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      47。 We never that John would become a doctor。    
       A) respected B) wondered C) suspected D) estimated    
      48。 Heavy taxed are on wines imported from the other countries。    
       A) imposed B) impacted C) dispose D) compact    
      49。 This factory is planning to build a new line this year。    
       A) resemble B) assembly C) collection D) assessment    
      50。 He his sucomess to the good education he has received。    
       A) distributes B) contributes C) attributes D) owns    
      51。 They spent many years for oil in this small island。    
       A) exploring B) exploding C) exposing D) exploiting    
      52。 We can’t the fact that we are still a developing country。    
       A) ignore B) neglect C) imagine D) impress    
      53。 Can you the man who robbed you of your watch?    
       A) illustrate B) exhibit C) damage D) identify    
      54。 This rock has to be in order to build a road。    
       A) blasted B) explored C) splited D) cracked    
      55。 He did not go to the party last night; which her feelings deeply。    
       A) wounded B) injured C) hurt D) injury    
      56。 When they returned to the river; they found that the boat had away。    
       A) framed B) frosted C) frowned D) floated    
      57。 If you need further information; please our office。    
       A) detach B) construct C) contact D) contain    
      58。 The light is too for me to read。 I can not stand any more。    
       A) bright B) ripe C) slim D) dim    
      59。 The water from the tap and damaged all the books in my study。    
       A) sprayed B) puzzled C) inclined D) exported    
      60。 He gave up his study in college in 。    
       A) relief B) eager C) anxious D) despair    
      61。 Several people the car acomident。    
      A) witnessed B) viewed C) glimpsed D) glanced    
      62。 He was sent to London on a special 。    
       A) missing B) missile C) mission D) mistress    
      63。 Our university has an international student exchange with the University of Wyoming in the United States。    
       A) procession B) provision C) profession D) program    
      64。 three times in a row; the boxer decide to give up fighting。    
       A) Having defeated B) To have defeated    
       C) Having been defeated D) To have been defeated    
      65。 As far as I see; this book has its own 。    
       A) merit B) signal C) feature D) characteritic    
      66。 This tree is too to be planted in this area。    
       A) tremendous B) slender C) mild D) tender    
      67。 Professor Li his sucomess to his mother。    
       A) owns B) ruins C) owes D) roars    
      68。 The election for the State governor has begun this year。    
       A) campaign B) combat C) conflict D) battle    
      69。 It took me a long time to the disappointment of losing the match。。    
       A) get through B) get over C) get off D) get down    
      70。 Anyone without illness can do this simple job。    
       A) mild B) mind C) mental D) mend    
      Part IV Translation    
      Directions: The five sentences below are chosen from the Reading Comprehension。 Translate these sentences into Chinese acomording to the texts。    
      1。 In a society where people are quite similar in many ways; there are fewer ocomasions for people to see the need or the opportunity for change because everything seems to be the same。    
      2。 This is one reason why change has not come more quickly to black Americans as compared to other American minorities; because of the sharp difference in appearance between them and their white counterparts。    
      3。 They cannot move about or take shelter but must be equipped to endure whatever weather conditions are likely to ocomur。    
      4。 As oil prices rise; the critics say; the oil companies will make more and more money — windfall profits — without doing a thing to earn the extra cash。    
      5。 If consumers consider the quality of the insurance plans as well as the message in the ads; they will benefit from the advertising。    
      Part V Writing (30 minutes)    
      Directions: The following table shows the Candidates and Passers of the Post…graduate Entrance Examination in city X of China the past 5 years。 Write a composition of about 120…150 words within 30 minutes。    
      Candidates and Passers of the Post…graduate Entrance Examination in city X    
      Year 2002 2003 2004 2005    
      Candidates 24000 25700 32000 42800    
      Passers 12700 13000 13400 14200    

Unit 1 攻克堡垒(Day1…10)Day 1

     1。 alter '5C:ltE'    
    What do people think of the suggestion of using nuclear weapons to alter the course of asteroids?(2002。6)    
    【全真测试】A。 违反  B。 改变  C。 偏离    
    【译    文】人们是如何看待用核武器来改变行星轨道的建议的?    
    【四级词义】v。 改变,改动,变更    
    【巧    记】alt(n。 高音)+er(名词后缀)=要想将歌曲唱好,就要经常在高音处做改变。    
    【猜 一 猜】① alterable  ② alternate  ③ alteration  ④   alternative    
    【Key】① adj。 可改变的,可改动的(…able可……,能……)    
    ② v。 使交替,使轮流  adj。 交替的,轮流的(…ate动词后缀)    
    ③ n。 改变,变动(…ation名词后缀)    
    ④ adj。 两者挑一的(…ative形容词后缀)    
     2。 burst 'bE:st'      
    We all burst into laughter and decided to forget it!(2002。1)    
    【全真测试】A。 爆炸  B。 突然……(突然地发声或表达)  C。 爆发    
    【译    文】我们都突然大笑起来,并打算忘记它。    
    【四级词义】vi。 & n。 ① 爆裂  ② 突然发生(突然地发声或表达)    
    【常用词组】burst into tears  突然大哭    
    【词性变化】n。 突然破裂,爆发  a burst of laughter  突发的笑声    
    【猜 一 猜】词组:迸发;突然发作,应是burst和哪个介词构成?    
