15-taming the bicycle-第1部分
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In the early eighties Mark Twain learned to ride one of the
old high…wheel bicycles of that period。 He wrote an account of
his experience; but did not offer it for publication。 The form
of bicycle he rode long ago became antiquated; but in the humor
of his pleasantry is a quality which does not grow old。
A。 B。 P。
I thought the matter over; and concluded I could do it。 So
I went down a bought a barrel of Pond's Extract and a bicycle。
The Expert came home with me to instruct me。 We chose the
back yard; for the sake of privacy; and went to work。
Mine was not a full…grown bicycle; but only a colta
fifty…inch; with the pedals shortened up to forty…eightand
skittish; like any other colt。 The Expert explained the thing's
points briefly; then he got on its back and rode around a little;
to show me how easy it was to do。 He said that the dismounting
was perhaps the hardest thing to learn; and so we would leave
that to the last。 But he was in error there。 He found; to his
surprise and joy; that all that he needed to do was to get me on
to the machine and stand out of the way; I could get off; myself。
Although I was wholly inexperienced; I dismounted in the best
time on record。 He was on that side; shoving up the machine;
we all came down with a crash; he at the bottom; I next;
and the machine on top。
We examined the machine; but it was not in the least
injured。 This was hardly believable。 Yet the Expert assured me
that it was true; in fact; the examination proved it。 I was
partly to realize; then; how admirably these things are
constructed。 We applied some Pond's Extract; and resumed。 The
Expert got on the OTHER side to shove up this time; but I
dismounted on that side; so the result was as before。
The machine was not hurt。 We oiled ourselves again; and resumed。
This time the Expert took up a sheltered position behind;
but somehow or other we landed on him again。
He was full of admiration; said it was abnormal。 She was
all right; not a scratch on her; not a timber started anywhere。
I said it was wonderful; while we were greasing up; but he said
that when I came to know these steel spider…webs I would realize
that nothing but dynamite could cripple them。 Then he limped out
to position; and we resumed once more。 This time the Expert took
up the position of short…stop; and got a man to shove up behind。
We got up a handsome speed; and presently traversed a brick; and
I went out over the top of the tiller and landed; head down; on
the instructor's back; and saw the machine fluttering in the air
between me and the sun。 It was well it came down on us; for that
broke the fall; and it was not injured。
Five days later I got out and was carried down to the
hospital; and found the Expert doing pretty fairly。 In a few
more days I was quite sound。 I attribute this to my prudence in
always dismounting on something soft。 Some recommend a feather
bed; but I think an Expert is better。
The Expert got out at last; brought four assistants with
him。 It was a good idea。 These four held the graceful cobweb
upright while I climbed into the saddle; then they formed in
column and marched on either side of me while the Expert pushed
behind; all hands assisted at the dismount。
The bicycle had what is called the 〃wabbles;〃 and had them
very badly。 In order to keep my position; a good many things
were required of me; and in every instance the thing required was
against nature。 That is to say; that whatever the needed thing
might be; my nature; habit; and breeding moved me to attempt it
in one way; while some immutable and unsuspected law of physics
required that it be done in just the other way。 I perceived by
this how radically and grotesquely wrong had been the life…long
education of my body and members。 They were steeped in
ignorance; they knew nothingnothing which it could profit them
to know。 For instance; if I found myself falling to the right; I
put the tiller hard down the other way; by a quite natural
impulse; and so violated a law; and kept on going down。 The law
required the opposite thingthe big wheel must be turned in the
direction in which you are falling。 It is hard to believe this;
when you are told it。 And not merely hard to believe it; but
impossible; it is opposed to all your notions。 And it is just as
hard to do it; after you do come to believe it。 Believing it;
and knowing by the most convincing proof that it is true; does
not help it: you can't any more DO it than you could before; you
can neither force nor persuade yourself to do it at first。 The
intellect has to come to the front; now。 It has to teach the
limbs to discard their old education and adopt the new。
The steps of one's progress are distinctly marked。 At the
end of each lesson he knows he has acquired something; and he
also knows what that something is; and likewise that it will stay
