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mrs. general talboys-第2部分

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〃No; no; no;〃 she answered。  〃Tea; yes; but for Heaven's sake let
nothing solid dispel the associations of such a meeting as this!〃

〃I thought you might have dined early;〃 said Mackinnon。  Now
Mackinnon was a man whose own dinner was very dear to him。  I have
seen him become hasty and unpleasant; even under the pillars of the
Forum; when he thought that the party were placing his fish in
jeopardy by their desire to linger there too long。

〃Early!  Yes。  No; I know not when it was。  One dines and sleeps in
obedience to that dull clay which weighs down so generally the
particle of our spirit。  But the clay may sometimes be forgotten。
Here I can always forget it。〃

〃I thought you asked for refreshment;〃 I said。  She only looked at
me; whose small attempts at prose composition had; up to that time;
been altogether unsuccessful; and then addressed herself in reply to

〃It is the air which we breathe that fills our lungs and gives us
life and light。  It is that which refreshes us if pure; or sinks us
into stagnation if it be foul。  Let me for awhile inhale the breath
of an invigorating literature。  Sit down; Mr。 Mackinnon; I have a
question that I must put to you。〃  And then she succeeded in
carrying him off into a corner。  As far as I could see he went
willingly enough at that time; though he soon became averse to any
long retirement in company with Mrs。 Talboys。

We none of us quite understood what were her exact ideas on the
subject of revealed religion。  Somebody; I think; had told her that
there were among us one or two whose opinions were not exactly
orthodox according to the doctrines of the established English
church。  If so; she was determined to show us that she also was
advanced beyond the prejudices of an old and dry school of theology。
〃I have thrown down all the barriers of religion;〃 she said to poor
Mrs。 Mackinnon; 〃and am looking for the sentiments of a pure

〃Thrown down all the barriers of religion!〃 said Mrs。 Mackinnon; in
a tone of horror which was not appreciated。

〃Indeed; yes;〃 said Mrs。 Talboys; with an exulting voice。  〃Are not
the days for such trammels gone by?〃

〃But yet you hold by Christianity?〃

〃A pure Christianity; unstained by blood and perjury; by hypocrisy
and verbose genuflection。  Can I not worship and say my prayers
among the clouds?〃  And she pointed to the lofty ceiling and the
handsome chandelier。

〃But Ida goes to church;〃 said Mrs。 Mackinnon。  Ida Talboys was her
daughter。  Now; it may be observed; that many who throw down the
barriers of religion; so far as those barriers may affect
themselves; still maintain them on behalf of their children。  〃Yes;〃
said Mrs。 Talboys; 〃dear Ida! her soft spirit is not yet adapted to
receive the perfect truth。  We are obliged to govern children by the
strength of their prejudices。〃  And then she moved away; for it was
seldom that Mrs。 Talboys remained long in conversation with any

Mackinnon; I believe; soon became tired of her。  He liked her
flattery; and at first declared that she was clever and nice; but
her niceness was too purely celestial to satisfy his mundane tastes。
Mackinnon himself can revel among the clouds in his own writings;
and can leave us sometimes in doubt whether he ever means to come
back to earth; but when his foot is on terra firma; he loves to feel
the earthly substratum which supports his weight。  With women he
likes a hand that can remain an unnecessary moment within his own;
an eye that can glisten with the sparkle of champagne; a heart weak
enough to make its owner's arm tremble within his own beneath the
moonlight gloom of the Coliseum arches。  A dash of sentiment the
while makes all these things the sweeter; but the sentiment alone
will not suffice for him。  Mrs。 Talboys did; I believe; drink her
glass of champagne; as do other ladies; but with her it had no such
pleasing effect。  It loosened only her tongue; but never her eye。
Her arm; I think; never trembled; and her hand never lingered。  The
General was always safe; and happy; perhaps; in his solitary safety。

It so happened that we had unfortunately among us two artists who
had quarrelled with their wives。  O'Brien; whom I have before
mentioned; was one of them。  In his case; I believe him to have been
almost as free from blame as a man can be whose marriage was in
itself a fault。  However; he had a wife in Ireland some ten years
older than himself; and though he might sometimes almost forget the
fact; his friends and neighbours were well aware of it。  In the
other case the whole fault probably was with the husband。  He was an
ill…tempered; bad…hearted man; clever enough; but without principle;
and he was continually guilty of the great sin of speaking evil of
the woman whose name he should have been anxious to protect。  In
both cases our friend Mrs。 Talboys took a warm interest; and in each
of them she sympathised with the present husband against the absent

Of the consolation which she offered in the latter instance we used
to hear something from Mackinnon。  He would repeat to his wife; and
to me and my wife; the conversations which she had with him。  〃Poor
Brown;〃 she would say; 〃I pity him; with my very heart's blood。〃

