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unconscious comedians-第6部分

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〃There are seventy…one tenants in this house;〃 said Bixiou; 〃and the

average of what they owe Ravenouillet is six thousand francs a month;

eighteen thousand quarterly for money advanced; postage; etc。; not

counting the rents due。 He is Providenceat thirty per cent; which we

all pay him; though he never asks for anything。〃

〃Oh; Paris! Paris!〃 cried Gazonal。

〃I'm going to take you now; cousin Gazonal;〃 said Bixiou; after

indorsing the notes; 〃to see another comedian; who will play you a

charming scene gratis。〃

〃Who is it?〃 said Gazonal。

〃A usurer。 As we go along I'll tell you the debut of friend

Ravenouillet in Paris。〃

Passing in front of the porter's lodge; Gazonal saw Mademoiselle

Lucienne Ravenouillet holding in her hand a music score (she was a

pupil of the Conservatoire); her father reading a newspaper; and

Madame Ravenouillet with a package of letters to be carried up to the


〃Thanks; Monsieur Bixiou!〃 said the girl。

〃She's not a rat;〃 explained Leon to his cousin; 〃she is the larva of

the grasshopper。〃

〃Here's the history of Ravenouillet;〃 continued Bixiou; when the three

friends reached the boulevard。 〃In 1831 Massol; the councillor of

state who is dealing with your case; was a lawyer…journalist who at

that time never thought of being more than Keeper of the Seals; and

deigned to have King Louis…Philippe on his throne。 Forgive his

ambition; he's from Carcassonne。 One morning there entered to him a

young rustic of his parts; who said: 'You know me very well; Mossoo

Massol; I'm your neighbour the grocer's little boy; I've come from

down there; for they tell me a fellow is certain to get a place if he

comes to Paris。' Hearing these words; Massol shuddered; and said to

himself that if he were weak enough to help this compatriot (to him

utterly unknown) he should have the whole department prone upon him;

his bell…rope would break; his valet leave him; he should have

difficulties with his landlord about the stairway; and the other

lodgers would assuredly complain of the smell of garlic pervading the

house。 Consequently; he looked at his visitor as a butcher looks at a

sheep whose throat he intends to cut。 But whether the rustic

comprehended the stab of that glance or not; he went on to say (so

Massol told me); 'I've as much ambition as other men。 I will never go

back to my native place; if I ever do go back; unless I am a rich man。

Paris is the antechamber of Paradise。 They tell me that you who write

the newspapers can make; as they say; 〃fine weather and foul〃; that

is; you have things all your own way; and it's enough to ask your help

to get any place; no matter what; under government。 Now; though I have

faculties; like others; I know myself: I have no education; I don't

know how to write; and that's a misfortune; for I have ideas。 I am not

seeking; therefore; to be your rival; I judge myself; and I know I

couldn't succeed there。 But; as you are so powerful; and as we are

almost brothers; having played together in childhood; I count upon you

to launch me in a career and to protect me Oh; you MUST; I want a

place; a place suitable to my capacity; to such as I am; a place were

I can make my fortune。' Massol was just about to put his compatriot

neck and crop out of the door with some brutal speech; when the rustic

ended his appeal thus: 'I don't ask to enter the administration where

people advance like tortoisesthere's your cousin; who has stuck in

one post for twenty years。 No; I only want to make my debut。''On the

stage?' asked Massol only too happy at that conclusion。'No; though I

have gesture enough; and figure; and memory。 But there's too much wear

and tear; I prefer the career of PORTER。' Massol kept his countenance;

and replied: 'I think there's more wear and tear in that; but as your

choice is made I'll see what I can do'; and he got him; as

Ravenouillet says; his first 'cordon。'〃

〃I was the first master;〃 said Leon; 〃to consider the race of porter。

You'll find knaves of morality; mountebanks of vanity; modern

sycophants; septembriseurs; disguised in philanthropy; inventors of

palpitating questions; preaching the emancipation of the negroes;

improvement of little thieves; benevolence to liberated convicts; and

who; nevertheless; leave their porters in a condition worse than that

of the Irish; in holes more dreadful than a mud cabin; and pay them

less money to live on than the State pays to support a convict。 I have

done but one good action in my life; and that was to build my porter a

decent lodge。〃

〃Yes;〃 said Bixiou; 〃if a man; having built a great cage divided into

thousands of compartments like the cells of a beehive or the dens of a

menagerie; constructed to receive human beings of all trades and all

kinds; if that animal; calling itself the proprietor; should go to a

man of science and say: 'I want an individual of the bimanous species;

able to live in holes full of old boots; pestiferous with rags; and

ten feet square; I want him such that he can live there all his life;

sleep there; eat there; be happy; get children as pretty as little

cupids; work; toil; cultivate flowers; sing there; stay there; and

live in darkness but see and know everything;' most assuredly the man

of science could never have invented the porter to oblige the

proprietor; Paris; and Paris only could create him; or; if you choose;

the devil。〃

〃Parisian creative powers have gone farther than that;〃 said Gazonal;

