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ummary of the last several years of my life。 I remember a day on Kelvin's Cairn; looking out over the tundra of Icewind Dale; when young Wulfgar and I spotted the campfires of his nomadic people。 That was the moment when Wulfgar and I truly became friends; the moment when we came to learn that; for all the other uncertainties in both our lives; we would have each other。

I remember the white dragon; Icingdeath; and the giant…kin; Biggrin; and how; without heroic Wulfgar at my side; I would have perished in either of those fights。 I remember; too; sharing the victories with my friend; our bond of trust and love tightening—close; but never unfortable。

I was not there when he fell; could not lend him the support he certainly would have lent me。

I could not say 〃Farewell!〃

When I die; will I be alone? If not for the weapons of monsters or the clutch of disease; I surely will outlive Catti…brie and Regis; even Bruenor。 At this time in my life I do firmly believe that; no matter who else might be beside me; if those three were not; I would indeed die alone。

These thoughts are not so dark。 I have said farewell to Wulfgar a thousand times。 I have said it every time I let him know how dear he was to me; every time my words or actions affirmed our love。 Farewell is said by the living; in life; every day。 It is said with love and friendship; with the affirmation that the memories are lasting if the flesh is not。

Wulfgar has found another place; another life—I have to believe that; else what is the point of existence?

My very real grief is for me; for the loss I know I will feel to the end of my days; however many centuries have passed。 But within that loss is a serenity; a divine calm。 Better to have known Wulfgar and shared those very events that now fuel my grief; than never to have walked beside him; fought beside him; looked at the world through his crystal…blue eyes。

When I die 。 。 。 may there be friends who will grieve for me; who will carry our shared joys and pains; who will carry my memory。

This is the immortality of the spirit; the ever…lingering legacy; the fuel of grief 。 But so; too; the fuel of faith

—Drizzt Do'Urden

Chapter 20


Dust continued to settle in the wide chamber; dulling the flickering light; one of the torches had been extinguished beneath a falling chunk of I stone; its glow snuffed out in the blink of an eye。 Snuffed out like the light in Wulfgar's eyes。 When the rumbling finally stopped; when the larger pieces of collapsed ceiling settled; Catti…brie turned herself about and managed to sit up; facing the rubble…filled alcove。 She wiped the dirt from her eyes; blinked through the gloom for several long moments before the grim truth of the scene registered fully。

The monster's one visible tentacle; still wrapped about the young woman's ankle; had been cleanly severed; its back edge; near the rubble; twitching reflexively。

Beyond it there was only piled rock。 The enormity of the situation overwhelmed Catti…brie。 She swayed to the side; nearly swooned; finding her strength only when a burst of anger and denial welled up within her。 She tore her feet free of the tentacle and scrambled ahead on all fours。 She tried to stand; but her head throbbed; keeping her low。 Again came the wave of weak nausea; the invitation to fall back into unconsciousness。


Catti…brie crawled on; slapped aside the twitching tentacle; and began digging into the stone pile with her bare hands; scraping her skin and tearing a fingernail painfully。 How similar this collapse seemed to the one that had taken Drizzt on the panions' first crossing of Mithril Hall。 But that had been a dwarf…designed trap; a rigged fall that dropped out the floor as it had dropped out a ceiling block; sending Drizzt careening safely into a lower corridor。

This was no rigged trap; Catti…brie reminded herself; there was no chute to a lower chamber。 A soft groan; a whimper; escaped her lips and she clawed on; desperate to get Wulfgar from the crushing pile; praying that the rocks had collapsed in an angle that would allow the barbarian to survive。

Then Bruenor was beside her; dropping his axe and shield to the floor and going at the pile with abandon。 The powerful dwarf managed to move several large stones aside; but when the outer rim of the cave…in had been cleared; he stopped his work and stood staring blankly at the pile。

Catti…brie kept digging; didn't notice her father's frown。

After more than two centuries of mining; Bruenor understood the truth。 The collapse was plete。

The lad was gone。

Catti…brie continued to dig; and to sniffle; as her mind began to tell her what her heart continued to deny。

Bruenor put his hand on her arm to stop her from her pointless work; and when she looked up at him; her expression broke the tough dwarf's heart。 Her face was grime…covered。 Blood was caked on one cheek; and her hair was matted to her head。 Bruenor then saw only Catti…brie's eyes; doelike orbs of deepest blue; glistening with moisture。

Bruenor slowly shook his head。

Catti…brie fell back to a sitting position; her bleeding hands limp in her lap; her eyes unblinking。 How many times had she and her friends e so close to this final point? she wondered。 How many times had they escaped Death's greedy clutches at the last instant?

