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the corporal put himself in front; gave the word; 〃Forward… march!〃

and away they marched for the Alhambra。

  The sight of a ragged foot…soldier and a fine Arabian horse; brought

in captive by the patrol; attracted the attention of all the idlers of

the fortress; and of those gossip groups that generally assemble about

wells and fountains at early dawn。 The wheel of the cistern paused

in its rotations; and the slipshod servant…maid stood gaping; with

pitcher in hand; as the corporal passed by with his prize。 A motley

train gradually gathered in the rear of the escort。

  Knowing nods and winks and conjectures passed from one to another。

〃It is a deserter;〃 said one。 〃A contrabandista;〃 said another。 〃A

bandalero;〃 said a third… until it was affirmed that a captain of a

desperate band of robbers had been captured by the prowess of the

corporal and his patrol。 〃Well; well;〃 said the old crones; one to

another; 〃captain or not; let him get out of the grasp of old Governor

Manco if he can; though he is but one…handed。〃

  Governor Manco was seated in one of the inner halls of the Alhambra;

taking his morning's cup of chocolate in company with his confessor; a

fat Franciscan friar; from the neighboring convent。 A demure;

dark…eyed damsel of Malaga; the daughter of his housekeeper; was

attending upon him。 The world hinted that the damsel; who; with all

her demureness; was a sly buxom baggage; had found out a soft spot

in the iron heart of the old governor; and held complete control

over him。 But let that pass… the domestic affairs of these mighty

potentates of the earth should not be too narrowly scrutinized。

  When word was brought that a suspicious stranger had been taken

lurking about the fortress; and was actually in the outer court; in

durance of the corporal; waiting the pleasure of his excellency; the

pride and stateliness of office swelled the bosom of the governor。

Giving back his chocolate cup into the hands of the demure damsel;

he called for his basket…hilted sword; girded it to his side;

twirled up his mustaches; took his seat in a large high…backed

chair; assumed a bitter and forbidding aspect; and ordered the

prisoner into his presence。 The soldier was brought in; still

closely pinioned by his captors; and guarded by the corporal。 He

maintained; however; a resolute self…confident air; and returned the

sharp; scrutinizing look of the governor with an easy squint; which by

no means pleased the punctilious old potentate。

  〃Well; culprit;〃 said the governor; after he had regarded him for

a moment in silence; 〃what have you to say for yourself… who are you?〃

  〃A Soldier; just from the wars; who has brought away nothing but

scars and bruises。〃

  〃A soldier… humph… a foot…soldier by your garb。 I understand you

have a fine Arabian horse。 I presume you brought him too from the

wars; besides your scars and bruises。〃

  〃May it please your excellency; I have something strange to tell

about that horse。 Indeed I have one of the most wonderful things to

relate。 Something too that concerns the security of this fortress;

indeed of all Granada。 But it is a matter to be imparted only to

your private ear; or in presence of such only as are in your


  The governor considered for a moment; and then directed the corporal

and his men to withdraw; but to post themselves outside of the door;

and be ready at a call。 〃This holy friar;〃 said he; 〃is my

confessor; you may say any thing in his presence… and this damsel;〃

nodding toward the handmaid; who had loitered with an air of great

curiosity; 〃this damsel is of great secrecy and discretion; and to

be trusted with any thing。〃

  The soldier gave a glance between a squint and a leer at the

demure handmaid。 〃I am perfectly willing;〃 said he; 〃that the damsel

should remain。〃

  When all the rest had withdrawn; the soldier commenced his story。 He

was a fluent; smooth…tongued varlet; and had a command of language

above his apparent rank。

  〃May it please your excellency;〃 said he; 〃I am; as I before

observed; a soldier; and have seen some hard service; but my term of

enlistment being expired; I was discharged; not long since; from the

army at Valladolid; and set out on foot for my native village in

Andalusia。 Yesterday evening the sun went down as I was traversing a

great dry plain of Old Castile。〃

  〃Hold;〃 cried the governor; 〃what is this you say? Old Castile is

some two or three hundred miles from this。〃

  〃Even so;〃 replied the soldier; coolly; 〃I told your excellency I

had strange things to relate; but not more strange than true; as

your excellency will find; if you will deign me a patient hearing。〃

  〃Proceed; culprit;〃 said the governor; twirling up his mustaches。

  〃As the sun went down;〃 continued the soldier; 〃I cast my eyes about

in search of quarters for the night; but as far as my sight could

reach; there were no signs of habitation。 I saw that I should have

to make my bed on the naked plain; with my knapsack for a pillow;

