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凯利松开舵以适应货船船头的涡流; 他的眼睛看货船前面的泡沫。是时候了;他把紧了舵。 收音机刮刮地叫鸣着。那是奥雷亚的声音,凯利微笑地听着它。 他是一个多么好的家伙啊。 没有这样的人做朋友,生活会变得孤单的。 
船突然向一边倾斜,一股很急的旋转力量把航向转向右方;出现了小山似的大浪。凯利的左手抓紧舵,右手抓住捆扎着六条带子的氧气筒,耶稣哪;当船转过九十度的时候,他立即想到;我没有检查水深。如果水不够深的话–上帝啊。。。 帕姆啊 。。。
四十一号努力地退出比赛;在货船的波痕中剧烈地摇动着。那货船也在努力停下来;但它需要两哩的减速才能做到这一点;那时奥雷亚和他的快艇也会完蛋了。一个探照灯在黑暗中突然亮起来, 警官的眼睛变得严酷了。
“四十一号海岸护卫队; 四十一号海岸护卫队;美国海军快艇在你的左舷;我们能协助你吗?通话结束。”
“请加入;先生。” 。
他的头从船后探出水面;近到能看见上名字了。 他再一次潜下去。一分钟后才在二十六号艇的西边露出水面。
“耶稣啊 … 那是你吗?” 麦斯威尔呼喊着。
“恐怕你是正确的,海军。如果你想要离开,就去吧。我想,我们还会停留一会儿;”奥雷亚 说。 两个海军将官已经帮助他们在海面上搜索了三个小时。他们把船控制得相当好。有一次他想起有关海军船技的一个笑话。但现在没有想了。奥雷亚和四十一号整夜都会继续他们的搜寻;寻找遇难者。
这个案情报告会变得很长,但那已经没意义了。警探马克。查伦中尉;在私人时间追踪一个毒贩 – 那是经过批准的假期;… 掉进一个毒品制造室内,在跟着发生的枪战中失去了生命,但也结束了二个大毒贩的生命。三个年轻的女人一致认出死去的一个大毒贩是特别残忍的凶手;这也说明了查伦的英勇行为;为警事记者写近期的一系近案件报告提供了极大的方便。 在第六页上是关于船难事件的一个复杂故事。
三天之后,圣路易斯的一个文件管理员打电话给了赖安中尉说,凯利的文件回来了,但是她无法说出从哪里送回来的。赖安谢谢了她的努力。 他已经结束了这个案子;也没有去联邦调查局资料中心查找有关凯利的记录;这使鲍勃关于某个人不太可能回到美国的说明变得白费了。
事情结束后,一个电话令赖特感到十分头疼。 这个电话提出了一些要求,赖特没有想过要在这些事上和克拉克交谈。五个月之后,桑德拉 辞去了约翰霍布金斯的职位,移居到维吉尼亚潮;在塞缪尔教授的大力推荐下来到这里的教学医院进行管理工作。
    1973 年2月 12 日
‘我们光荣地在困难的环境下为我们的国家服务;”船长耶利米说; 用响遍克拉克空军基地的话语结束了讲话,“上帝祝福美国。”
“有关那件事 ;”播报员说;他靠说这些话来谋生。“在船长后面的就是上校罗宾;来自空军。 他是我们五十三个没有资料的囚犯之一,直到最近;由于。 。 。”
约翰克拉克没有听下面的话。他看着放在卧室里妻子的化妆台上的电视;见到距离自己半个地球的一张脸;他们似乎不久前还在一起。 他看见这个男人在五年的分离后拥抱他的妻子。他看见到由于烦恼变老的女人;现在却为生里逃生的丈夫变得年轻。凯利和他们一起哭泣着;第一次见到如此有生气的脸;见到真的可以代替痛苦的欢喜。他用力紧握了桑迪的手,以致于几乎弄伤了她。她把他的手放在她的腹上,感觉到即将出生的孩子的运动。电话响了,在没听到对方的声音之前,凯利对这片刻的侵犯感到生气。
“我希望,你以你自己为傲;约翰;” 麦斯威尔说。“我们让二十个人回来了。我想让你知道这件事。 没有你它不会发生。”
“一位朋友 ;”克拉克说; 擦擦他的眼睛,准备吻他的妻子。“在另外一种生活里的人。”
    1973 年2月 12 日
‘我们光荣地在困难的环境下为我们的国家服务;”船长耶利米说; 用响遍克拉克空军基地的话语结束了讲话,“上帝祝福美国。”
“有关那件事 ;”播报员说;他靠说这些话来谋生。“在船长后面的就是上校罗宾;来自空军。 他是我们五十三个没有资料的囚犯之一,直到最近;由于。 。 。”
约翰克拉克没有听下面的话。他看着放在卧室里妻子的化妆台上的电视;见到距离自己半个地球的一张脸;他们似乎不久前还在一起。 他看见这个男人在五年的分离后拥抱他的妻子。他看见到由于烦恼变老的女人;现在却为生里逃生的丈夫变得年轻。凯利和他们一起哭泣着;第一次见到如此有生气的脸;见到真的可以代替痛苦的欢喜。他用力紧握了桑迪的手,以致于几乎弄伤了她。她把他的手放在她的腹上,感觉到即将出生的孩子的运动。电话响了,在没听到对方的声音之前,凯利对这片刻的侵犯感到生气。
“我希望,你以你自己为傲;约翰;” 麦斯威尔说。“我们让二十个人回来了。我想让你知道这件事。 没有你它不会发生。”
“一位朋友 ;”克拉克说; 擦擦他的眼睛,准备吻他的妻子。“在另外一种生活里的人。”
Meeting Places
Camille had either been the world‘s most powerful hurricane or the largest tornado in history。 Certainly it had done the job to this oil rig; Kelly thought; donning his tanks for his last dive into the Gulf。 The super…structure was wrecked; and all four of the massive legs weakened … twisted like the ruined toy of a gigantic child。 Everything that could safely be removed had already been torched off and lowered by crane onto the barge they were using as their dive base。 What remained was a skeletal platform which would soon make a fine home for local game fish; he thought; entering the launch that would take him alongside。 The two divers would be working with him; but Kelly was in charge。 They went over procedures on the way over while a safety boat circled nervously to keep the local fishermen away。 It was foolish of them to be here … the fishing wouldn‘t be very good for the next few hours … but events like this attracted the curious。 And it would be quite a show; Kelly thought with a grin as he rolled backwards off the dive boat。
