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sed to support a ban on these weapons。 Angry politicians launched an attack on the Princess in the press。 They described her as “very ill…informed” and a “loose cannon(乱放炮的人)。”    
      The Princess responded by brushing aside the criticisms: “This is a distraction(干扰)we do not need。 All I’m trying to do is help。”    
      Opposition parties; the media and the public immediately voiced their support for the Princess。 To make matters worse for the government; it soon emerged that the Princess’s trip had been approved by the Foreign Office; and that she was in fact very well…informed about both the situation in Angola and the British government’s policy regarding landmines。 The result was a severe embarrassment for the government。    
      To try and limit the damage; the Foreign Secretary; Malcolm Rifkind; claimed that the Princess’s views on landmines were not very different from government policy; and that it was “working towards” a worldwide ban。 The Defence Secretary; Michael Portillo; claimed the matter was “a misinterpretation or misunderstanding。”    
      For the Princess; the trip to this war…torn country was an excellent opportunity to use her popularity to show the world how much destruction and suffering landmines can cause。 She said that the experience had also given her the chance to get closer to people and their problems。    
      21。 Princess Diana paid a visit to Angola in 1997 。    
      A)to clarify the British government’s stand on landmines    
      B) to establish her image as a friend of landmine victims    
      C) to investigate the sufferings of landmine victims there    
      D) to voice her support for a total ban of landmines    
      22。 What did Diana mean when she said “。。。 putting a face to those figures brought the reality home to me” (Line 5; Para。 1)?    
      A) Meeting the landmine victims in person made her believe the statistics。    
      B) She just couldn’t bear to meet the landmine victims face to face。    
      C) The actual situation in Angola made her feel like going back home。    
      D) Seeing the pain of the victims made her realize the seriousness of the situation。    
      23。 Some members of the British government criticized Diana because 。    
      A) she had not consulted the government before the visit    
      B) she was ill…informed of the government’s policy    
      C) they were actually opposed to banning landmines    
      D) they believed that she had misinterpreted the situation in Angola    
      24。 How did Diana respond to the criticisms?    
      A) She made more appearances on TV。    
      B) She paid no attention to them。    
      C) She rose to argue with her opponents。    
      D) She met the 13…year…old girl as planned。    
      25。 What did Princess Diana think of her visit to Angola?    
      A) It had caused embarrassment to the British government。    
      B) It had greatly promoted her popularity。    
      C) It had brought her closer to the ordinary people。    
      D) It had affected her relations with the British government。    
      为了消除这一不良影响,外交部Malcolm Rifkind发表声明,王妃对地雷的观点和政府的政策基本一致,政府正致力于在全世界范围内废除地雷。国防部长Michael Portillo声明这件事仅仅是误解或者说是误会。    
      21。【题目译文】戴安娜王妃1997年出访安哥拉的目的是 。    
      【答案解析】D。根据文章第一段第一句“It came as something of a surprise when Diana Princess of Wales; made a trip to Angola in 1997; to support the Red Cross’s campaign for a total ban on all anti…personnel landmines”,可得出答案是D。    
      22。【题目译文】戴安娜王妃说:“Putting a face to those figures brought the reality home to me”是什么意思?    
      【答案解析】D。根据上下文,文章第一段第三句,即她说:“我知道这些统计数据,但面对那些面孔,使我更身临其境。比如说我碰到了一名叫桑德拉的13岁的小女孩,她失去了一条腿,还有很多这样的人们。”statistics后面but 的转折以及like的运用和句中举到的受伤小女孩的例子都表示出D项的意思。    
      23。【题目译文】部分英国政府官员批评戴安娜王妃是因为 。    
      【答案解析】C。根据文章第三段第一句,即“但回到伦敦后,她的观点受到了一些拒绝废除地雷的英政府成员的反对”可得出答案C。另外,我们从第五段第二句“it soon emerged that the princess’s trip had been approved by the Foreign Office; and that she was in fact very well…informed about both the situation in Angola and the British government’s policy regarding landmines”即“事实表明王妃的行程已被外交部批准,实际上她是非常了解安哥拉的情况和英国政府对地雷的政策方针的。”可排除其他三项。    
      【答案解析】B。文章的第四段中有一个直接相关的句子“The princess responded by brushing aside the criticisms”即“王妃以漠视来回应这些批评”。短语动词brush aside意为“置之不理;漠视”和pay no attention to是同义词组,因此答案是B。    

unit 1 总论Day 2 题型及应对策略一(主旨题)

      The passage is mainly about _____。    
      Which of the following expresses the main idea of the passage?    
      What is the general topic of the passage?    
      The author is mainly concerned with _____。    
      The main theme of the passage is ______。    
      Paragraph 2 is mainly about _____。    
      Which of the following best summarizes the author’s opinion?    
      What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?    
      The best title of this passage is _____。    
      Sport is not only physically challenging; but it can also be mentally challenging。 Criticism from coaches; parents; and other teammates; as well as pressure to win can create an excessive amount of anxiety or stress for young athletes(运动员)。 Stress can be physical; emotional; or psychological and research has indicated that it can lead to burnout。 Burnout has been described as dropping or quitting of an activity that was at one time enjoyable。    
      The early years of development are critical years for learning about oneself。 The sport setting is one where valuable experiences can take place。 Young athletes can; for example; learn how to cooperate with others; make friends; and gain other social skills that will be used throughout their lives。 Coaches and parents should be aware; at all times; that their feedback to youngsters can greatly affect their children。 Youngsters may take their parents’ and coaches’ criticisms to heart and find a flaw(缺陷)in themselves。    
      Coaches and parents should also be cautious that youth sport participation does not become work for children。 The outcome of the game should not be more important than the process of learning the sport and other life lessons。 In today’s youth sport setting; young athletes may be worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport。 Following a game; many parents and coaches focus on the outcome and find fault with youngsters’ performances。 Positive reinforcement should be provided regardless of the outcome。 Research indicates that positive reinforcement motivates and has a greater effect on learning than criticism。 Again; criticism can create high levels of stress; which can lead to burnout。    
      Some pessimistic experts feel that the automobile is bound to fall into disuse。 They see a day in the not…too…distant future when all autos will be abandoned and allowed to rust。 Other authorities; however; think the auto is here to stay。 They hold that the car will remain a leading means of urban travel in the foreseeable future。    
      The motorcar will undoubtedly change significantly over the next 30 years。 It should become smaller; safer; and more economical; and should not be powered by the gasoline engine。 The car of the future should be far more pollution…free than present types。    
      Regardless of its power source; the auto in the future will still be the main problem in urban traffic congestion(拥挤)。 One proposed solution to this problem is the automated highway system。    
      When the auto enters the highway sy
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