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a dome of many-coloured glass-第5部分

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 Except a sigh; as round and round

The wind rocks through the timbers old。

Below; I know the church is bright

 With haloed tapers; warm with prayer;

 But here I only feel the air

Of icy centuries of night。

Beneath my feet the snow is lit

 And gemmed with colours; red; and blue;

 Topaz; and green; where light falls through

The saints that in the windows sit。

Here darkness seems a spectred thing;

 Voiceless and haunting; while the stars

 Mock with a light of long dead years

The ache of present suffering。

Silent and winter…killed I stand;

 No carol hymns my debt to you;

 But take this frozen thought in lieu;

And thaw its music in your hand。

The Promise of the Morning Star

Thou father of the children of my brain

 By thee engendered in my willing heart;

 How can I thank thee for this gift of art

Poured out so lavishly; and not in vain。

What thou created never more can die;

 Thy fructifying power lives in me

 And I conceive; knowing it is by thee;

Dear other parent of my poetry!

For I was but a shadow with a name;

 Perhaps by now the very name's forgot;

 So strange is Fate that it has been my lot

To learn through thee the presence of that aim

Which evermore must guide me。  All unknown;

 By me unguessed; by thee not even dreamed;

 A tree has blossomed in a night that seemed

Of stubborn; barren wood。  For thou hast sown

This seed of beauty in a ground of truth。

 Humbly I dedicate myself; and yet

 I tremble with a sudden fear to set

New music ringing through my fading youth。

JK。 Huysmans

A flickering glimmer through a window…pane;

A dim red glare through mud bespattered glass;

Cleaving a path between blown walls of sleet

Across uneven pavements sunk in slime

To scatter and then quench itself in mist。

And struggling; slipping; often rudely hurled

Against the jutting angle of a wall;

And cursed; and reeled against; and flung aside

By drunken brawlers as they shuffled past;

A man was groping to what seemed a light。

His eyelids burnt and quivered with the strain

Of looking; and against his temples beat

The all enshrouding; suffocating dark。

He stumbled; lurched; and struck against a door

That opened; and a howl of obscene mirth

Grated his senses; wallowing on the floor

Lay men; and dogs and women in the dirt。

He sickened; loathing it; and as he gazed

The candle guttered; flared; and then went out。

Through travail of ignoble midnight streets

He came at last to shelter in a porch

Where gothic saints and warriors made a shield

To cover him; and tortured gargoyles spat

One long continuous stream of silver rain

That clattered down from myriad roofs and spires

Into a darkness; loud with rushing sound

Of water falling; gurgling as it fell;

But always thickly dark。  Then as he leaned

Unconscious where; the great oak door blew back

And cast him; bruised and dripping; in the church。

His eyes from long sojourning in the night

Were blinded now as by some glorious sun;

He slowly crawled toward the altar steps。

He could not think; for heavy in his ears

An organ boomed majestic harmonies;

He only knew that what he saw was light!

He bowed himself before a cross of flame

And shut his eyes in fear lest it should fade。

March Evening

Blue through the window burns the twilight;

 Heavy; through trees; blows the warm south wind。

Glistening; against the chill; gray sky light;

 Wet; black branches are barred and entwined。

Sodden and spongy; the scarce…green grass plot

 Dents into pools where a foot has been。

Puddles lie spilt in the road a mass; not

 Of water; but steel; with its cold; hard sheen。

Faint fades the fire on the hearth; its embers

 Scattering wide at a stronger gust。

Above; the old weathercock groans; but remembers

 Creaking; to turn; in its centuried rust。

Dying; forlorn; in dreary sorrow;

 Wrapping the mists round her withering form;

Day sinks down; and in darkness to…morrow

 Travails to birth in the womb of the storm。



Leisure; thou goddess of a bygone age;

 When hours were long and days sufficed to hold

 Wide…eyed delights and pleasures uncontrolled

By shortening moments; when no gaunt presage

Of undone duties; modern heritage;

 Haunted our happy minds; must thou withhold

 Thy presence from this over…busy world;

And bearing silence with thee disengage

 Our twined fortunes?  Deeps of unhewn woods

 Alone can cherish thee; alone possess

Thy quiet; teeming vigor。  This our crime:

 Not to have worshipped; marred by alien moods

 That sole condition of all loveliness;

The dreaming lapse of slow; unmeasured time。

On Carpaccio's Picture:  The Dream of St。 Ursula

Swept; clean; and still; across the polished floor

 From some unshuttered casement; hid from sight;

 The level sunshine slants; its greater light

Quenching the little lamp which pallid; poor;

Flickering; unreplenished; at the door

 Has striven against darkness the long night。

 Dawn fills the room; and penetrating; bright;

The silent sunbeams through the window pour。

 And she lies sleeping; ignorant of Fate;

 Enmeshed in listless dreams; her soul not yet

Ripened to bear the purport of this day。

 The morning breeze scarce stirs the coverlet;

 A shadow falls across the sunlight; wait!