with him。 It is not like studying German; where you mull along;
in a groping; uncertain way; for thirty years; and at last; just
as you think you've got it; they spring the subjunctive on you;
and there you are。 Noand I see now; plainly enough; that the
great pity about the German language is; that you can't fall off
it and hurt yourself。 There is nothing like that feature to make
you attend strictly to business。 But I also see; by what I have
learned of bicycling; that the right and only sure way to learn
German is by the bicycling method。 That is to say; take a grip
on one villainy of it at a time; leaving that one half learned。
When you have reached the point in bicycling where you can
balance the machine tolerably fairly and propel it and steer it;
then comes your next taskhow to mount it。 You do it in this
way: you hop along behind it on your right foot; resting the
other on the mounting…peg; and grasping the tiller with your
hands。 At the word; you rise on the peg; stiffen your left leg;
hang your other one around in the air in a general in indefinite
way; lean your stomach against the rear of the saddle; and then
fall off; maybe on one side; maybe on the other; but you fall off。
You get up and do it again; and once more; and then several times。
By this time you have learned to keep your balance; and also
to steer without wrenching the tiller out by the roots (I say
tiller because it IS a tiller; 〃handle…bar〃 is a lamely
descriptive phrase)。 So you steer along; straight ahead; a little
while; then you rise forward; with a steady strain; bringing your
right leg; and then your body; into the saddle; catch your
breath; fetch a violent hitch this way and then that; and down
you go again。
But you have ceased to mind the going down by this time; you
are getting to light on one foot or the other with considerable
certainty。 Six more attempts and six more falls make you
perfect。 You land in the saddle comfortably; next time; and stay
therethat is; if you can be content to let your legs dangle;
and leave the pedals alone a while; but if you grab at once for
the pedals; you are gone again。 You soon learn to wait a little
and perfect your balance before reaching for the pedals; then the
mounting…art is acquired; is complete; and a little practice will
make it simple and easy to you; though spectators ought to keep
off a rod or two to one side; along at first; if you have nothing
against them。
And now you come to the voluntary dismount; you learned the
other kind first of all。 It is quite easy to tell one how to do
the voluntary dismount; the words are few; the requirement
simple; and apparently undifficult; let your left pedal go down
till your left leg is nearly straight; turn your wheel to the
left; and get off as you would from a horse。 It certainly does
sound exceedingly easy; but it isn't。 I don't know why it isn't
but it isn't。 Try as you may; you don't get down as you would
from a horse; you get down as you would from a house afire。 You
make a spectacle of yourself every time。
During the eight days I took a daily lesson an hour and a
half。 At the end of this twelve working…hours' appreticeship I
was graduatedin the rough。 I was pronounced competent to
paddle my own bicycle without outside help。 It seems incredible;
this celerity of acquirement。 It takes considerably longer than
that to learn horseback…riding in the rough。
Now it is true that I could have learned without a teacher;
but it would have been risky for me; because of my natural
clumsiness。 The self…taught man seldom knows anything
accurately; and he does not know a tenth as much as he could have
known if he had worked under teachers; and; besides; he brags;
and is the means of fooling other thoughtless people into going
and doing as he himself has done。 There are those who imagine
that the unlucky accidents of lifelife's 〃experiences〃are in
some way useful to us。 I wish I could find out how。 I never
knew one of them to happen twice。 They always change off and
swap around and catch you on your inexperienced side。 If
personal experience can be worth anything as an education; it
wouldn't seem likely that you could trip Methuselah; and yet if
that old person could come back here it is more that likely that
one of the first things he would do would be to take hold of one
of these electric wires and tie himself all up in a knot。 Now
the surer thing and the wiser thing would be for him to ask
somebody whether it was a good thing to take hold of。 But that
would not suit him; he would be one of the self…taught kind that
go by experience; he would want to examine for himself。 And he
would find; for his instruction; that the coiled patriarch shuns
the electric wire; and it would be useful to him; too; and would
leave his education in quite a complete and rounded…out
condition; till he should com
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