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a ride across palestine-第3部分

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anger。  To them the occasion was very holy。  They were stretching
out their hands in every direction; with long tapers; in order that
they might obtain a spark of the sacred fire which was burning on
one of the altars。  As we made our way out we passed many who; with
dumb motions; begged us to assist them in their object。  And we did
assist them; getting lights for their tapers; handing them to and
fro; and using the authority with which we seemed to be invested。
But Smith; I observed; was much more courteous in this way to the
women than to the men; as I did not forget to remind him when we
were afterwards on our road together。

Remounting our horses we rode slowly up the winding ascent of the
Mount of Olives; turning round at the brow of the hill to look back
over Jerusalem。  Sometimes I think that of all spots in the world
this one should be the spot most cherished in the memory of
Christians。  It was there that He stood when He wept over the city。
So much we do know; though we are ignorant; and ever shall be so; of
the site of His cross and of the tomb。  And then we descended on the
eastern side of the hill; passing through Bethany; the town of
Lazarus and his sisters; and turned our faces steadily towards the
mountains of Moab。

Hitherto we had met no Bedouins; and I interrogated my dragoman
about them more than once; but he always told me that it did not
signify; we should meet them; he said; before any danger could
arise。  〃As for danger;〃 said I; 〃I think more of this than I do of
the Arabs;〃 and I put my hand on my revolver。  〃But as they agreed
to be here; here they ought to be。  Don't you carry a revolver;

Smith said that he never had done so; but that he would take the
charge of mine if I liked。  To this; however; I demurred。  〃I never
part with my pistol to any one;〃 I said; rather drily。  But he
explained that he only intended to signify that if there were danger
to be encountered; he would be glad to encounter it; and I fully
believed him。  〃We shan't have much fighting;〃 I replied; 〃but if
there be any; the tool will come readiest to the hand of its master。
But if you mean to remain here long I would advise you to get one。
These Orientals are a people with whom appearances go a long way;
and; as a rule; fear and respect mean the same thing with them。  A
pistol hanging over your loins is no great trouble to you; and looks
as though you could bite。  Many a dog goes through the world well by
merely showing his teeth。〃

And then my companion began to talk of himself。  〃He did not;〃 he
said; 〃mean to remain in Syria very long。〃

〃Nor I either;〃 said I。  〃I have done with this part of the world
for the present; and shall take the next steamer from Jaffa for
Alexandria。  I shall only have one night in Jerusalem on my return。〃

After this he remained silent for a few moments and then declared
that that also had been his intention。  He was almost ashamed to say
so; however; because it looked as though he had resolved to hook
himself on to me。  So he answered; expressing almost regret at the

〃Don't let that trouble you;〃 said I; 〃I shall be delighted to have
your company。  When you know me better; as I hope you will do; you
will find that if such were not the case I should tell you so as
frankly。  I shall remain in Cairo some little time; so that beyond
our arrival in Egypt; I can answer for nothing。〃

He said that he expected letters at Alexandria which would govern
his future movements。  I thought he seemed sad as he said so; and
imagined; from his manner; that he did not expect very happy
tidings。  Indeed I had made up my mind that he was by no means free
from care or sorrow。  He had not the air of a man who could say of
himself that he was 〃totus teres atque rotundus。〃  But I had no wish
to inquire; and the matter would have dropped had he not himself
added〃I fear that I shall meet acquaintances in Egypt whom it will
give me no pleasure to see。〃

〃Then;〃 said I; 〃if I were you; I would go to Constantinople
instead;indeed; anywhere rather than fall among friends who are
not friendly。  And the nearer the friend is; the more one feels that
sort of thing。  To my way of thinking; there is nothing on earth so
pleasant as a pleasant wife; but then; what is there so damnable as
one that is unpleasant?〃

〃Are you a married man?〃 he inquired。  All his questions were put in
a low tone of voice which seemed to give to them an air of special
interest; and made one almost feel that they were asked with some
special view to one's individual welfare。  Now the fact is; that I
am a married man with a family; but I am not much given to talk to
strangers about my domestic concerns; and; therefore; though I had
no particular object in view; I denied my obligations in this
respect。  〃No;〃 said I; 〃I have not come to that promotion yet。  I
am too frequently on the move to write myself down as

〃Then you know nothing about that pleasantness of which you spoke
just now?〃

〃Nor of the unpleasantness; thank God; my personal experiences are
all to come;as also are yours; I presume?〃

