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Whether Wagner followed the Italian school in this case in sarcasm; or
because he believed it was fitting; considering the subject; can never be
known (though we remember that he was at one time a great admirer of
Bellini); but the result is a melodious and restful ending to a tragedy
which; were it carried to the end in unbroken gloom; mystery; and carnage;
would be too terrible and too vast for human endurance and human
comprehension。 Yet let us be just! The libretto is full of barbaric
brutalities; it is replete with blood and carnage; but; although Bluebeard
was emphatically not a nice person; and his vices cannot be condoned; and
although Fatima was wrong in marrying for an establishment and most
culpable in yielding to her curiosity; still; virtue triumphs in the end。
The story; as a whole; is fairly murmurous with morality; sending young men
and women to their homes impressed with the risks and snares involved in
bigamy and polygamy; and giving them an added sense of the security and
gravity of the marriage tie when sparingly used。

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