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the story of little black sambo-第2部分

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and we will eat you up。〃

Then he waddled off to catch fish for himself; and left

Little Black Mingo alone beside the big pile of eggs。

And Little Black Mingo sat down on a big stone and hid her

face in her hands; and cried bitterly; because she couldn't

swim and she didn't know how to get away。

Presently she heard a queer little squeaky noise that

sounded like 〃Squeak; Squeak; Squeak!!!  Oh Little Black

Mingo; help me or I shall be drowned。〃  She got up and

looked to see what was calling; and she saw a bush coming

floating down the river with something wriggling and

scrambling about in it; and as it came near she saw that it

was a Mongoose that was in the bush。  So she waded out as

far as she could; and caught hold of the bush and pulled it

in; and the poor Mongoose crawled up her arm on to her

shoulder; and she carried him to shore。

When they got to shore the Mongoose shook himself; and

Little Black Mingo wrung out her petticoat; and so they both

very soon got dry。

The Mongoose then began to poke about for something to eat;

and very soon he found the great big pile of Mugger's eggs。

〃Oh; joy!〃 said he; 〃what's this?〃

〃Those are Mugger's eggs;〃 said Little Black Mingo。

〃I'm not afraid of Muggers!〃 said the Mongoose; and he sat

down and began to crack the eggs; and eat the little muggers

as they came out。  And he threw the shells into the water;

so that the old Mugger should not see that any one had been

eating them。  But he was careless; and he left one eggshell

on the edge; and he was hungry and he ate so many that the

pile got much smaller; and when the old Mugger came back he

saw at once that some one had been meddling with them。

So he ran to Little Black Mingo; and said; 〃How dare you eat

my eggs?〃

〃Indeed; indeed I didn't;〃 said Little Black Mingo。

〃Then who could it have been?〃 said the Mugger; and he ran

back to the eggs as fast as he could; and sure enough when

he got back he found the Mongoose had eaten a whole lot


Then he said to himself; 〃I must stay beside my eggs till

they are hatched into little muggers; or the Mongoose will

eat them all。〃  So he curled himself into a ring round the

eggs and went to sleep。

But while he was asleep the Mongoose came to eat some more

of the eggs; and ate as many as he wanted; and when the

Mugger woke this time; oh! WHAT a rage he was in; for there

were only six eggs left!  He roared so loud that all the

little muggers inside the shells gnashed their teeth; and

tried to roar too。

Then he said; 〃I know what I'll do; I'll fetch Little Black

Mingo's big chatty and cover my eggs with that; then the

Mongoose won't be able to get at them。〃  So he swam across

to the shore; and fetched the dhobi's big chatty; and

covered the eggs with it。  〃Now; you wicked little Mongoose;

come and eat my eggs if you can;〃 said he; and he went off

quite proud and happy。

By and by the Mongoose came back; and he was terribly

disappointed when he found the eggs all covered with the big


So he ran off to Little Black Mingo; and asked her to help

him; and Little Black Mingo came and took the big chatty off

the eggs; and the Mongoose ate them every one。

〃Now;〃 said he; 〃there will be no little muggers to make a

feast for tomorrow。〃

〃No;〃 said Little Black Mingo; 〃but the Mugger will eat me

all by himself I am afraid。〃

〃No he won't;〃 said the Mongoose; 〃for we will sail away

together in the big chatty before he comes back。〃

So he climbed on to the edge of the chatty; and Little Black

Mingo pushed the chatty out into the water; and then she

clambered into it and paddled with her two hands as hard as

she could; and the big chatty just sailed beautifully。

So they got across safely; and Little Black Mingo filled the

chatty half full of water and took it on her head; and they

went up the bank together。

But when the Mugger came back; and found only empty egg…

shells he was fearfully angry。  He roared and he raged; and

he howled and he yelled; till the whole island shook; and

his tears ran down his cheeks and pattered on the sand like


So he started to chase Little Black Mingo and the Mongoose;

and he swam across the river as fast as ever he could; and

when he was half way across he saw them landing; and as he

landed they hurried over the first ridge。

So he raced after them; but they ran; and just before he

caught them they got into the house; and banged the door in

his face。  Then they shut all the windows; so he could not

get in anywhere。

〃All right;〃 said he; 〃you will have to come out some time;

and then I will catch you both; and eat you up。〃

So he hid behind the back of the house and waited。

Now Black Noggy was just coming home from the bazaar with a

tin of kerosene on her head; and a box of matches in her


And when he saw her the Mugger rushed out and gobbled her

up; kerosene tin; matches and all!!!

When Black Noggy found herself in the Muggers' dark inside;

she wanted to see where she was; so she felt for the match…

box and took out a match and lit it。  But the Mugger's teeth

had made holes in the kerosene tin; so that the flame of the

match caught the kerosene; and BANG!!  the kerosene

exploded; and blew the old Mugger and Black noggy into

little bits。

At the fearful noise Little Black Mingo and the Mongoose

came running out; and there they found Black Noggy and the

old Mugger all blown to bits。

So Little Black Mingo and the Mongoose got the nice little

house for their very own; and there they lived happy ever

after。  And Little Black Mingo got the Mugger's beard for her

seat; and the Mongoose got Black Noggy's handkerchief for

his。  But he was so wee he used to put it on the Mugger's

nose; and there they sat; and had their tea every evening。

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