
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