〃look at the workmen! You don't know all the products of industry;

though you exhibit them。 Our toilers fight against the toilers of the

continent by force of misery; as Napoleon fought Europe by force of


〃Here we are; at my friend the usurer's;〃 said Bixiou。 〃His name is

Vauvinet。 One of the greatest mistakes made by writers who describe

our manners and morals is to harp on old portraits。 In these days all

trades change。 The grocer becomes a peer of France; artists capitalize

their money; vaudevillists have incomes。 A few rare beings may remain

what they originally were; but professions in general have no longer

either their special costume or their formerly fixed habits and ways。

In the past we had Gobseck; Gigounet; Samonon;the last of the

Romans; to…day we rejoice in Vauvinet; the good…fellow usurer; the

dandy who frequents the greenroom and the lorettes; and drives about

in a little coupe with one horse。 Take special note of my man; friend

Gazonal; and you'll see the comedy of money; the cold man who won't

give a penny; the hot man who snuffs a profit; listen to him


All three went up to the second floor of a fine…looking house on the

boulevard des Italiens; where they found themselves surrounded by the

elegances then in fashion。 A young man about twenty…eight years of age

advanced to meet them with a smiling face; for he saw Leon de Lora

first。 Vauvinet held out his hand with apparent friendliness to

Bixiou; and bowed coldly to Gazonal as he motioned them to enter his

office; where bourgeois taste was visible beneath the artistic

appearance of the furniture; and in spite of the statuettes and the

thousand other little trifles applied to our little apartments by

modern art; which has made itself as small as its patrons。

Vauvinet was dressed; like other young men of our day who go into

business; with extreme elegance; which many of them regard as a

species of prospectus。

〃I've come for some money;〃 said Bixiou; laughing; and presenting his


Vauvinet assumed a serious air; which made Gazonal smile; such

difference was there between the smiling visage that received them and

the countenance of the money…lender recalled to business。

〃My dear fellow;〃 said Vauvinet; looking at Bixiou; 〃I should

certainly oblige you with the greatest pleasure; but I haven't any

money to loan at the present time。〃

〃Ah; bah!〃

〃No; I have given all I had toyou know who。 That poor Lousteau went

into partnership for the management of a theatre with an old

vaudevillist who has great influence with the ministry; Ridal; and

they came to me yesterday for thirty thousand francs。 I'm cleaned out;

and so completely that I was just in the act of sending to Cerizet for

a hundred louis; when I lost at lansquenet this morning; at Jenny


〃You must indeed me hard…up if you can't oblige this poor Bixiou;〃

said Leon de Lora; 〃for he can be very sharp…tongued when he hasn't a


〃Well;〃 said Bixiou; 〃I could never say anything but good of Vauvinet;

he's full of goods。〃

〃My dear friend;〃 said Vauvinet; 〃if I had the money; I couldn't

possibly discount; even at fifty per cent; notes which are drawn by

your porter。 Ravenouillet's paper isn't in demand。 He's not a

Rothschild。 I warn you that his notes are worn thin; you had better

invent another firm。 Find an uncle。 As for a friend who'll sign notes

for us there's no such being to be found; the matter…of…factness of

the present age is making awful progress。〃

〃I have a friend;〃 said Bixiou; motioning to Leon's cousin。 〃Monsieur

here; one of the most distinguished manufacturers of cloth in the

South; named Gazonal。 His hair is not very well dressed;〃 added

Bixiou; looking at the touzled and luxuriant crop on the provincial's

head; 〃but I am going to take him to Marius; who will make him look

less like a poodle…dog; an appearance so injurious to his credit; and

to ours。〃

〃I don't believe in Southern securities; be it said without offence to

monsieur;〃 replied Vauvinet; with whom Gazonal was so entertained that

he did not resent his insolence。

Gazonal; that extremely penetrating intellect; thought that the

painter and Bixiou intended; by way of teaching him to know Paris; to

make him pay the thousand francs for his breakfast at the Cafe de

Paris; for this son of the Pyrenees had never got out of that armor of

distrust which i
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