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never did freebooter's bag make more gorgeous delivery。 Out tumbled

rings; and jewels; and rosaries of pearls; and sparkling diamond

crosses; and a profusion of ancient golden coin; some of which fell

jingling to the floor; and rolled away to the uttermost parts of the


  For a time the functions of justice were suspended; there was a

universal scramble after the glittering fugitives。 The governor alone;

who was imbued with true Spanish pride; maintained his stately

decorum; though his eye betrayed a little anxiety until the last

coin and jewel was restored to the sack。

  The friar was not so calm; his whole face glowed like a furnace; and

his eyes twinkled and flashed at sight of the rosaries and crosses。

  〃Sacrilegious wretch that thou art!〃 exclaimed he; 〃what church or

sanctuary hast thou been plundering of these sacred relics?〃

  〃Neither one nor the other; holy father。 If they be sacrilegious

spoils; they must have been taken; in times long past; by the

infidel trooper I have mentioned。 I was just going to tell his

excellency when he interrupted me; that on taking possession of the

trooper's horse; I unhooked a leathern sack which hung at the

saddle…bow; and which I presume contained the plunder of his

campaignings in days of old; when the Moors overran the country。〃

  〃Mighty well; at present you will make up your mind to take up

your quarters in a chamber of the Vermilion Tower; which; though not

under a magic spell; will hold you as safe as any cave of your

enchanted Moors。〃

  〃Your excellency will do as you think proper;〃 said the prisoner;

coolly。 〃I shall be thankful to your excellency for any

accommodation in the fortress。 A soldier who has been in the wars;

as your excellency well knows; is not particular about his lodgings:

provided I have a snug dungeon and regular rations; I shall manage

to make myself comfortable。 I would only entreat that while your

excellency is so careful about me; you would have an eye to your

fortress; and think on the hint I dropped about stopping up the

entrances to the mountain。〃

  Here ended the scene。 The prisoner was conducted to a strong dungeon

in the Vermilion Tower; the Arabian steed was led to his

excellency's stable; and the trooper's sack was deposited in his

excellency's strong box。 To the latter; it is true; the friar made

some demur; questioning whether the sacred relics; which were

evidently sacrilegious spoils; should not be placed in custody of

the church; but as the governor was peremptory on the subject; and was

absolute lord in the Alhambra; the friar discreetly dropped the

discussion; but determined to convey intelligence of the fact to the

church dignitaries in Granada。

  To explain these prompt and rigid measures on the part of old

Governor Manco; it is proper to observe; that about this time the

Alpuxarra mountains in the neighborhood of Granada were terribly

infested by a gang of robbers; under the command of a daring chief

named Manuel Borasco; who were accustomed to prowl about the

country; and even to enter the city in various disguises; to gain

intelligence of the departure of convoys of merchandise; or travellers

with well…lined purses; whom they took care to waylay in distant and

solitary passes of the road。 These repeated and daring outrages had

awakened the attention of government; and the commanders of the

various posts had received instructions to be on the alert; and to

take up all suspicious stragglers。 Governor Manco was particularly

zealous in consequence of the various stigmas that had been cast

upon his fortress; and he now doubted not he had entrapped some

formidable desperado of this gang。

  In the mean time the story took wind; and became the talk; not

merely of the fortress; but of the whole city of Granada。 It was

said that the noted robber Manuel Borasco; the terror of the

Alpuxarras; had fallen into the clutches of old Governor Manco; and

been cooped up by him in a dungeon of the Vermilion Tower; and every

one who had been robbed by him flocked to recognize the marauder。

The Vermilion Tower; as is well known; stands apart from the

Alhambra on a sister hill; separated from the main fortress by the

ravine down which passes the main avenue。 There were no outer walls;

but a sentinel patrolled before the tower。 The window of the chamber

in which the soldier was confined was strongly grated; and looked upon

a small esplanade。 Here the good folks of Granada repaired to gaze

at him; as they would at a laughing hyena; grinning through the cage

of a menagerie。 Nobody; however; recognized him for Manuel Borasco;

for that terrible robber was noted for a ferocious physiognomy; and

had by no means the good…humored squint of the prisoner。 Visitors came

not merely from the city; but from all parts of the country; but

nobody knew him; and there began to be doubts in the minds of the

common people whether there might not be some truth in his story。 That

Boabdil and his army were shut up in the mountain; was an old

tradition which many of the ancient inhabitants had heard from their

fathers。 Numbers went up to the mountain of the sun; or rather of

St。 Elena; in search of the cave mentioned by the soldier; and saw and

peeped into the deep dark pit; descending; no one knows how far;

