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on regimen in acute diseases-第4部分

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healing; but if upon the fifth or sixth day; or even earlier; he
should get up and attempt to walk; he will suffer much more then
than if he had walked about from the commencement of the cure; and
if he should suddenly make many laborious exertions; he will suffer
much more than if; when the treatment was conducted otherwise; he
had made the same exertions on the same days。 In fine; all these
things concur in proving that all great changes; either one way or
another; are hurtful。 Wherefore much mischief takes place in the
bowels; if from a state of great inanition more food than is
moderate be administered (and also in the rest of the body; if from
a state of great rest it be hastily brought to greater exertion; it
will be much more injured); or if from the use of much food it be
changed to complete abstinence; and therefore the body in such cases
requires protracted repose; and if; from a state of laborious
exertion; the body suddenly falls into a state of ease and
indolence; in these cases also the bowels would require continued
repose from abundance of food; for otherwise it will induce pain and
heaviness in the whole body。
  13。 The greater part of my discourse has related to changes; this
way or that。 For all purposes it is profitable to know these things;
and more especially respecting the subject under consideration;…
that in acute diseases; in which a change is made to ptisans from a
state of inanition; it should be made as I direct; and then that
ptisans should not be used until the disease be concocted; or some
other symptom; whether of evacuation or of irritation; appear in the
intestines; or in the hypochondria; such as will be described。
Obstinate insomnolency impairs the digestion of the food and drink;
and in other respects changes and relaxes the body; and occasions a
heated state; and heaviness of the head。
  14。 One must determine by such marks as these; when sweet; strong;
and dark wine; hydromel; water and oxymel; should be given in acute
diseases。 Wherefore the sweet affects the head less than the strong;
attacks the brain less; evacuates the bowels more than the other;
but induces swelling of the spleen and liver; it does not agree with
bilious persons; for it causes them to thirst; it creates flatulence
in the upper part of the intestinal canal; but does not disagree
with the lower part; as far as regards flatulence; and yet
flatulence engendered by sweet wine is not of a transient nature;
but rests for a long time in the hypochondria。 And therefore it in
general is less diuretic than wine which is strong and thin; but sweet
wine is more expectorant than the other。 But when it creates thirst;
it is less expectorant in such cases than the other wine; but if it do
not create thirst; it promotes expectoration better than the other。
The good and bad effects of a white; strong wine; have been already
frequently and fully stated in the disquisition on sweet wine; it is
determined to the bladder more than the other; is diuretic and
laxative; and should be very useful in such complaints; for if in
other respects it be less suitable than the other; the clearing out of
the bladder effected by it is beneficial to the patient; if properly
administered。 There are excellent examples of the beneficial and
injurious effects of wine; all which were left undetermined by my
predecessors。 In these diseases you may use a yellow wine; and a
dark austere wine for the following purposes: if there be no heaviness
of the head; nor delirium; nor stoppage of the expectoration; nor
retention of the urine; and if the alvine discharges be more loose and
like scrapings than usual; in such cases a change from a white wine to
such as I have mentioned; might be very proper。 It deserves further to
be known; that it will prove less injurious to all the parts above;
and to the bladder; if it be of a more watery nature; but that the
stronger it is; it will be the more beneficial to the bowels。
  15。 Hydromel; when drunk in any stage of acute disease; is less
suitable to persons of a bilious temperament; and to those who have
enlarged viscera; than to those of a different character; it increases
thirst less than sweet wine; character;the lungs; is moderately
expectorant; and alleviates a cough; for it has some detergent quality
in it; whence it lubricates the sputum。 Hydromel is also moderately
diuretic; unless prevented by the state of any of the viscera。 And
it also occasions bilious discharges downwards; sometimes of a
proper character; and sometimes more intense and frothy than is
suitable; but such rather occurs in persons who are bilious; and
have enlarged viscera。 Hydromel rather produces expectoration; and
softening of the lungs; when given diluted with water。 But unmixed
hydromel; rather than the diluted; produces frothy evacuations; such
as are unseasonably and intensely bilious; and too hot; but such an
evacuation occasions other great mischiefs; for it neither
extinguishes the heat in the hypochondria; but rouses it; induces
inquietude; and jactitation of the limbs; and ulcerates the intestines
