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ross Archie‘s face; and Kelly could see the pusher‘s eyes open wide in horror and surprise; like little lights in the darkness。 Archie had not expected that。 Jughead hadn‘t seemed much of a conversationalist anyway; and the operation‘s clock was ticking。 
‘I said please; didn‘t I?‘
‘Sweet Jesus; man!‘ the voice rasped; knowing that to make any more noise would be death。
‘Billy。 Red Plymouth Roadrunner; loves to show it off。 He‘s a distributor。 I want to know where he hangs out;‘ Kelly said quietly。 
‘If I tell you that …‘
‘You get a new supplier。 Me;‘ Kelly said。 ‘And if you tell Billy that I‘m out here; you‘ll get to see your friend again;‘ he added; gesturing to the body whose warm bulk pressed limply against Archie‘s side。 He had to offer the man hope; after all。 Maybe even a little left…handed truth; Kelly thought: ‘Do you understand? Billy and his friends have been screwing around with the wrong people; and it‘s my job to straighten things out。 Sorry about your friend; but I had to show you that I‘m serious; like。‘
Archie‘s voice tried to calm itself; but didn‘t quite make it; though he reached for the hope he‘d been offered。 ‘Look; man; I can‘t …‘
‘I can always ask somebody else。‘ Kelly paused significantly。 ‘Do you understand what I just said?‘
Archie did; or thought he did; and he talked freely until the time came for him to rejoin Jughead。
A quick search of Archie‘s pockets turned up a nice wad of cash and a collection of small drug envelopes which also found their way into his jacket pockets。 Kelly stepped carefully over both bodies and made his way to the alley; looking back to make sure that he hadn‘t stepped in any blood。 He‘d discard the shoes in any case。 Kelly untied the string from the cans and replaced them where he‘d found them; before renewing his drunken gait; taking a roundabout path back to his car; repeating his carefully considered routine every step of the way。 Thank God; he thought; driving north again; he‘d be able to shower and shave tonight。 But what the hell would he do with the drugs? That was a question that fate would answer。
* * *
The cars started arriving just after six; not so incongruous an hour for activity on a military base。 Fifteen of them; clunkers; none less than three years old; and all of them had been totaled in auto accidents and sold for scrap。 The only thing unusual about them was that though they were no longer drivable; they almost looked as though they were。 The work detail was posed of Marines; supervised by a gunnery sergeant who had no idea what this was all about。 But he didn‘t have to。 The cars were worked into place; haphazardly; not in neat military rows; but more the way real people parked。 The job took niy minutes; and the work detail left。 At eight in the morning another such detail arrived; this one with mannequins。 They came in several sizes; and they were dressed in old clothes。 The child…size ones went on the swings and in the sandbox。 The adult ones were stood up; using the metal stands that came with them。 And the second work party left; to return twice a day for the indefinite future and move the mannequins around in a random way prescribed by a set of instructions thought up and written down by some damned fool of an officer who didn‘t have anything better to do。
Kelly‘s notes had mented on the fact that one of the most debilitating and time…consuming aspects of Operation KINGPIN had been the daily necessity of setting up and striking down the mockup of their objective。 He hadn‘t been the first to note it。 If any Soviet reconnaissance satellites took note of this place; they would see an odd collection of buildings serving no readily identifiable purpose。 They would also see a child‘s playground; plete with children; parents; and parked cars; all of which elements would move every day。 That bit of information would counter the more obvious observation … that this recreational facility was half a mile off any paved road and invisible to the rest of the installation。

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