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the red shoes-第2部分

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that she could; she did not mind about the wages as long as she had

a roof over her; and was with good people。 The pastor's wife had

pity on her; and took her into service。 And she was industrious and

thoughtful。 She sat quiet and listened when the pastor read aloud from

the Bible in the evening。 All the children liked her very much; but

when they spoke about dress and grandeur and beauty she would shake

her head。

    On the following Sunday they all went to church; and she was asked

whether she wished to go too; but; with tears in her eyes; she

looked sadly at her crutches。 And then the others went to hear God's

Word; but she went alone into her little room; this was only large

enough to hold the bed and a chair。 Here she sat down with her

hymn…book; and as she was reading it with a pious mind; the wind

carried the notes of the organ over to her from the church; and in

tears she lifted up her face and said: 〃O God! help me!〃

    Then the sun shone so brightly; and right before her stood an

angel of God in white robes; it was the same one whom she had seen

that night at the church…door。 He no longer carried the sharp sword;

but a beautiful green branch; full of roses; with this he touched

the ceiling; which rose up very high; and where he had touched it

there shone a golden star。 He touched the walls; which opened wide

apart; and she saw the organ which was pealing forth; she saw the

pictures of the old pastors and their wives; and the congregation

sitting in the polished chairs and singing from their hymn…books。

The church itself had come to the poor girl in her narrow room; or the

room had gone to the church。 She sat in the pew with the rest of the

pastor's household; and when they had finished the hymn and looked up;

they nodded and said; 〃It was right of you to come; Karen。〃

    〃It was mercy;〃 said she。

    The organ played and the children's voices in the choir sounded

soft and lovely。 The bright warm sunshine streamed through the

window into the pew where Karen sat; and her heart became so filled

with it; so filled with peace and joy; that it broke。 Her soul flew on

the sunbeams to Heaven; and no one was there who asked after the Red


                            THE END

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