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ot understand how he; a human; had gained such vision。

She dearly wished that she possessed it as well。 The darkness continued to overwhelm her; to swallow her。 Her skin felt extra sensitive; all her senses were on their very edge。

She wanted to scream; but would not give her captors the satisfaction。

Jarlaxle uttered a word that Catti…brie did not understand; and the room was suddenly bathed in soft blue light。

〃hi here; you will see;〃 Jarlaxle said to her。 〃Out1 there; beyond your door; there is only darkness。〃 He teasingly held the circlet before Catti…brie's longing gaze; then dropped it into a pocket of his breeches。

〃Forgive me;〃 he said softly to Catti…brie; taking her off her guard。 〃I do not wish to torment you; but I must maintain my security。 Matron Baenre desires you梣uite badly I would guess; since she keeps Drizzt as a prisoner梐nd knows that you would be a fine way to gnaw at his powerful


Catti…brie did not hide her excitement; fleeting hope; at the news that Drizzt was alive。

〃Of course they have not killed him;〃 the mercenary went on; speaking as much to Entreri; the assassin realized; as to Catti…brie。 〃He is a valuable prisoner; a wellspring of information; as they say on the surface。〃

〃They will kill him;〃 Entreri remarked梥omewhat angrily; Catti…brie had the presence of mind to note。

〃Eventually;〃 Jarlaxle replied; and he chuckled。 〃But both of you will probably be long dead of old age by then; and your children as well。 Unless they are half…drow;〃 he added slyly; tossing a wink at Catti…brie。

She resisted the urge to punch him in the eye。

〃It's a pity; really; that events followed such a course;〃 Jarlaxle continued。 〃I did so wish to speak with the legendary Drizzt Do'Urden before Baenre got him。 If I had that spider mask in my possession; I would go to the Baenre


pound this very night; when the priestesses are at the high ritual; and sneak in for a talk with him。 Early in the ceremony; of course; in case Matron Baenre decides to sacrifice him this very night。 Ah; well。〃 He ended with a sigh and a shrug and ran his gentle fingers through Catti…brie's thick hair one final time before he turned for the door。

〃I could not go anyway;〃 he said to Entreri。 〃I must meet with Matron Ker Horlbar to discuss the cost of an investigation。〃

Entreri only smiled in response to the pointedly cruel remark。 He rose as the mercenary passed; fell in behind Jarlaxle; then stopped suddenly and looked back to Catti…brie。

〃I think I will stay and speak with her;〃 the assassin said。

〃As you will;〃 the mercenary replied; 〃but do not harm her。 Or; if you do;〃 he corrected with another chuckle; 〃at least do not scar her beautiful features。〃

Jarlaxle walked out of the room and closed the door behind; then let his magical boots continue to click loudly as he walked along the stone corridor; to let Entreri be confident that he had gone。 He felt in his pocket as he went; and smiled widely when he discovered; to no surprise; that the circlet had just been taken。

Jarlaxle had sown the seeds of chaos; now he could sit back and watch the fruit of his labors grow。


Starless Night

Chapter 21


atti…brie and Entreri spent a long moment staring at each other; alone for the first time since her capture; in the small room at Bregan D'aerthe's secret plex。 By the expression on Entreri's face; Catti…brie knew that he was up to something。

He held his hand up before him and shifted his fingers; and the Cat's Eye agate dropped to the end of its silver chain。

Catti…brie stared at it curiously; unsure of the assassin's motives。 He had stolen it from Jarlaxle's pocket; of course; but why would he risk a theft from so dangerous a dark elf? 〃Ye're as much a prisoner as I am;〃 Catti…brie finally reasoned。 〃He's got ye caught here to do his bidding。〃

〃I do not like that word;〃 Entreri replied; 〃prisoner。 It implies a helpless state; and I assure you; I am never helpless。〃

He was nine parts bravado; one part hope; Catti…brie


knew; but she kept the thought to herself。

〃And what are ye to do when Jarlaxle finds it missing?〃 she asked。

〃I shall be dancing on the surface by that time;〃 the assassin replied coolly。

Catti…brie studied him。 There it was; spoken plainly and dearly; beyond intrigue。 But why the circlet? she continued to wonder; and then she grew suddenly afraid。 Entreri may have decided that its starlight was preferable to; or plementary to; his infravision。 But he would not have told her that he meant to go if he meant to leave her behind梐live。

〃Ye do not need the thing;〃 Catti…brie reasoned; trying to keep her voice steady。 〃Ye've been given the infravision and can see yer way well enough。〃

〃But you need it;〃 Entreri said; tossing the circlet to the young woman。 Catti…brie caught it and held it in her hands; trying to weigh the consequences of putting it on。

〃I cannot lead ye to the surface;〃 she said; thinking that the assassin had miscalculated。 〃I found me way down only because I had the panther and the locket showing me the way to follow Drizzt。〃