but your excellency is an old soldier; and knows that to one who has

been in the wars; such a night's lodging is no great hardship。〃

  The governor nodded assent; as he drew his pocket handkerchief out

of the basket…hilt; to drive away a fly that buzzed about his nose。

  〃Well; to make a long story short;〃 continued the soldier; 〃I

trudged forward for several miles until I came to a bridge over a deep

ravine; through which ran a little thread of water; almost dried up by

the summer heat。 At one end of the bridge was a Moorish tower; the

upper end all in ruins; but a vault in the foundation quite entire。

Here; thinks I; is a good place to make a halt; so I went down to

the stream; took a hearty drink; for the water was pure and sweet; and

I was parched with thirst; then; opening my wallet; I took out an

onion and a few crusts; which were all my provisions; and seating

myself on a stone on the margin of the stream; began to make my

supper; intending afterwards to quarter myself for the night in the

vault of the tower; and capital quarters they would have been for a

campaigner just from the wars; as your excellency; who is an old

soldier; may suppose。〃

  〃I have put up gladly with worse in my time;〃 said the governor;

returning his pocket handkerchief into the hilt of his sword。

  〃While I was quietly crunching my crust;〃 pursued the soldier; 〃I

heard something stir within the vault; I listened… it was the tramp of

a horse。 By and by a man came forth from a door in the foundation of

the tower; close by the water's edge; leading a powerful horse by

the bridle。 I could not well make out what he was by the starlight。 It

had a suspicious look to be lurking among the ruins of a tower; in

that wild solitary place。 He might be a mere wayfarer; like myself; he

might be a contrabandista; he might be a bandalero! what of that?

thank heaven and my poverty; I had nothing to lose; so I sat still and

crunched my crust。

  〃He led his horse to the water; close by where I was sitting; so

that I had a fair opportunity of reconnoitering him。 To my surprise he

was dressed in a Moorish garb; with a cuirass of steel; and a polished

skull…cap that I distinguished by the reflection of the stars upon it。

His horse; too; was harnessed in the Morisco fashion; with great

shovel stirrups。 He led him; as I said; to the side of the stream;

into which the animal plunged his head almost to the eyes; and drank

until I thought he would have burst。

  〃'Comrade;' said I; 'your steed drinks well; it's a good sign when a

horse plunges his muzzle bravely into the water。'

  〃'He may well drink;' said the stranger; speaking with a Moorish

accent; 'it is a good year since he had his last draught。'

  〃'By Santiago;' said I; 'that beats even the camels I have seen in

Africa。 But come; you seem to be something of a soldier; will you

sit down and take part of a soldier's fare?' In fact; I felt the

want of a companion in this lonely place; and was willing to put up

with an infidel。 Besides; as your excellency well knows; a soldier

is never very particular about the faith of his company; and

soldiers of all countries are comrades on peaceable ground。〃

  The governor again nodded assent。

  〃Well; as I was saying; I invited him to share my supper; such as it

was; for I could not do less in common hospitality。 'I have no time to

pause for meat or drink;' said he; 'I have a long journey to make

before morning。'

  〃'In which direction?' said I。

  〃'Andalusia;' said he。

  〃'Exactly my route;' said I; 'so; as you won't stop and eat with me;

perhaps you will let me mount and ride with you。 I see your horse is

of a powerful frame; I'll warrant he'll carry double。'

  〃'Agreed;' said the trooper; and it would not have been civil and

soldier…like to refuse; especially as I had offered to share my supper

with him。 So up he mounted; and up I mounted behind him。

  〃'Hold fast;' said he; 'my steed goes like the wind。'

  〃'Never fear me;' said I; and so off we set。

  〃From a walk the horse soon passed to a trot; from a trot to a

gallop; and from a gallop to a harum…scarum scamper。 It seemed as if

rocks; trees; houses; every thing; flew hurry…scurry behind us。

  〃'What town is this?' said I。

  〃'Segovia;' said he; and before the word was out of his mouth; the

towers of Segovia were out of sight。 We swept up the Guadarama

mountains; and down by the Escurial; and we skirted the walls of

Madrid; and we scoured away across the plains of La Mancha。 In this

way we went up hill and down dale; by towers and cities; all buried in

deep sleep; and across mountains; and plains; and rivers; just

glimmering in the starlight。

  〃To make a long story short; and not to fatigue your excellency; the

trooper suddenly pulled up on the side of a mountain。 'Here we are;'

said he; 'at the end of our journey。' I looked about; but could see no

signs of habitation; nothing but the mouth of a cavern。 W
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