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john ingerfield and other stories-第10部分

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months afterwards; was a reformed character。  Indeed; the pendulum of

my conscience swung too far the other way; and I grew exaggeratedly

remorseful and unhealthily moral。

There was published in those days; for the edification of young

people; a singularly pessimistic periodical; entitled The Children's

Band of Hope Review。  It was a magazine much in favour among grown…up

people; and a bound copy of Vol。 IX。 had lately been won by my sister

as a prize for punctuality (I fancy she must have exhausted all the

virtue she ever possessed; in that direction; upon the winning of

that prize。  At all events; I have noticed no ostentatious display of

the quality in her later life。)  I had formerly expressed contempt

for this book; but now; in my regenerate state; I took a morbid

pleasure in poring over its denunciations of sin and sinners。  There

was one picture in it that appeared peculiarly applicable to myself。

It represented a gaudily costumed young man; standing on the topmost

of three steep steps; smoking a large cigar。  Behind him was a very

small church; and below; a bright and not altogether uninviting

looking hell。  The picture was headed 〃The Three Steps to Ruin;〃 and

the three stairs were labelled respectively 〃Smoking;〃 〃Drinking;〃

〃Gambling。〃  I had already travelled two…thirds of the road!  Was I

going all the way; or should I be able to retrace those steps?  I

used to lie awake at night and think about it till I grew half crazy。

Alas! since then I have completed the descent; so where my future

will be spent I do not care to think。

Another picture in the book that troubled me was the frontispiece。

This was a highly…coloured print; illustrating the broad and narrow

ways。  The narrow way led upward past a Sunday…school and a lion to a

city in the clouds。  This city was referred to in the accompanying

letterpress as a place of 〃Rest and Peace;〃 but inasmuch as the town

was represented in the illustration as surrounded by a perfect mob of

angels; each one blowing a trumpet twice his own size; and obviously

blowing it for all he was worth; a certain confusion of ideas would

seem to have crept into the allegory。

The other paththe 〃broad way〃which ended in what at first glance

appeared to be a highly successful display of fireworks; started from

the door of a tavern; and led past a Music Hall; on the steps of

which stood a gentleman smoking a cigar。  All the wicked people in

this book smoked cigarsall except one young man who had killed his

mother and died raving mad。  He had gone astray on short pipes。

This made it uncomfortably clear to me which direction I had chosen;

and I was greatly alarmed; until; on examining the picture more

closely; I noticed; with much satisfaction; that about midway the two

paths were connected by a handy little bridge; by the use of which it

seemed feasible; starting on the one path and ending up on the other;

to combine the practical advantages of both roads。  From subsequent

observation I have come to the conclusion that a good many people

have made a note of that little bridge。

My own belief in the possibility of such convenient compromise must;

I fear; have led to an ethical relapse; for there recurs to my mind a

somewhat painful scene of a few months' later date; in which I am

seeking to convince a singularly unresponsive landed proprietor that

my presence in his orchard is solely and entirely due to my having

unfortunately lost my way。

It was not until I was nearly seventeen that the idea occurred to me

to visit a Music Hall again。  Then; having regard to my double

capacity of 〃Man About Town〃 and journalist (for I had written a

letter to The Era; complaining of the way pit doors were made to

open; and it had been inserted); I felt I had no longer any right to

neglect acquaintanceship with so important a feature in the life of

the people。  Accordingly; one Saturday night; I wended my way to the

〃Pav。〃; and there the first person that I ran against was my uncle。

He laid a heavy hand upon my shoulder; and asked me; in severe tones;

what I was doing there。  I felt this to be an awkward question; for

it would have been useless trying to make him understand my real

motives (one's own relations are never sympathetic); and I was

somewhat nonplussed for an answer; until the reflection occurred to

me:  What was HE doing there?  This riddle I; in my turn; propounded

to him; with the result that we entered into treaty; by the terms of

which it was agreed that no future reference should be made to the

meeting by either of usespecially not in the presence of my aunt

and the compact was ratified according to the usual custom; my uncle

paying the necessary expenses。

In those days; we sat; some four or six of us; round a little table;