    A。 in    B。 at    C。 out    
    【Key】C 因为out是“外”的意思,所以向外burst一定是迸发;突然发作。    
    【例    句】They burst out laughing。  他们突然大笑起来。    
     3。 blast 'blB:st  blAst'      
    To make the tunnel; engineers will have to blast through solid rock。    
    【全真测试】A。 消灭  B。 一阵(风)  C。 爆炸    
    【译    文】为了开通隧道,工程师们将炸通硬岩石层。    
    【四级词义】vi。 炸,炸掉,毁灭    
    【巧    记】b+last(最后的)=b是最后被炸掉的一股气流。    
    【词性变化】n。 爆炸;气流    
     4。 dispose 'di5spEuz'      
    He disposed of the problem quickly。    
    【全真测试】A。 排除  B。 放弃  C。 解决    
    【译    文】他很快地解决了这个问题    
    【四级词义】vi。 除掉;处置;解决;处理    
    【巧    记】dis…(不)+ pose(姿势)=照相当然要摆个好(pose)姿势,不好的(dis)姿势(pose)就要解决,处理掉。    
    【例    句】Man proposes; God disposes。  谋事在人,成事在天。    
    【常用词组】dispose of  处理安排;排列;安放  I have disposed of my old books。  我已处理了我的旧书。    
    【猜 一 猜】① expose  ② impose     
    【Key】① vt。(ex…)出,外面,把你的姿势(pose)放在外面就是“使暴露,使曝光”  v。 揭露    
    ② v。(im…)使,强迫使你摆出各种姿势(pose),强加,强迫,施影响。    
     5。 consume 'kEn5sju:m'    
    They consume around 40 terawatt hours of electricity in the US every year。    
    【全真测试】A。 处理  B。 消耗  C。 破坏    
    【译    文】在美国,他们每年大约消耗40太瓦的电。    
    【四级词义】v。 消耗,耗尽    
    【巧    记】con…(共同的)+sum(一笔钱)+e(一下子)=共同的一笔钱(e)一下子消耗,耗尽。    
    【词义扩展】v。 吃完,喝光。  She consumed all the fruit on the table。  她吃完了桌上所有的水果。    
    【猜 一 猜】consumer    
     6。 split 'split'    
    My trousers split when I sat down。    
    【全真测试】A。 破坏  B。 卷起  C。 (使)裂开    
    【译    文】当我坐下时,裤子被撕开了。    
    【四级词义】v。 (splitting; split) 劈开;割裂;分裂    
    【词性变化】n。 裂口,裂缝  a split in my trousers  我裤子上的一个口子    
     7。 spit 'spit'      
    If I were a cloud; I would spit out the thinnest thread to weave a web in the field。    
    【全真测试】A。 吐出  B。 扔  C。 洒    
    【译    文】假如我是一朵云,我就要吐出最细的雨丝,让它在田野上织一张网。    
    【四级词义】v。 (spitting; spat或spit)  吐,吐出    
    【巧    记】s+pit(坑)= 我使劲(s)地把口水吐到坑(pit)里。    
    【词性变化】n。 口水    
    【词义扩展】(如果吐出来的是语言)即突然说出  He spat out an insult and hurt her feelings。  他突然口出恶语,让她十分伤心。    
     8。 spill 'spil'      
    One is not supposed to cry over spilled milk。    
    【全真测试】A。 保存  B。 分开  C。 洒    
    【译    文】对着已经洒了的牛奶哭是无济于事的。    
    【四级词义】v。 (spilling; spilt或spilled)洒,使溢出,溅出,倒出    
    【巧    记】sp+ill=只有撕破(sp)了的(ill)坏的东西才被倒出来。    
     9。 slip 'slip'    
    Along the long way of changing; you may ocomasionally slip and fall。 You have to learn to face failures; for the road to sucomess is full of ups and downs。    
    【全真测试】A。 闪开  B。 滑倒  C。 忽略    
    【译    文】在不断变化的路途中,你偶尔可能会滑倒,会跌倒,你必须学会面对失败,因为成功的路上充满了起起落落。    
    【四级词义】v。 (slipping; slipped) ① 滑动,滑倒  ② 滑落;跌跤    
    【巧    记】s+lip(嘴唇)=有S型嘴唇的鱼是海洋中滑动最快的鱼。    
    【词义扩展】(在你不经意时说出的或有错误的东西)即“口误,笔误”;(谈话或写作中的)小错误或疏忽  a slip of the tongue  口误    
    【猜 一 猜】① slipper  ② slippery     
    【Key】① n。 拖鞋  ② adj。 滑的    
     10。 slide'slaid'      
    The saddles are either further fixed so that the cables may slide over them; remounted on rollers so that they move with any movement of the cables。    
    【全真测试】A。 走动  B。 (使)滑动  C。 飞奔    
    【译    文】鞍座可以是固定的,这样钢缆可以在它上面滑动,也可以安装在滚柱上,这样鞍座就会随钢缆的移动而移动。    
    【四级词义】v。 (sliding; slid)(使
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