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15-taming the bicycle-第2部分

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leave his education in quite a complete and rounded…out

condition; till he should come again; some day; and go to

bouncing a dynamite…can around to find out what was in it。

But we wander from the point。  However; get a teacher; it

saves much time and Pond's Extract。

Before taking final leave of me; my instructor inquired

concerning my physical strength; and I was able to inform him

that I hadn't any。  He said that that was a defect which would

make up…hill wheeling pretty difficult for me at first; but he

also said the bicycle would soon remove it。  The contrast between

his muscles and mine was quite marked。  He wanted to test mine;

so I offered my bicepswhich was my best。  It almost made him

smile。  He said; 〃It is pulpy; and soft; and yielding; and

rounded; it evades pressure; and glides from under the fingers;

in the dark a body might think it was an oyster in a rag。〃

Perhaps this made me look grieved; for he added; briskly:  〃Oh;

that's all right; you needn't worry about that; in a little while

you can't tell it from a petrified kidney。  Just go right along

with your practice; you're all right。〃

Then he left me; and I started out alone to seek adventures。

You don't really have to seek themthat is nothing but a phrase

they come to you。

I chose a reposeful Sabbath…day sort of a back street which

was about thirty yards wide between the curbstones。  I knew it

was not wide enough; still; I thought that by keeping strict

watch and wasting no space unnecessarily I could crowd through。

Of course I had trouble mounting the machine; entirely on my

own responsibility; with no encouraging moral support from the

outside; no sympathetic instructor to say; 〃Good! now you're

doing wellgood againdon't hurrythere; now; you're all right

brace up; go ahead。〃  In place of this I had some other

support。  This was a boy; who was perched on a gate…post munching

a hunk of maple sugar。

He was full of interest and comment。  The first time I

failed and went down he said that if he was me he would dress up

in pillows; that's what he would do。  The next time I went down

he advised me to go and learn to ride a tricycle first。  The

third time I collapsed he said he didn't believe I could stay on

a horse…car。  But the next time I succeeded; and got clumsily

under way in a weaving; tottering; uncertain fashion; and

occupying pretty much all of the street。  My slow and lumbering

gait filled the boy to the chin with scorn; and he sung out; 〃My;

but don't he rip along!〃  Then he got down from his post and

loafed along the sidewalk; still observing and occasionally

commenting。  Presently he dropped into my wake and followed along

behind。  A little girl passed by; balancing a wash…board on her

head; and giggled; and seemed about to make a remark; but the boy

said; rebukingly; 〃Let him alone; he's going to a funeral。〃

I have been familiar with that street for years; and had

always supposed it was a dead level; but it was not; as the

bicycle now informed me; to my surprise。  The bicycle; in the

hands of a novice; is as alert and acute as a spirit…level in the

detecting the delicate and vanishing shades of difference in

these matters。  It notices a rise where your untrained eye would

not observe that one existed; it notices any decline which water

will run down。  I was toiling up a slight rise; but was not aware

of it。  It made me tug and pant and perspire; and still; labor as

I might; the machine came almost to a standstill every little while。

At such times the boy would say:  〃That's it! take a rest

there ain't no hurry。  They can't hold the funeral without YOU。〃

Stones were a bother to me。  Even the smallest ones gave me a

panic when I went over them。  I could hit any kind of a stone;

no matter how small; if I tried to miss it; and of course at

first I couldn't help trying to do that。  It is but natural。

It is part of the ass that is put in us all; for some

inscrutable reason。

It was at the end of my course; at last; and it was necessary

for me to round to。  This is not a pleasant thing; when you

undertake it for the first time on your own responsibility;

and neither is it likely to succeed。  Your confidence oozes away;

you fill steadily up with nameless apprehensions; every fiber of

you is tense with a watchful strain; you start a cautious and

gradual curve; but your squirmy nerves are all full of electric

anxieties; so the curve is quickly demoralized into a jerky and

perilous zigzag; then suddenly the nickel…clad horse takes the

bit in its mouth and goes slanting for the curbstone; defying all

prayers and all your powers to change its mindyour heart stands

still; your breath hangs fire; your legs forget to work; straight

on you go; and there are but a couple of feet between you and the

curb now。  And now is the desperate moment; the last chance to

save yourself; of course all your instructions fly out of your

head; and you whirl your wheel AWAY from the curb instead of

TOWARD it; and so you go sprawling on that granite…bound

inhospitable shore。  That was my luck; that was my experience。  I

dragged myself out from under the indestructible bicycle and sat

down on the curb to examine。

I started on the return trip。  It was now that I saw a

farmer's wagon poking along down toward me; loaded with cabbages。

If I needed anything to perfect the precariousness of my steering;

it was just that。  The farmer was occupying the middle of the road

with his wagon; leaving barely fourteen or fifteen yards of space

on either side。  I couldn't shout at hima beginner can't shout;

if he opens his mouth he is gone; he must keep all his attention

on his business。  But in this grisly emergency; the boy came

to the rescue; and for once I had to be grateful to him。

He kept a sharp lookout on the swiftly varying impulses and

inspirations of my bicycle; and shouted to the man accordingly:

〃To the left!  Turn to the left; or this jackass 'll run over you!〃

The man started to do it。  〃No; to the right; to the right! 

Hold on! THAT won't do!to the left!to the right!to the

LEFTright! leftri  Stay where you ARE; or you're a goner!〃

And just then I caught the off horse in the starboard and went

down in a pile。  I said; 〃Hang it!  Couldn't you SEE I was coming?〃

〃Yes; I see you was coming; but I couldn't tell which WAY you

was coming。  Nobody couldnow; COULD they?  You couldn't

yourselfnow; COULD you?  So what could _I_ do?

There was something in that; and so I had the magnanimity to

say so。  I said I was no doubt as much to blame as he was。

Within the next five days I achieved so much progress that

the boy couldn't keep up with me。  He had to go back to his gate…

post; and content himself with watching me fall at long range。

There was a row of low stepping…stones across one end of the

street; a measured yard apart。  Even after I got so I could steer

pretty fairly I was so afraid of those stones that I always hit

them。  They gave me the worst falls I ever got in that street;

except those which I got from dogs。  I have seen it stated that

no expert is quick enough to run over a dog; that a dog is always

able to skip out of his way。  I think that that may be true:  but

I think that the reason he couldn't run over the dog was because

he was trying to。  I did not try to run over any dog。  But I ran

over every dog that came along。  I think it makes a great deal of

difference。  If you try to run over the dog he knows how to

calculate; but if you are trying to miss him he does not know how

to calculate; and is liable to jump the wrong way every time。  It

was always so in my experience。  Even when I could not hit a

wagon I could hit a dog that came to see me practice。  They all

liked to see me practice; and they all came; for there was very

little going on in our neighborhood to entertain a dog。  It took

time to learn to miss a dog; but I achieved even that。

I can steer as well as I want to; now; and I will catch that

boy one of these days and run over HIM if he doesn't reform。

Get a bicycle。  You will not regret it; if you live。

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