It was eerie underneath。 It always was; but fortable; too。 The sunlight wavered under the rippled surface; making variable curtains of light that trained across the legs of the platform。 It also made for good visibility。 The C4 charges were already in place; each one a block about six inches square and three inches deep; wired tight against the steel and fused to blow inward。 Kelly took his time; checking each one; starting with the first rank ten feet above the bottom。 He did it quickly because he didn‘t want to be down here that long; and neither did the others。 The men behind him ran the prima…cord; wrapping it tight around the blocks。 Both were local; experienced UDT men; trained almost as well as Kelly。 He checked their work; and they checked his; for caution and thoroughness was the mark of such men。 They finished the lower level in twenty minutes; and came up slowly to the upper rank; just ten feet below the surface; where the process was repeated; slowly and carefully。 When you dealt with explosives; you didn‘t rush and you didn‘t take chances。
Colonel Robin Zacharias concentrated on the task at hand。 There was an SA…2 site just over the next ridge。 Already it had volleyed off three missiles; searching for the fighter…bombers he was here to protect。 In the back seat of his F…105G Thunderchief was Jack Tait; his ‘bear;‘ a lieutenant colonel and an expert in the field of defense…suppression。 The two men had helped invent the doctrine which they were now implementing。 He drove the Wild Weasel fighter; showing himself; trying to draw a shot; then ducking under it; closing in on the rocket site。 It was a deadly; vicious game; not of hunter and prey; but of hunter and hunter … one small; swift; and delicate; and the other massive; fixed; and fortified。 This site had given fits to the men of his wing。 The mander was just too good with his radar; knowing when to switch it on and when to switch it off。 Whoever the little bastard was; he‘d killed two Weasels under Robin‘s mand in the previous week; and so the colonel had drawn the mission for himself as soon as the frag order had gone up to hit this area again。 It was his specialty: diagnosing; perating; and destroying air defenses … a vast; rapid; three…dimensional game in which the prize of winning was survival。
He was roaring low; never higher than five hundred feet; his fingers controlling the stick semiautomatically while Zacharias‘s eyes watched the karsk hilltops and his ears listened to the talk from the back seat。
‘He‘s at our nine; Robin;‘ Jack told him。 ‘Still sweeping; but he doesn‘t have us。 Spiraling in nicely。‘
We‘re not going to give him a Shrike; Zacharias thought。 They tried that the last time and he spoofed it somehow。 That error had cost him a major; a captain; and an aircraft。。。 a fellow native of Salt Lake City; Al Wallace 。。。 friends for years 。。。 damn it! he shook the thought off; not even reproving himself for the lower…case profanity。
‘Giving him another taste;‘ Zacharias said; pulling back on the stick。 The Thud leaped upwards into the radar coverage of the site; hovering there; waiting。 This site mander was probably Russian…trained。 They weren‘t sure how many aircraft the man had killed … only that it had been more than enough … but he had to be a proud one because of it; and pride was deadly in this business。
‘Launch 。。。 two; two valid launches; Robin;‘ Tait warned from the back。
‘Only two?‘ the pilot asked。
‘Maybe he has to pay for them;‘ Tait suggested coolly。 ‘I have them at nine。 Time to do some pilot magic; Rob。‘
‘Like this?‘ Zacharias rolled left to keep them in view; pulling into them; and split…S…ing back down。 He‘d planned it well; ducking behind a ridge。 He pulled out at a dangerous low altitude; but the SA…2 Guideline missiles went wild and dumb four thousand feet over his head。
‘I think it‘s time;‘ Tait said。
‘I think you‘re right。‘ Zacharias turned hard left; arming his cluster muniti
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