The assassin didn't blink。

〃I said I cannot lead ye out o' here;〃 she reiterated。

〃Drizzt can;〃 Entreri said。 〃I offer you a dea!; one that you are in no position to refuse。 I will get both you and Drizzt out of Menzoberranzan; and you two will escort me back to the surface。 Once there; we go our separate ways; and may they stay separate through all eternity。〃

Catti…brie took a long moment to digest the startling proposition。 〃Ye're thinking that I'm to trust ye?〃 she asked; but Entreri didn't answer; didn't have to answer。 Catti…brie sat imprisoned in a room surrounded by fierce drow enemies; and Drizzt's predicament was likely even worse。 Whatever the evil Entreri might offer her; it could be no worse than the alternatives。

〃What about Guenhwyvar?〃 Catti…brie asked。 〃And me bow?〃

〃I've the bow and quiver;〃 Entreri answered。 〃Jarlaxle has the panther。〃

'I'll not leave without Guenhwyvar;〃 Catti…brie said。


R。 A。 Salvatore

Starless Night

Entreri looked at her incredulously; as if he thought she were bluffing。

Catti…brie threw the circlet to his feet。 She hopped up on the edge of a small table and crossed her arms defiantly over her chest。

Entreri looked down to the item; then to Catti…brie。 〃I could make you leave;〃 he promised。

〃If ye think ye could; then ye're thinking wrong;〃 Catti…brie answered。 〃I'm guessing that ye'll need me help and cooperation to get through this place; and I'm not to give it to ye; not for meself and not for Drizzt; without the cat。

〃And know ye that Drizzt will agree with me choice;〃 Catti…brie went on; hammering home the point。 〃Guenhwy…var's a friend to us both; and we're not for leaving friends behind!〃

Entreri hooked his toe under a loop in the circlet a'nd casually flipped it across the room to Catti…brie; who caught it once more and; this time; put it on her head。 Without another word; the assassin motioned for the woman to sit tight; and he abruptly left the room。

The single guard outside Jarlaxle's private room showed little interest in the approaching human; Entreri practically had to prod the drow to get his attention。 Then the assassin pointed to the strange; flowing door and asked; 〃Jarlaxle?〃

The soldier shook his head。

Entreri pointed again to the watery door; his eyes suddenly popping wide with surprise。 When the soldier leaned over to see what was wrong; the assassin grabbed him across the shoulders and heaved him through the portal; both of them slipping through; into the watery corridor。 Entreri tugged and twisted in a slow…motion wrestling match with the surprised drow。 He was bigger than this one; and equally agile; and gradually made progress in moving the guard along。

They plunged out the other side; falling into Jarlaxle's room。 The drow went for his sword; but Entreri's left hook staggered him。 A quick bination of punches followed; and when the drow went down to one knee; the assassin's foot slammed hard against his cheek。

Entreri half…dragged; half…carried the drow to the side of


the room; where he slammed him against the wall。 He slugged him several times to make sure that he would offer no further resistance。 Soon he had the dark elf helpless; down on his knees; barely conscious; with his hands tied behind his back and his mouth tightly gagged。 He pinned the drow against the wall and felt about for a releasing mechanism。 The door to a secret cubby slid open; and Entreri forced the drow inside。

Entreri considered whether or not to kill this one。 On the one hand; if he killed the drow; there would be no witnesses and Jarlaxle would have to spend some time figuring out who had mitted the crime。 Something held Entreri's dagger hand in check; though; some instinct that told him to ;j proceed with this operation cleanly; with no losses to Bregan D'aerthe。

It was all too easy; Entreri realized when he found not ; only the figurine of Guenhwyvar; but Catti…brie's magical { mask as well; waiting for him梱es; waiting for him!梠n | Jarlaxle's desk。 Entreri picked them up gingerly; looking for |?some devious traps nearby and checking to make sure that ;:' these were the genuine items。

Something strange was going on。

Entreri considered the not…so…subtle hints that Jarlaxle had been dropping; the fact that the mercenary had taken him to Sorcere and conveniently showed him the way to the spider mask。 He reached into a pocket and took out the magical locket of Alustriel; the homing beacon to Drizzt Do'Urden that Jarlaxle had casually tossed to him。 Jarlaxle had even managed to slip in the proper time for the attempt; the early hours of the high ritual being celebrated at House Baenre this very night。

What was it all about? Entreri wondered。 Jarlaxle had some private agenda; one that apparently went against House Baenre's designs on Mithril Hall。 Standing there in the mercenary's office; it seemed obvious to Entreri that Jarlaxle had set him up as a pawn。

Entreri clutched the locket tightly; then thrust it back into his pocket。 Very well; he decided。 He would be an effective pawn indeed。

Twenty minutes later; Entreri; using the magical 
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