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john ingerfield and other stories-第13部分

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she did it I could never understand; for the two heavy bolts had both

been drawn; but the next moment the door stood wide open; and a hum

of voices; cheery with the anticipation of a period of perfect bliss;

was borne in upon the cool night air。

My mother was always very quick of hearing。

Again; I see a wild crowd of grim faces; and my father's; very pale;

amongst them。  But this time the faces are very many; and they come

and go like faces in a dream。  The ground beneath my feet is wet and

sloppy; and a black rain is falling。  There are women's faces in the

crowd; wild and haggard; and long skinny arms stretch out

threateningly towards my father; and shrill; frenzied voices call out

curses on him。  Boys' faces also pass me in the grey light; and on

some of them there is an impish grin。

I seem to be in everybody's way; and to get out of it; I crawl into a

dark; draughty corner and crouch there among cinders。  Around me;

great engines fiercely strain and pant like living things fighting

beyond their strength。  Their gaunt arms whirl madly above me; and

the ground rocks with their throbbing。  Dark figures flit to and fro;

pausing from time to time to wipe the black sweat from their faces。

The pale light fades; and the flame…lit night lies red upon the land。

The flitting figures take strange shapes。  I hear the hissing of

wheels; the furious clanking of iron chains; the hoarse shouting of

many voices; the hurrying tread of many feet; and; through all; the

wailing and weeping and cursing that never seem to cease。  I drop

into a restless sleep; and dream that I have broken a chapel window;

stone…throwing; and have died and gone to hell。

At length; a cold hand is laid upon my shoulder; and I awake。  The

wild faces have vanished and all is silent now; and I wonder if the

whole thing has been a dream。  My father lifts me into the dog…cart;

and we drive home through the chill dawn。

My mother opens the door softly as we alight。  She does not speak;

only looks her question。  〃It's all over; Maggie;〃 answers my father

very quietly; as he takes off his coat and lays it across a chair;

〃we've got to begin the world afresh。〃

My mother's arms steal up about his neck; and I; feeling heavy with a

trouble I do not understand; creep off to bed。


This story is about a shop:  many stories are。  One Sunday evening

this Bishop had to preach a sermon at St。 Paul's Cathedral。  The

occasion was a very special and important one; and every God…fearing

newspaper in the kingdom sent its own special representative to

report the proceedings。

Now; of the three reporters thus commissioned; one was a man of

appearance so eminently respectable that no one would have thought of

taking him for a journalist。  People used to put him down for a

County Councillor or an Archdeacon at the very least。  As a matter of

fact; however; he was a sinful man; with a passion for gin。  He lived

at Bow; and; on the Sabbath in question; he left his home at five

o'clock in the afternoon; and started to walk to the scene of his

labours。  The road from Bow to the City on a wet and chilly Sunday

evening is a cheerless one; who can blame him if on his way he

stopped once or twice to comfort himself with 〃two〃 of his favourite

beverage?  On reaching St。 Paul's he found he had twenty minutes to

sparejust time enough for one final 〃nip。〃  Half way down a narrow

court leading out of the Churchyard he found a quiet little hostelry;

and; entering the private bar; whispered insinuatingly across the


〃Two of gin hot; if you please; my dear。〃

His voice had the self…satisfied meekness of the successful

ecclesiastic; his bearing suggested rectitude tempered by desire to

avoid observation。  The barmaid; impressed by his manner and

appearance; drew the attention of the landlord to him。  The landlord

covertly took stock of so much of him as could be seen between his

buttoned…up coat and his drawn…down hat; and wondered how so bland

and innocent…looking a gentleman came to know of gin。

A landlord's duty; however; is not to wonder; but to serve。  The gin

was given to the man; and the man drank it。  He liked it。  It was

good gin:  he was a connoisseur; and he knew。  Indeed; so good did it

seem to him that he felt it would be a waste of opportunity not to

have another twopen'orth。  Therefore he had a second 〃go〃; maybe a

third。  Then he returned to the Cathedral; and sat himself down with

his notebook on his knee and waited。

As the service proceeded there stole over him that spirit of

indifference to all earthly surroundings that religion and drink are

alone able to bestow。  He heard the good Bishop's text and wrote it

down。  Then he heard the Bishop's 〃sixthly and lastly;〃 and took that

down; and looked at his notebook and wondered in a peaceful way what

had become of the 〃firstly〃 to 〃fifthly〃 inclusive。  He sat there

wondering until the people round him began to get up and move away;