A lark is singing as he flies away。

The Matrix

Goaded and harassed in the factory

 That tears our life up into bits of days

 Ticked off upon a clock which never stays;

Shredding our portion of Eternity;

We break away at last; and steal the key

 Which hides a world empty of hours; ways

 Of space unroll; and Heaven overlays

The leafy; sun…lit earth of Fantasy。

 Beyond the ilex shadow glares the sun;

 Scorching against the blue flame of the sky。

Brown lily…pads lie heavy and supine

 Within a granite basin; under one

 The bronze…gold glimmer of a carp; and I

Reach out my hand and pluck a nectarine。

Monadnock in Early Spring

Cloud…topped and splendid; dominating all

 The little lesser hills which compass thee;

 Thou standest; bright with April's buoyancy;

Yet holding Winter in some shaded wall

Of stern; steep rock; and startled by the call

 Of Spring; thy trees flush with expectancy

 And cast a cloud of crimson; silently;

Above thy snowy crevices where fall

 Pale shrivelled oak leaves; while the snow beneath

 Melts at their phantom touch。  Another year

Is quick with import。  Such each year has been。

 Unmoved thou watchest all; and all bequeath

 Some jewel to thy diadem of power;

Thou pledge of greater majesty unseen。

The Little Garden

A little garden on a bleak hillside

 Where deep the heavy; dazzling mountain snow

 Lies far into the spring。  The sun's pale glow

Is scarcely able to melt patches wide

About the single rose bush。  All denied

 Of nature's tender ministries。  But no; 

 For wonder…working faith has made it blow

With flowers many hued and starry…eyed。

 Here sleeps the sun long; idle summer hours;

Here butterflies and bees fare far to rove

 Amid the crumpled leaves of poppy flowers;

Here four o'clocks; to the passionate night above

 Fling whiffs of perfume; like pale incense showers。

A little garden; loved with a great love!

To an Early Daffodil

Thou yellow trumpeter of laggard Spring!

 Thou herald of rich Summer's myriad flowers!

 The climbing sun with new recovered powers

Does warm thee into being; through the ring

Of rich; brown earth he woos thee; makes thee fling

 Thy green shoots up; inheriting the dowers

 Of bending sky and sudden; sweeping showers;

Till ripe and blossoming thou art a thing

 To make all nature glad; thou art so gay;

To fill the lonely with a joy untold;

 Nodding at every gust of wind to…day;

To…morrow jewelled with raindrops。  Always bold

 To stand erect; full in the dazzling play

Of April's sun; for thou hast caught his gold。


'T is you that are the music; not your song。

 The song is but a door which; opening wide;

 Lets forth the pent…up melody inside;

Your spirit's harmony; which clear and strong

Sings but of you。  Throughout your whole life long

 Your songs; your thoughts; your doings; each divide

 This perfect beauty; waves within a tide;

Or single notes amid a glorious throng。

 The song of earth has many different chords;

Ocean has many moods and many tones

 Yet always ocean。  In the damp Spring woods

The painted trillium smiles; while crisp pine cones

 Autumn alone can ripen。  So is this

 One music with a thousand cadences。

The Lamp of Life

Always we are following a light;

 Always the light recedes; with groping hands

 We stretch toward this glory; while the lands

We journey through are hidden from our sight

Dim and mysterious; folded deep in night;

 We care not; all our utmost need demands

 Is but the light; the light!  So still it stands

Surely our own if we exert our might。

Fool!  Never can'st thou grasp this fleeting gleam;

 Its glowing flame would die if it were caught;

Its value is that it doth always seem

 But just a little farther on。  Distraught;

 But lighted ever onward; we are brought

Upon our way unknowing; in a dream。


A face seen passing in a crowded street;

 A voice heard singing music; large and free;

 And from that moment life is changed; and we

Become of more heroic temper; meet

To freely ask and give; a man complete

 Radiant because of faith; we dare to be

 What Nature meant us。  Brave idolatry

Which can conceive a hero!  No deceit;

 No knowledge taught by unrelenting yea
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