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r。 Bhaer。 Excuse me for a moment。 We are just finishing our lesson。 Now; Demi; make the letter and tell its name。〃 

〃I knows him!〃 And; after a few convulsive efforts; the red legs tok the shape of a pair of compasses; and the intelligent pupil triumphantly shouted; 〃It's a We; Dranpa; it's a We!〃 

〃He's a born Weller;〃 laughed Jo; as her parent gathered himself up; and her nephew tried to stand on his head; as the only mode of expressing his satisfaction that school was over。 

〃What have you been at today; bubchen?〃 asked Mr。 Bhaer; picking up the gymnast。 

〃Me went to see little Mary。〃 

〃And what did you there?〃 

〃I kissed her;〃 began Demi; with artless frankness。 〃Prut! Thou beginnest early。 What did the little Mary say to that?〃 asked Mr。 Bhaer; continuing to confess the young sinner; who stood upon the knee; exploring the waistcoat pocket。 

〃Oh; she liked it; and she kissed me; and I liked it。 Don't little boys like little girls?〃 asked Demi; with his mouth full; and an air of bland satisfaction。 

〃You precious chick! Who put that into your head?〃 said Jo; enjoying the innocent revelation as much as the Professor。 

〃‘Tisn't in mine head; it's in mine mouf;〃 answered literal Demi; putting out his tongue; with a chocolate drop on it; thinking she alluded to confectionery; not ideas。 

〃Thou shouldst save some for the little friend。 Sweets to the sweet; mannling。〃 And Mr。 Bhaer offered Jo some; with a look that made her wonder if chocolate was not the nectar drunk by the gods。 Demi also saw the smile; was impressed by it; and artlessy inquired。 。。 

〃Do great boys like great girls; to; 'Fessor?〃 

Like young Washington; Mr。 Bhaer ‘couldn't tell a lie'; so he gave the somewhat vague reply that he believed they did sometimes; in a tone that made Mr。 March put down his clothesbrush; glance at Jo's retiring face; and then sink into his chair; looking as if the ‘precocious chick' had put an idea into his head that was both sweet and sour。 

Why Dodo; when she caught him in the china closet half an hour afterward; nearly squeezed the breath out of his little body with a tender embrace; instead of shaking him for being there; and why she followed up this novel performance by the unexpected gift of a big slice of bread and jelly; remained one of the problems over which Demi puzzled his small wits; and was forced to leave unsolved forever。 


? Louisa May Alcott

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