whereupon it struck him swiftly and suddenly that be had been asleep;

and had thereby escaped the main body of the discourse。

What on earth was he to do?  He was representing one of the leading

religious papers。  A full report of the sermon was wanted that very

night。  Seizing the robe of a passing wandsman; he tremulously

inquired if the Bishop had yet left the Cathedral。  The wandsman

answered that he had not; but that he was just on the point of doing


〃I must see him before he goes!〃 exclaimed the reporter; excitedly。

〃You can't;〃 replied the wandsman。  The journalist grew frantic。

〃Tell him;〃 he cried; 〃a penitent sinner desires to speak with him

about the sermon he has just delivered。  To…morrow it will be too


The wandsman was touched; so was the Bishop。  He said he would see

the poor fellow。

As soon as the door was shut the man; with tears in his eyes; told

the Bishop the truthleaving out the gin。  He said that he was a

poor man; and not in good health; that he had been up half the night

before; and had walked all the way from Bow that evening。  He dwelt

on the disastrous results to himself and his family should he fail to

obtain a report of the sermon。  The Bishop felt sorry for the man。

Also; he was anxious that his sermon should be reported。

〃Well; I trust it will be a warning to you against going to sleep in

church;〃 he said; with an indulgent smile。  〃Luckily; I have brought

my notes with me; and if you will promise to be very careful of them;

and to bring them back to me the first thing in the morning; I will

lend them to you。〃

With this; the Bishop opened and handed to the man a neat little

black leather bag; inside which lay a neat little roll of manuscript。

〃Better take the bag to keep it in;〃 added the Bishop。  〃Be sure and

let me have them both back early to…morrow。〃

The reporter; when he examined the contents of the bag under a lamp

in the Cathedral vestibule; could hardly believe his good fortune。

The careful Bishop's notes were so full and clear that for all

practical purposes they were equal to a report。  His work was already

done。  He felt so pleased with himself that he determined to treat

himself to another 〃two〃 of gin; and; with this intent; made his way

across to the little 〃public〃 before…mentioned。

〃It's really excellent gin you sell here;〃 he said to the barmaid

when he had finished; 〃I think; my dear; I'll have just one more。〃

At eleven the landlord gently but firmly insisted on his leaving; and

he went; assisted; as far as the end of the court; by the potboy。

After he was gone; the landlord noticed a neat little black bag on

the seat where he had been lying。  Examining it closely; he

discovered a brass plate between the handles; and upon the brass

plate were engraved the owner's name and title。  Opening the bag; the

landlord saw a neat little roll of manuscript; and across a corner of

the manuscript was written the Bishop's name and address。

The landlord blew a long; low whistle; and stood with his round eyes

wide open gazing down at the open bag。  Then he put on his hat and

coat; and taking the bag; went out down the court; chuckling hugely

as he walked。  He went straight to the house of the Resident Canon

and rang the bell。

〃Tell Mr。 ;〃 he said to the servant; 〃that I must see him to…night。

I wouldn't disturb him at this late hour if it wasn't something very


The landlord was ushered up。  Closing the door softly behind him; he

coughed deferentially。

〃Well; Mr。 Peters〃 (I will call him 〃Peters〃); said the Canon; 〃what

is it?〃

〃Well; sir;〃 said Mr。 Peters; slowly and deliberately; 〃it's about

that there lease o' mine。  I do hope you gentlemen will see your way

to makin' it twenty…one year instead o' fourteen。〃

〃God bless the man!〃 cried the Canon; jumping up indignantly; 〃you

don't mean to say you've come to me at eleven o'clock on a Sunday

night to talk about your lease?〃

〃Well; not entirely; sir;〃 answered Peters; unabashed; 〃there's

another little thing I wished to speak to you about; and that's

this〃saying which; he laid the Bishop's bag before the Canon and

told his story。

The Canon looked at Mr。 Peters; and Mr。 Peters looked at the Canon。

〃There must be some mistake;〃 said the Canon。

〃There's no mistake;〃 said the landlord。  〃I had my suspicions when I

first clapped eyes on him。  I seed he wasn't our usual sort; and I

seed how he tried to hide his face。  If he weren't the Bishop; then I

don't know a Bishop when I sees one; that's all。  Besides; there's

his bag; and there's his sermon。〃

Mr。 Peters folded his arms and waited。  The Canon pondered。  Such

things had been known to happen before in Church history。  Why not


〃Does any one know of this besides yourself?〃 asked the Canon。

〃Not a livin
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