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second april-第3部分

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  Through the lots where you are flinging

Yellow clay on dust!


My heart is what it was before;

  A house where people come and go;

But it is winter with your love;

  The sashes are beset with snow。

I light the lamp and lay the cloth;

  I blow the coals to blaze again;

But it is winter with your love;

  The frost is thick upon the pane。

I know a winter when it comes:

  The leaves are listless on the boughs;

I watched your love a little while;

  And brought my plants into the house。

I water them and turn them south;

  I snap the dead brown from the stem;

But it is winter with your love;

  I only tend and water them。

There was a time I stood and watched

  The small; ill…natured sparrows' fray;

I loved the beggar that I fed;

  I cared for what he had to say;

I stood and watched him out of sight;

  Today I reach around the door

And set a bowl upon the step;

  My heart is what it was before;

But it is winter with your love;

  I scatter crumbs upon the sill;

And close the window;and the birds

  May take or leave them; as they will。


People that build their houses inland;

  People that buy a plot of ground

Shaped like a house; and build a house there;

  Far from the sea…board; far from the sound

Of water sucking the hollow ledges;

  Tons of water striking the shore;

What do they long for; as I long for

  One salt smell of the sea once more?

People the waves have not awakened;

  Spanking the boats at the harbor's head;

What do they long for; as I long for;

  Starting up in my inland bed;

Beating the narrow walls; and finding

  Neither a window nor a door;

Screaming to God for death by drowning;

  One salt taste of the sea once more?


Minstrel; what have you to do

With this man that; after you;

Sharing not your happy fate;

Sat as England's Laureate?

Vainly; in these iron days;

Strives the poet in your praise;

Minstrel; by whose singing side

Beauty walked; until you died。

Still; though none should hark again;

Drones the blue…fly in the pane;

Thickly crusts the blackest moss;

Blows the rose its musk across;

Floats the boat that is forgot

None the less to Camelot。

Many a bard's untimely death

Lends unto his verses breath;

Here's a song was never sung:

Growing old is dying young。

Minstrel; what is this to you:

That a man you never knew;

When your grave was far and green;

Sat and gossipped with a queen?

Thalia knows how rare a thing

Is it; to grow old and sing;

When a brown and tepid tide

Closes in on every side。

Who shall say if Shelley's gold

Had withstood it to grow old?


〃Thin Rain; whom are you haunting;

  That you haunt my door?〃

Surely it is not I she's wanting;

  Someone living here before

〃Nobody's in the house but me:

You may come in if you like and see。〃

Thin as thread; with exquisite fingers;

  Have you seen her; any of you?

Grey shawl; and leaning on the wind;

  And the garden showing through?

Glimmering eyes;and silent; mostly;

  Sort of a whisper; sort of a purr;

Asking something; asking it over;

  If you get a sound from her。

Ever see her; any of you?

  Strangest thing I've ever known;

Every night since I moved in;

  And I came to be alone。

〃Thin Rain; hush with your knocking!

  You may not come in!

This is I that you hear rocking;

  Nobody's with me; nor has been!〃

Curious; how she tried the window;

  Odd; the way she tries the door;

Wonder just what sort of people

  Could have had this house before 。 。 。


I know what my heart is like

  Since your love died:

It is like a hollow ledge

Holding a little pool

  Left there by the tide;

  A little tepid pool;

Drying inward from the edge。


OH; come again to Astolat!

  I will not ask you to be kind。

And you may go when you will go;

  And I will stay behind。

I will not say how dear you are;

  Or ask you if you hold me dear;

Or trouble you with things for you

  The way I did last year。

So still the orchard; Lancelot;

  So very still the lake shall be;

You could not guessthough you should guess

  What is become of me。

So wide shall be the garden…walk;

  The garden…seat so very wide;

You needs must thinkif you should think

  The lily maid had died。

Save that; a little way away;

  I'd watch you for a little while;

To see you speak; the way you speak;

  And smile;if you should smile。


Mine is a body that should die at sea!

  And have for a grave; instead of a grave

Six feet deep and the length of me;

  All the water that is under the wave!

And terrible fishes to seize my flesh;

  Such as a living man might fear;

And eat me while I am firm and fresh;

  Not wait till I've been dead for a year!