on which were placed our drinks。  Now we have to balance them upon a

narrow ledge; and ladies; as they pass; dip the ends of their cloaks

into them; and gentlemen stir them up for us with the ferrules of

their umbrellas; or else sweep them off into our laps with their coat

tails; saying as they do so; 〃Oh; I beg your pardon。〃

Also; in those days; there were 〃chairmen〃affable gentlemen; who

would drink anything at anybody's expense; and drink any quantity of

it; and never seem to get any fuller。  I was introduced to a Music

Hall chairman once; and when I said to him; 〃What is your drink?〃 he

took up the 〃list of beverages〃 that lay before him; and; opening it;

waved his hand lightly across its entire contents; from clarets; past

champagnes and spirits; down to liqueurs。  〃That's my drink; my boy;〃

said he。  There was nothing narrow…minded or exclusive about his


It was the chairman's duty to introduce the artists。  〃Ladies and

gentlemen;〃 he would shout; in a voice that united the musical

characteristics of a foghorn and a steam saw; 〃Miss 'Enerietta

Montressor; the popular serio…comic; will now happear。〃  These

announcements were invariably received with great applause by the

chairman himself; and generally with chilling indifference by the

rest of the audience。

It was also the privilege of the chairman to maintain order; and

reprimand evil…doers。  This he usually did very effectively;

employing for the purpose language both fit and forcible。  One

chairman that I remember seemed; however; to be curiously deficient

in the necessary qualities for this part of his duty。  He was a mild

and sleepy little man; and; unfortunately; he had to preside over an

exceptionally rowdy audience at a small hall in the South…East

district。  On the night that I was present; there occurred a great

disturbance。  〃Joss Jessop; the Monarch of Mirth;〃 a gentleman

evidently high in local request was; for some reason or other; not

forthcoming; and in his place the management proposed to offer a

female performer on the zithern; one Signorina Ballatino。

The little chairman made the announcement in a nervous; deprecatory

tone; as if he were rather ashamed of it himself。  〃Ladies and

gentlemen;〃 he began;the poor are staunch sticklers for etiquette:

I overheard a small child explaining to her mother one night in Three

Colts Street; Limehouse; that she could not get into the house

because there was a 〃lady〃 on the doorstep; drunk;〃Signorina

Ballatino; the world…renowned〃

Here a voice from the gallery requested to know what had become of

〃Old Joss;〃 and was greeted by loud cries of 〃'Ear; 'ear。〃

The chairman; ignoring the interruption; continued:

〃the world…renowned performer on the zither〃

〃On the whoter?〃 came in tones of plaintive inquiry from the back of

the hall。

〃HON the zither;〃 retorted the chairman; waxing mildly indignant; he

meant zithern; but he called it a zither。  〃A hinstrument well…known

to anybody as 'as 'ad any learning。〃

This sally was received with much favour; and a gentleman who claimed

to be acquainted with the family history of the interrupter begged

the chairman to excuse that ill…bred person on the ground that his

mother used to get drunk with the twopence a week and never sent him

to school。

Cheered by this breath of popularity; our little president

endeavoured to complete his introduction of the Signorina。  He again

repeated that she was the world…renowned performer on the zithern;

and; undeterred by the audible remark of a lady in the pit to the

effect that she'd 〃never 'eard on 'er;〃 added:

〃She will now; ladies and gentlemen; with your kind permission; give

you examples of the〃

〃Blow yer zither!〃 here cried out the gentleman who had started the

agitation; 〃we want Joss Jessop。〃

This was the signal for much cheering and shrill whistling; in the

midst of which a wag with a piping voice suggested as a reason for

the favourite's non…appearance that he bad not been paid his last

week's salary。

A temporary lull occurred at this point; and the chairman; seizing

the opportunity to complete his oft…impeded speech; suddenly

remarked; 〃songs of the Sunny South〃; and immediately sat down and

began hammering upon the table。

Then Signora Ballatino; clothed in the costume of the Sunny South;

where clothes are less essential than in these colder climes; skipped

airily forward; and was most ungallantly greeted with a storm of

groans and hisses。  Her beloved instrument was unfeelingly alluded to

as a pie…dish; and she was advised to take it back and get the penny

on it。  The chairman; addressed by his Christian name of 〃Jimmee;〃

was told to lie down and let her sing him to sleep。  Every time she

attempted to start playing; shouts were raised for Joss。

At length the chairman; overcoming his evident disinclination to take

any sort of hand whatever in the game; rose and gently hinted at the

desirability of silence。  The suggestion not meeting with any

support; he proceeded to adopt sterner measures。  He addressed

himself personally to the ringleader of th
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