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john ingerfield and other stories-第14部分

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〃Does any one know of this besides yourself?〃 asked the Canon。

〃Not a livin' soul;〃 replied Mr。 Peters; 〃as yet。〃

〃I thinkI think; Mr。 Peters;〃 said the Canon; 〃that we may be able

to extend your lease to twenty…one years。〃

〃Thank you kindly; sir;〃 said the landlord; and departed。  Next

morning the Canon waited on the Bishop and laid the bag before him。

〃Oh;〃 said the Bishop cheerfully; 〃he's sent it back by you; has he?〃

〃He has; sir;〃 replied the Canon; 〃and thankful I am that it was to

me he brought it。  It is right;〃 continued the Canon; 〃that I should

inform your lordship that I am aware of the circumstances under which

it left your hands。〃

The Canon's eye was severe; and the Bishop laughed uneasily。

〃I suppose it wasn't quite the thing for me to do;〃 he answered

apologetically; 〃but there; all's well that ends well;〃 and the

Bishop laughed。

This stung the Canon。  〃Oh; sir;〃 he exclaimed; with a burst of

fervour; 〃in Heaven's namefor the sake of our Church; let me

entreatlet me pray you never to let such a thing occur again。〃

The Bishop turned upon him angrily。

〃Why; what a fuss you make about a little thing!〃 he cried; then;

seeing the look of agony upon the other's face; he paused。

〃How did you get that bag?〃 he asked。

〃The landlord of the Cross Keys brought it me;〃 answered the Canon;

〃you left it there last night。〃

The Bishop gave a gasp; and sat down heavily。  When he recovered his

breath; he told the Canon the real history of the case; and the Canon

is still trying to believe it。

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