Butterflies are white and blue

In this field we wander through。

Suffer me to take your hand。

Death comes in a day or two。

All the things we ever knew

Will be ashes in that hour;

Mark the transient butterfly;

How he hangs upon the flower。

Suffer me to take your hand。

Suffer me to cherish you

Till the dawn is in the sky。

Whether I be false or true;

Death comes in a day or two。


OH; here the air is sweet and still;

  And soft's the grass to lie on;

And far away's the little hill

  They took for Christ to die on。

And there's a hill across the brook;

  And down the brook's another;

But; oh; the little hill they took;

  I think I am its mother!

The moon that saw Gethsemane;

  I watch it rise and set:

It has so many things to see;

  They help it to forget。

But little hills that sit at home

  So many hundred years;

Remember Greece; remember Rome;

  Remember Mary's tears。

And far away in Palestine;

  Sadder than any other;

Grieves still the hill that I call mine;

  I think I am its mother!


Doubt no more that Oberon

Never doubt that Pan

Lived; and played a reed; and ran

After nymphs in a dark forest;

In the merry; credulous days;

Lived; and led a fairy band

Over the indulgent land!

Ah; for in this dourest; sorest

Age man's eye has looked upon;

Death to fauns and death to fays;

Still the dog…wood dares to raise

Healthy tree; with trunk and root

Ivory bowls that bear no fruit;

And the starlings and the jays

Birds that cannot even sing

Dare to come again in spring!


Listen; children:

Your father is dead。

From his old coats

I'll make you little jackets;

I'll make you little trousers

From his old pants。

There'll be in his pockets

Things he used to put there;

Keys and pennies

Covered with tobacco;

Dan shall have the pennies

To save in his bank;

Anne shall have the keys

To make a pretty noise with。

Life must go on;

And the dead be forgotten;

Life must go on;

Though good men die;

Anne; eat your breakfast;

Dan; take your medicine;

Life must go on;

I forget just why。


Searching my heart for its true sorrow;

  This is the thing I find to be:

That I am weary of words and people;

  Sick of the city; wanting the sea;

Wanting the sticky; salty sweetness

  Of the strong wind and shattered spray;

Wanting the loud sound and the soft sound

  Of the big surf that breaks all day。

Always before about my dooryard;

  Marking the reach of the winter sea;

Rooted in sand and dragging drift…wood;

  Straggled the purple wild sweet…pea;

Always I climbed the wave at morning;

  Shook the sand from my shoes at night;

That now am caught beneath great buildings;

  Stricken with noise; confused with light。

If I could hear the green piles groaning

  Under the windy wooden piers;

See once again the bobbing barrels;

  And the black sticks that fence the weirs;

If I could see the weedy mussels

  Crusting the wrecked and rotting hulls;

Hear once again the hungry crying

  Overhead; of the wheeling gulls;

Feel once again the shanty straining

  Under the turning of the tide;

Fear once again the rising freshet;

  Dread the bell in the fog outside;

I should be happy;that was happy

  All day long on the coast of Maine!

I have a need to hold and handle

  Shells and anchors and ships again!

I should be happy; that am happy

  Never at all since I came here。

I am too long away from water。

  I have a need of water near。


When reeds are dead and a straw to thatch the marshes;

And feathered pampas…grass rides into the wind

Like aged warriors westward; tragic; thinned

Of half their tribe; and over the flattened rushes;

Stripped of its secret; open; stark and bleak;

Blackens afar the half…forgotten creek;

Then leans on me the weight of the year; and crushes

My heart。  I know that Beauty must ail and die;

And will be born again;but ah; to see

Beauty stiffened; staring up at the sky!

Oh; Autumn!  Autumn!What is the Spring to me?


  Aye; but she?

  Your other sister and my other soul

  Grave Silence; lovelier

  Than the three loveliest maidens; what of her?

  Clio; not you;

  Not you; Calliope;

  Nor all your wanton line;

  Not Beauty's perfect self shall comfort me

  For Silence once departed;

  For her the cool…tongued; her the tranquil…hearted;

  Whom evermore I follow wistfully;

Wandering Heaven and Earth and Hell and the four seasons through;

Thalia; not you;

Not you; Melpomene;

Not your incomparable feet; O thin Terpsichore;

I seek in this great hall;

But one more pale; more pensive; most beloved of you all。

I seek her from afar;
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