into the mountain; and which remains there to this day… the fabled

entrance to the subterranean abode of Boabdil。

  By degrees the soldier became popular with the common people。 A

freebooter of the mountains is by no means the opprobrious character

in Spain that a robber is in any other country: on the contrary; he is

a kind of chivalrous personage in the eyes of the lower classes。 There

is always a disposition; also; to cavil at the conduct of those in

command; and many began to murmur at the high…handed measures of old

Governor Manco; and to look upon the prisoner in the light of a


  The soldier; moreover; was a merry; waggish fellow; that had a

joke for every one who came near his window; and a soft speech for

every female。 He had procured an old guitar also; and would sit by his

window and sing ballads and love…ditties to the delight of the women

of the neighborhood; who would assemble on the esplanade in the

evening and dance boleros to his music。 Having trimmed off his rough

beard; his sunburnt face found favor in the eyes of the fair; and

the demure handmaid of the governor declared that his squint was

perfectly irresistible。 This kind…hearted damsel had from the first

evinced a deep sympathy in his fortunes; and having in vain tried to

mollify the governor; had set to work privately to mitigate the

rigor of his dispensations。 Every day she brought the prisoner some

crumbs of comfort which had fallen from the governor's table; or

been abstracted from his larder; together with; now and then; a

consoling bottle of choice Val de Penas; or rich Malaga。

  While this petty treason was going on; in the very centre of the old

governor's citadel; a storm of open war was brewing up among his

external foes。 The circumstance of a bag of gold and jewels having

been found upon the person of the supposed robber; had been

reported; with many exaggerations; in Granada。 A question of

territorial jurisdiction was immediately started by the governor's

inveterate rival; the captain…general。 He insisted that the prisoner

had been captured without the precincts of the Alhambra; and within

the rules of his authority。 He demanded his body therefore; and the

spolia opima taken with him。 Due information having been carried

likewise by the friar to the grand inquisitor of the crosses and

rosaries; and other relics contained in the bag; he claimed the

culprit as having been guilty of sacrilege; and insisted that his

plunder was due to the church; and his body to the next auto…da…fe。

The feuds ran high; the governor was furious; and swore; rather than

surrender his captive; he would hang him up within the Alhambra; as

a spy caught within the purlieus of the fortress。

  The captain…general threatened to send a body of soldiers to

transfer the prisoner from the Vermilion Tower to the city。 The

grand inquisitor was equally bent upon dispatching a number of the

familiars of the Holy Office。 Word was brought late at night to the

governor of these machinations。 〃Let them come;〃 said he; 〃they'll

find me beforehand with them; he must rise bright and early who

would take in an old soldier。〃 He accordingly issued orders to have

the prisoner removed; at daybreak; to the donjon keep within the walls

of the Alhambra。 〃And d'ye hear; child;〃 said he to his demure

handmaid; 〃tap at my door; and wake me before cock…crowing; that I may

see to the matter myself。〃

  The day dawned; the cock crowed; but nobody tapped at the door of

the governor。 The sun rose high above the mountain…tops; and glittered

in at his casement; ere the governor was awakened from his morning

dreams by his veteran corporal; who stood before him with terror

stamped upon his iron visage。

  〃He's off! he's gone!〃 cried the corporal; gasping for breath。

  〃Who's off… who's gone?〃

  〃The soldier… the robber… the devil; for aught I know; his dungeon

is empty; but the door locked: no one knows how he has escaped out

of it。〃

  〃Who saw him last?〃

  〃Your handmaid; she brought him his supper。〃

  〃Let her be called instantly。〃

  Here was new matter of confusion。 The chamber of the demure damsel

was likewise empty; her bed had not been slept in: she had doubtless

gone off with the culprit; as she had appeared; for some days past; to

have frequent conversations with him。

  This was wounding the old governor in a tender part; but he had

scarce time to wince at it; when new misfortunes broke upon his

view。 On going into his cabinet he found his strong box open; the

leather purse of the trooper abstracted; and with it; a couple of

corpulent bags of doubloons。

  But how; and which way had the fu
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