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d Malchor Harpel had given Drizzt; glowed with a soft blue flame。

〃Remember when first we met?〃 the dark elf asked。 He moved around the bottom of the bed; wisely; since Wulfgar's longer reach would have given him a distinct advantage with the bed between them。 〃Do you remember the many lessons we shared on Kelvin's Cairn; looking out over the tundra and the campfires of your people?〃

Wulfgar turned slowly; keeping the dangerous drow in front of him。 The barbarian's knuckles whitened for lack of blood as he tightly clutched his weapon。

〃Remember the verbeeg?〃 Drizzt asked; the thought bringing a smile to his face。 〃You and I fighting together; winning together; against an entire lair of giants?

〃And the dragon; Icingdeath?〃 Drizzt went on; holding his other scimitar; the one he had taken from the defeated wyrm's lair; up before him。

〃I remember;〃 Wulfgar replied quietly; calmly; and Drizzt started to slide his scimitars back into their sheaths; thinking he had sobered the young man。

〃You speak of distant days!〃 the barbarian roared suddenly; rushing forward with speed and agility beyond what could be expected from so large a man。 He launched a roundhouse punch at Drizzt's face; clipping the surprised drow on the shoulder as Drizzt ducked。

The ranger rolled with the blow; ing to his feet in the far er of the room; the scimitars back in his hands。

〃Time for another lesson;〃 he promised; his lavender eyes gleaming with an inner fire that the barbarian had seen many times before。

Undaunted; Wulfgar came on; putting Aegis…fang through a series of feints before turning it down in an overhead chop that would have crushed the drow's skull。

〃Has it been too long since last we saw battle?〃 Drizzt asked; thinking this whole incident a strange game; perhaps a ritual of manhood for the young barbarian。 He brought his scimitars up in a blocking cross above him; easily catching the descending hammer。 His legs nearly buckled under the sheer force of the blow。

Wulfgar recoiled for a second strike。

〃Always thinking of offense;〃 Drizzt scolded; snapping the flat sides of his scimitars out; one…two; against the sides of Wulfgar's face。

The barbarian fell back a step and wiped a thin line of blood from his cheek with the back of one hand。 Still he did not blink。

〃My apology;〃 Drizzt said when he saw the blood。 〃1 did not mean to cut—〃

Wulfgar came over him in a rush; swinging wildly and calling out to Tempus; his god of battle。

Drizzt sidestepped the first strike—it took out a fair…sized chunk from the stone wall beside him—and stepped forward toward the warhammer; locking his arm around it to hold it in place。

Wulfgar let go of the weapon with one hand; grabbed Drizzt by the front of the tunic; and easily lifted him from the floor。 The muscles on the barbarian's bare arm bulged as he pressed his arm straight ahead; crushing the drow against the wall。

Drizzt could not believe the huge man's strength! He felt as if he would be pushed right through the stone and into the next chamber—at least; he hoped there was a next chamber! He kicked with one leg。 Wulfgar ducked back; thinking the kick aimed for his face; but Drizzt hooked the leg over the barbarian's stiffened arm; inside the elbow。 Using the leg for leverage; Drizzt slammed his hand against the outside of Wulfgar's wrist; bending the arm and freeing him from the wall。 He punched out with his scimitar hilt as he fell; connecting solidly on Wulfgar's nose; and let go his lock on the barbarian's warhammer。

Wulfgar's snarl sounded inhuman。 He took up the hammer for a strike; but Drizzt had dropped to the floor by then。 The drow rolled onto his back; planted his feet against the wall; and kicked out; slipping right between Wulfgar's wide…spread legs。 Drizzt's foot snapped up once; stinging the barbarian's groin; and then; when he was behind Wulfgar; snapped both feet straight out; kicking the barbarian behind the knees。

Wulfgar's legs buckled and one of his knees slammed into the wall。

Drizzt used the momentum to roll again。 He came back to his feet and leaped; grabbing the overbalanced Wulfgar by the back of his hair and tugging hard; toppling the man like a cut tree。

Wulfgar groaned and rolled; trying to get up; but Drizzt's scimitars came whipping in; hilts leading; to connect heavily on the big man's jaw。

Wulfgar laughed and slowly rose。 Drizzt backed away。

〃You are not the teacher;〃 Wulfgar said again; but the line of blood…filled spittle rolling from the edge of his torn mouth weakened the claim considerably。

〃What is this about?〃 Drizzt demanded。 〃Speak it now!〃

Aegis…fang came hurling at him; end over end。

Drizzt dove to the floor; narrowly avoiding the deadly hit。 He winced when he heard the hammer hit the wall; no doubt blasting a clean hole in the stone。

He was up again; amazingly; by the time the charging barbarian got anywhere near him。 Drizzt ducked under the lumbering man's reach; spun; and kicked Wulfgar in the rump。 Wulfgar roared and spun about; only to get hit again in the face with the flat of Drizzt's blade。 This time the line of blood was not so thin。