The odds had caught up to them; had caught up to Wulfgar; here and now; suddenly; without warning。

Gone was the mighty fighter; leader of his tribe; the man Catti…brie had intended to marry。 She; Bruenor; even mighty Drizzt Do'Urden; could do nothing to help him; nothing to change what had happened。

〃He saved me;〃 the young woman whispered。 Bruenor seemed not to hear her。 The dwarf continually wiped at the dust in his eyes; at the dust that collected in the large teardrops that gathered and then slipped down; streaking his dirty cheeks。 Wulfgar had been like a son to Bruenor。 The tough dwarf had taken the young Wulfgar— just a boy back then—into his home after a battle; ostensibly as a slave but in truth to teach the lad a better way。 Bruenor had molded Wulfgar into a man who could be trusted; a man of honest character。 The happiest day in the dwarf's life; even happier than the day Bruenor had reclaimed Mithril Hall; was the day Wulfgar and Catti…brie had announced they would wed。

Bruenor kicked a heavy stone; the force of his blow shifting it aside。

There lay Aegis…fang。

The brave dwarf's knees went weak at the sight of the marvelous warhammer's head; etched with the symbols of Dumathoin; a dwarven god; the Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain。 Bruenor forced deep breaths into his lungs and tried to steady himself for a long while before he could manage the strength to reach down and work the hammer free of the rubble。

It had been Bruenor's greatest creation; the epitome of his considerable smithing abilities。 He had put all of his love and skill into forging the hammer; he had made it for Wulfgar。

Catti…brie's semistoic front collapsed like the ceiling at the sight of the weapon。 Quiet sobs made her shoulders bob; and she trembled; seeming frail in the dim; dusty light。

Bruenor found his own strength in watching her display。 He reminded himself that he was the Eighth King of Mithril Hall; that he was responsible for his subjects—and for his daughter。 He slipped the precious warhammer into the strap of his traveling pack and hooked an arm under Catti…brie's shoulder; hoisting her to her feet。

〃We can't do a thing for the boy;〃 Bruenor whispered。 Catti…brie pulled away from him and moved back to the pile; growling as she tossed several smaller stones aside。 She could see the futility of it all; could see the tons of dirt and stones; many of them too large to be moved; filling the alcove。 But Catti…brie dug anyway; simply incapable of giving up on the barbarian。 No other apparent course offered any hope。

Bruenor's hands gently closed about her upper arms。

With a snarl; the young woman shrugged him away and resumed her work。

〃No!〃 Bruenor roared; and he grabbed her again; forcefully; lifting her from the ground and hauling her back from the pile。 He put her down hard; with his wide shoulders squared between her and the pile; and whichever way Catti…brie went to get around him; Bruenor shuffled to block her。

〃Ye can't do a thing!〃 he shouted into her face a dozen times。

〃I've got to try!〃 she finally pleaded with him; when it became obvious to her that Bruenor was not going to let her back to the digging。

Bruenor shook his head—only the tears in his dark eyes; his obvious distress; prevented Catti…brie from punching him in the face。 She did calm down then; stopped trying to slip past the stubborn dwarf。

〃It's over;〃 Bruenor said to her。 〃The boy 。。。 me boy; choosed his course。 He gave himself for us; yerself and me。 Don't ye do him the dishonor of letting stupid pains keep ye here; in danger。〃

Catti…brie's body seemed to slump at the undeniable truth of Bruenor's reasoning。 She did not move back to the pile; to Wulfgar's burial cairn; as Bruenor retrieved his shield and axe。 The dwarf came back to her and draped one arm about her back。

〃Say yer good…byes;〃 he offered; and he silently waited a moment before leading Catti…brie away; first to her bow; then from the chamber; toward the same entrance through which they had e。

Catti…brie stopped beside him and regarded him and the tunnel curiously; as if questioning their course。

〃Pwent and the cat'll have to find their own way about;〃 Bruenor answered her blank stare; misunderstanding her confusion。

Catti…brie wasn't worried about Guenhwyvar。 She knew that nothing could bring the panther serious harm while she still possessed the magical figurine; and she wasn't worried about the missing battlerager at all。

〃What about Drizzt?〃 she asked simply。

〃Me guess is that the elf's alive;〃 Bruenor answered with confidence。 〃One of them drow asked me about him; asked me where he was at。 He's alive; and he's got away from them; and by me own figuring; Drizzt's got a better chance o' getting clear of these tunnels than the two of us。 Might be that the cat's with him even now。〃

〃And it might be that he needs us;〃 Catti…brie argued; pulling free of Brueno
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