and anus。 The remedies for all these will be described afterwards。
By using hydromel without ptisans; instead of any other drink; you
will generally succeed in the treatment of such diseases; and fall
in few cases; but in what instances it is to be given; and in what
it is not to be given; and wherefore it is not to be given;… all
this has been explained already; for the most part。 Hydromel is
generally condemned; as if it weakened the powers of those who drink
it; and on that account it is supposed to accelerate death; and this
opinion arose from persons who starve themselves to death; some of
whom use hydromel alone for drink; as fancying that it really has this
effect。 But this is by no means always the case。 For hydromel; if
drunk alone; is much stronger than water; if it do not disorder the
bowels; but in some respects it is stronger; and in some weaker;
than wine that is thin; weak; and devoid of bouquet。 There is a
great difference between unmixed wine and unmixed honey; as to their
nutritive powers; for if a man will drink double the quantity of
pure wine; to a certain quantity of honey which is swallowed; he
will find himself much stronger from the honey; provided it do not
disagree with his bowels; and that his alvine evacuations from it will
be much more copious。 But if he shall use ptisan for a draught; and
drink afterward hydromel; he will feel full; flatulent; and
uncomfortable in the viscera of the hypochondrium; but if the hydromel
be taken before the draught; it will not have the same injurious
effects as if taken after it; but will be rather beneficial。 And
boiled hydromel has a much more elegant appearance than the
unboiled; being clear; thin; white; and transparent; but I am unable
to mention any good quality which it possesses that the other wants。
For it is not sweeter than the unboiled; provided the honey be fine;
and it is weaker; and occasions less copious evacuations of the
bowels; neither of which effects is required from the hydromel。 But
one should by all means use it boiled; provided the honey be bad;
impure; black; and not fragrant; for the boiling will remove the
most of its bad qualities and appearances。
  16。 You will find the drink; called oxymel; often very useful in
these complaints; for it promotes expectoration and freedom of
breathing。 the following are the proper occasions for administering
it。 When strongly acid it has no mean operation in rendering the
expectoration more easy; for by bringing up the sputa; which
occasion troublesome hawking; and rendering them more slippery; and;
as it were; clearing the windpipe with a feather; it relieves the
lungs and proves emollient to them; and when it succeeds in
producing these effects it must do much good。 But there are cases in
which hydromel; strongly acid; does not promote expectoration; but
renders it more viscid and thus does harm; and it is most apt to
produce these bad effects in cases which are otherwise of a fatal
character; when the patient is unable to cough or bring up the
sputa。 On this account; then; one ought to consider beforehand the
strength of the patient; and if there be any hope; then one may give
it; but if given at all in such cases it should be quite tepid; and in
by no means large doses。 But if slightly acrid it moistens the mouth
and throat; promotes expectoration; and quenches thirst; agrees with
the viscera seated in the hypochondrium; and obviates the bad
effects of the honey; for the bilious quality of the honey is
thereby corrected。 It also promotes flatulent discharges from the
bowels; and is diuretic; but it occasions watery discharges and
those resembling scrapings; from the lower part of the intestine;
which is sometimes a bad thing in acute diseases; more especially when
the flatulence cannot be passed; but rolls backwards; and otherwise it
diminishes the strength and makes the extremities cold; this is the
only bad effect worth mentioning which I have known to arise from
the oxymel。 It may suit well to drink a little of this at night before
the draught of ptisan; and when a considerable interval of time has
passed after the draught there will be nothing to prevent its being
taken。 But to those who are restricted entirely to drinks without
draughts of ptisan; it will therefore not be proper at all times to
give it; more especially from the fretting and irritation of the
intestine which it occasions; (and these bad effects it will be the
more apt to produce provided there be no faeces in the intestines
and the patient is laboring under inanition;) and then it will
weaken the powers of the hydromel。 But if it appears advantageous to
use a great deal of this drink during the whole course of the disease;
one should add to it merely as much vinegar as can just be perceived
by the taste; for thus what is prejudicial in it will do the least
possible harm; and what is beneficial will do the more good。 In a
word; the acidity of vinegar agrees rather with those who are troubled
with bitter bile; than with those patients whose bile is black; for
the bitter principle is dissolved in it and turned to
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