As stubborn as any dwarf; Wulfgar launched another roundhouse punch。

〃Your rage defeats you;〃 Drizzt remarked as he easily avoided the blow。 He couldn't believe that Wulfgar; so finely trained in the art—and it was an art!—of battle had lost his posure。

Wulfgar growled and swung again; but recoiled immediately; for this time; Drizzt put Twinkle; or more particularly; put Twinkle's razor…edged blade; in line to catch the blow。 Wulfgar retracted the swing top late and clutched his bloodied hand。

〃I know your hammer will return to your grasp;〃 Drizzt said; and Wulfgar seemed almost surprised; as though he had forgotten the magical enchantment of his own weapon。 〃Would you like to have fingers remaining so you might catch it?〃

On cue; Aegis…fang came into the barbarian's grasp。

Drizzt; stunned by the ridiculous tirade and tired of this whole episode; slipped his scimitars back into their sheaths。 He stood barely four feet from the barbarian; well within Wulfgar's reach; with his hands out wide; defenseless。

Somewhere in the fight; when he had realized that this was no game; perhaps; the gleam had flown from his lavender eyes。

Wulfgar remained very still for a long moment and closed his eyes。 To Drizzt; it seemed as if he was fighting some inner battle。

He smiled; then opened his eyes; and let the head of his mighty warhammer dip to the floor。

〃My friend;〃 he said to Drizzt。 〃My teacher。 It is good you have returned。〃 Wulfgar's hand reached out toward Drizzt's shoulder。

His fist balled suddenly and shot for Drizzt's face。

Drizzt spun; hooked Wulfgar's arm with his own; and pulled along the path of the barbarian's own momentum; sending Wulfgar headlong。 Wulfgar got his other hand up in time to grab the drow; though; and took Drizzt along for the tumble。 They came up together; propped side by side against the wall; and shared a heartfelt laugh。

For the first time since before the meeting in the dining hall; it seemed to Drizzt that he had his old fighting panion beside him again。

Drizzt left soon after; not mentioning Catti…brie again— not until he could sort out what; exactly; had just happened in the room。 Drizzt at least understood the barbarian's confusion about the young woman。 Wulfgar had e from a tribe dominated by men; where women spoke only when they were told to speak; and did as their masters; the males; bade。 It appeared as if; now that he and Catti…brie were to be wed; Wulfgar was finding it difficult to shake off the lessons of his youth。

The thought disturbed Drizzt more than a little。 He now understood the sadness he had detected in Catti…brie; out on the trails beyond the dwarven plex。

He understood; too; Wulfgar's mounting folly。 If the stubborn barbarian tried to quench the fires within Catti…brie; he would take from her everything that had brought him to her in the first place; everything that he loved—that Drizzt; too; loved; in the young woman。

Drizzt dismissed that notion summarily; he had looked into her knowing blue eyes for a decade; had seen Catti…brie turn her stubborn father in submissive circles。

Neither Wulfgar; nor Drizzt; nor the gods themselves could quench the fires in Catti…brie's eyes。

Chapter 3


The Eighth King of Mithril Hall; leading his four friends and two hundred dwarven soldiers; was more appropriately arrayed for battle than for parley。 Bruenor wore his battered; one…horned helmet; the other horn having long ago been broken away; and a fine suit of mithril armor; vertical lines of the silvery metal running the length of his stout torso and glittering in the torchlight。 His shield bore the foaming mug standard of Clan Battlehammer in solid gold; and his customary axe; showing the nicks of a thousand battle kills (and a fair number of them goblins!) was ready in a loop on his belt; within easy reach。

Wulfgar; in a suit of natural hide; a wolf's head set in front of his great chest; walked behind the dwarf; with Aegis…fang; his warhammer; angled out across the crook of his elbow in front of him。 Catti…brie; Taulmaril over her shoulder; walked beside him; but the two said little; and the tension between them was obvious。

Drizzt flanked the dwarf king on his right; Regis scampering to keep up beside him; and Guenhwyvar; the sleek; proud panther; muscles rippling with every stride; moved to the right of the two; darting off into the shadows whenever the low and uneven corridor widened。 Many of the dwarves marching behind the five friends carried torches; and the flickering light created monsterlike shadows; keeping the panions on their guard—not that they were likely to be surprised marching beside Drizzt and Guenhwyvar。 The dark elf's black panther panion was all too adept at leading the way。

And nothing would care to surprise this group。 The whole of the force was bedecked for battle; with great; sturdy helms and armor and fine weapons。 Every one of the dwarves carried a hammer or axe for distance shots and another nasty weapon in case any enemies got in close。

Four dwarves in a line near the middle of the contingent supported a great
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