〃You are aware that he has comforted himself in his desolation;〃
Mackinnon replied。

〃I know very well to what you allude。  I think I may say that I am
conversant with all the circumstances of this heart…blighting
sacrifice。〃  Mrs。 Talboys was apt to boast of the thorough
confidence reposed in her by all those in whom she took an interest。
〃Yes; he has sought such comfort in another love as the hard cruel
world would allow him。〃

〃Or perhaps something more than that;〃 said Mackinnon。  〃He has a
family here in Rome; you know; two little babies。〃

〃I know it; I know it;〃 she said。  〃Cherub angels!〃 and as she spoke
she looked up into the ugly face of Marcus Aurelius; for they were
standing at the moment under the figure of the great horseman on the
Campidoglio。  〃I have seen them; and they are the children of
innocence。  If all the blood of all the Howards ran in their veins
it could not make their birth more noble!〃

〃Not if the father and mother of all the Howards had never been
married;〃 said Mackinnon。

〃What; that from you; Mr。 Mackinnon!〃 said Mrs。 Talboys; turning her
back with energy upon the equestrian statue; and looking up into the
faces; first of Pollux and then of Castor; as though from them she
might gain some inspiration on the subject which Marcus Aurelius in
his coldness had denied to her。  〃From you; who have so nobly
claimed for mankind the divine attributes of free action!  From you;
who have taught my mind to soar above the petty bonds which one man
in his littleness contrives for the subjection of his brother。
Mackinnon! you who are so great!〃  And she now looked up into his
face。  〃Mackinnon; unsay those words。〃

〃They ARE illegitimate;〃 said he; 〃and if there was any landed

〃Landed property! and that from an American!〃

〃The children are English; you know。〃

〃Landed property!  The time will shortly comeay; and I see it
comingwhen that hateful word shall be expunged from the calendar;
when landed property shall be no more。  What! shall the free soul of
a God…born man submit itself for ever to such trammels as that?
Shall we never escape from the clay which so long has manacled the
subtler particles of the divine spirit?  Ay; yes; Mackinnon;〃 and
then she took him by the arm; and led him to the top of the huge
steps which lead down from the Campidoglio into the streets of
modern Rome。  〃Look down upon that countless multitude。〃  Mackinnon
looked down; and saw three groups of French soldiers; with three or
four little men in each group; he saw; also; a couple of dirty
friars; and three priests very slowly beginning the side ascent to
the church of the Ara Coeli。  〃Look down upon that countless
multitude;〃 said Mrs。 Talboys; and she stretched her arms out over
the half…deserted city。  〃They are escaping now from these
trammels;now; now;now that I am speaking。〃

〃They have escaped long ago from all such trammels as that of landed
property;〃 said Mackinnon。

〃Ay; and from all terrestrial bonds;〃 she continued; not exactly
remarking the pith of his last observation; 〃from bonds quasi…
terrestrial and quasi…celestial。  The full…formed limbs of the
present age; running with quick streams of generous blood; will no
longer bear the ligatures which past times have woven for the
decrepit。  Look down upon that multitude; Mackinnon; they shall all
be free。〃  And then; still clutching him by the arm; and still
standing at the top of those stairs; she gave forth her prophecy
with the fury of a Sybil。

〃They shall all be free。  Oh; Rome; thou eternal one! thou who hast
bowed thy neck to imperial pride and priestly craft; thou who hast
suffered sorely; even to this hour; from Nero down to Pio Nono;the
days of thine oppression are over。  Gone from thy enfranchised ways
for ever is the clang of the Praetorian cohorts and the more odious
drone of meddling monks!〃  And yet; as Mackinnon observed; there
still stood the dirty friars and the small French soldiers; and
there still toiled the slow priests; wending their tedious way up to
the church of the Ara Coeli。  But that was the mundane view of the
matter;a view not regarded by Mrs。 Talboys in her ecstasy。  〃O
Italia;〃 she continued; 〃O Italia una; one and indivisible in thy
rights; and indivisible also in thy wrongs! to us is it given to see
the accomplishment of thy glory。  A people shall arise around thine
altars greater in the annals of the world than thy Scipios; thy
Gracchi; or thy Caesars。  Not in torrents of blood; or with screams
of bereaved mothers; shall thy new triumphs be stained。  But mind
shall dominate over matter; and doomed; together with Popes and
Bourbons; with cardinals; diplomatists; and police spies; ignorance
and prejudice shall be driven from thy smiling terraces。  And then
Rome shall again become the fair capital of the fairest region of
Europe。  Hither shall flock the artisans of the world; crowding into
thy marts all that God and man can give。  Wealth; b
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