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mrs. general talboys-第6部分

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accuracy for an account of it。

She stood on very high ground indeed; he said; at first refusing to
hear anything that he had to say on the matter。  〃The foolish young
man;〃 she declared; 〃was below her anger and below her contempt。〃

〃He is not the first Irishman that has been made indiscreet by
beauty;〃 said Mackinnon。

〃A truce to that;〃 she replied; waving her hand with an air of
assumed majesty。  〃The incident; contemptible as it is; has been
unpleasant to me。  It will necessitate my withdrawal from Rome。〃

〃Oh; no; Mrs。 Talboys; that will be making too much of him。〃

〃The greatest hero that lives;〃 she answered; 〃may have his house
made uninhabitable by a very small insect。〃  Mackinnon swore that
those were her own words。  Consequently a sobriquet was attached to
O'Brien of which he by no means approved。  And from that day we
always called Mrs。 Talboys 〃the hero。〃

Mackinnon prevailed at last with her; and she did not leave Rome。
She was even induced to send a message to O'Brien; conveying her
forgiveness。  They shook hands together with great eclat in Mrs。
Mackinnon's drawing…room; but I do not suppose that she ever again
offered to him sympathy on the score of his matrimonial troubles。

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