It was possible that he had hampered himself with some woman; and
that she was to meet him at Alexandria。  Poor fellow! thought I。
But his unhappiness was not of that kind。  〃No;〃 said he; 〃I am not
married; I am all alone in the world。〃

〃Then I certainly would not allow myself to be troubled by
unpleasant acquaintances。〃

It was now four hours since we had left Jerusalem; and we had
arrived at the place at which it was proposed that we should
breakfast。  There was a large well there; and shade afforded by a
rock under which the water sprung; and the Arabs had constructed a
tank out of which the horses could drink; so that the place was
ordinarily known as the first stage out of Jerusalem。

Smith had said not a word about his saddle; or complained in any way
of discomfort; so that I had in truth forgotten the subject。  Other
matters had continually presented themselves; and I had never even
asked him how he had fared。  I now jumped from my horse; but I
perceived at once that he was unable to do so。  He smiled faintly;
as his eye caught mine; but I knew that he wanted assistance。  〃Ah;〃
said I; 〃that confounded Turkish saddle has already galled your
skin。  I see how it is; I shall have to doctor you with a little
brandy;externally applied; my friend。〃  But I lent him my
shoulder; and with that assistance he got down; very gently and

We ate our breakfast with a good will; bread and cold fowl and
brandy…and…water; with a hard…boiled egg by way of a final delicacy;
and then I began to bargain with Joseph for the loan of his English
saddle。  I saw that Smith could not get through the journey with
that monstrous Turkish affair; and that he would go on without
complaining till he fainted or came to some other signal grief。  But
the Frenchman; seeing the plight in which we were; was disposed to
drive a very hard bargain。  He wanted forty shillings; the price of
a pair of live Bedouins; for the accommodation; and declared that;
even then; he should make the sacrifice only out of consideration to

〃Very well;〃 said I。  〃I'm tolerably tough myself; and I'll change
with the gentleman。  The chances are that I shall not be in a very
liberal humour when I reach Jaffa with stiff limbs and a sore skin。
I have a very good memory; Joseph。〃

〃I'll take thirty shillings; Mr。 Jones; though I shall have to groan
all the way like a condemned devil。〃

I struck a bargain with him at last for five…and…twenty; and set him
to work to make the necessary change on the horses。  〃It will be
just the same thing to him;〃 I said to Smith。  〃I find that he is as
much used to one as to the other。〃

〃But how much money are you to pay him?〃 he asked。  〃Oh; nothing;〃 I
replied。  〃Give him a few piastres when you part with him at Jaffa。〃
I do not know why I should have felt thus inclined to pay money out
of my pocket for this Smith;a man whom I had only seen for the
first time on the preceding evening; and whose temperament was so
essentially different from my own; but so I did。  I would have done
almost anything in reason for his comfort; and yet he was a
melancholy fellow; with good inward pluck as I believed; but without
that outward show of dash and hardihood which I confess I love to
see。  〃Pray tell him that I'll pay him for it;〃 said he。  〃We'll
make that all right;〃 I answered; and then we remounted;not
without some difficulty on his part。  〃You should have let me rub in
that brandy;〃 I said。  〃You can't conceive how efficaciously I would
have done it。〃  But he made me no answer。

At noon we met a caravan of pilgrims coming up from Jordan。  There
might be some three or four hundred; but the number seemed to be
treble that; from the loose and straggling line in which they
journeyed。  It was a very singular sight; as they moved slowly along
the narrow path through the sand; coming out of a defile among the
hills; which was perhaps a quarter of a mile in front of us; passing
us as we stood still by the wayside; and then winding again out of
sight on the track over which we had come。  Some rode on camels;a
whole family; in many cases; being perched on the same animal。  I
observed a very old man and a very old woman slung in panniers over
a camel's back;not such panniers as might be befitting such a
purpose; but square baskets; so that the heads and heels of each of
the old couple hung out of the rear and front。  〃Surely the journey
will be their death;〃 I said to Joseph。  〃Yes it will;〃 he replied;
quite coolly; 〃but what matter how soon they die now that they have
bathed in Jordan?〃  Very many rode on donkeys; two; generally; on
each donkey; others; who had command of money; on horses; but the
greater number walked; toiling painfully from Jerusalem to Jericho
on the first day; sleeping there in tents and going to bathe on the
second day; and then returning from Jericho to Jerusalem on the
third。  The pilgrimage is made throughout in accordance with fixed
rules; and there is a tariff for the tent accommodation at Jericho;…
…so much per head per night; including the use of hot water。
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