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the light princess-第7部分

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locked it; and having muttered some frightful words; sped to the

next; which also she locked and muttered over; and so with all the

hundred doors; till she arrived in her own cellar。  Then she sat

down on the floor ready to faint; but listening with malicious

delight to the rushing of the water; which she could hear

distinctly through all the hundred doors。

But this was not enough。  Now that she had tasted revenge; she lost

her patience。  Without further measures; the lake would be too long

in disappearing。  So the next night; with the last shred of the

dying old moon rising; she took some of the water in which she had

revived the snake; put it in a bottle; and set out; accompanied by

her cat。  Before morning she had made the entire circuit of the

lake; muttering fearful words as she crossed every stream; and

casting into it some of the water out of her bottle。  When she had

finished the circuit she muttered yet again; and flung a handful of

water towards the moon。  Thereupon every spring in the country

ceased to throb and bubble; dying away like the pulse of a dying

man。  The next day there was no sound of falling water to be heard

along the borders of the lake。  The very courses were dry; and the

mountains showed no silvery streaks down their dark sides。  And not

alone had the fountains of mother Earth ceased to flow; for all the

babies throughout the country were crying dreadfullyonly without


12。  Where Is the Prince?

Never since the night when the princess left him so abruptly had

the prince had a single interview with her。  He had seen her once or

twice in the lake; but as far as he could discover; she had not

been in it any more at night。  He had sat and sung; and looked in

vain for his Nereid; while she; like a true Nereid; was wasting

away with her lake; sinking as it sank; withering as it dried。  When

at length he discovered the change that was taking place in the

level of the water; he was in great alarm and perplexity。  He could

not tell whether the lake was dying because the lady had forsaken

it; or whether the lady would not come because the lake had begun

to sink。  But he resolved to know so much at least。

He disguised himself; and; going to the palace; requested to see

the lord chamberlain。  His appearance at once gained his request;

and the lord chamberlain; being a man of some insight; perceived

that there was more in the prince's solicitation than met the ear。

He felt likewise that no one could tell whence a solution of the

present difficulties might arise。  So he granted the prince's prayer

to be made shoeblack to the princess。  It was rather cunning in the

prince to request such an easy post; for the princess could not

possibly soil as many shoes as other princesses。

He soon learned all that could be told about the princess。  He went

nearly distracted; but after roaming about the lake for days; and

diving in every depth that remained; all that he could do was to

put an extra polish on the dainty pair of boots that was never

called for。

For the princess kept her room; with the curtains drawn to shut out

the dying lake; But she could not shut it out of her mind for a

moment。  It haunted her imagination so that she felt as if the lake

were her soul; drying up within her; first to mud; then to madness

and death。  She thus brooded over the change; with all its dreadful

accompaniments; till she was nearly distracted。  As for the prince;

she had forgotten him。  However much she had enjoyed his company in

the water; she did not care for him without it。  But she seemed to

have forgotten her father and mother too。  The lake went on sinking。

Small slimy spots began to appear; which glittered steadily amidst

the changeful shine of the water。  These grew to broad patches of

mud; which widened and spread; with rocks here and there; and

floundering fishes and crawling eels swarming。  The people went

everywhere catching these; and looking for anything that might have

dropped from the royal boats。

At length the lake was all but gone; only a few of the deepest

pools remaining unexhausted。

It happened one day that a party of youngsters found themselves on

the brink of one of these pools in the very centre of the lake。  it

was a rocky basin of considerable depth。  Looking in; they saw at

the bottom something that shone yellow in the sun。  A little boy

jumped in and dived for it。  It was a plate of gold covered with

writing。  They carried it to the king。  On one side of it stood these


〃Death alone from death can save。

Love is death; and so is brave

Love can fill the deepest grave。

Love loves on beneath the wave。〃

Now this was enigmatical enough to the king and courtiers。  But the

reverse of the plate explained it a little。  Its writing amounted to


〃If the lake should disappear; they must find the hole through

which the water ran。  But it would be useless to try to stop it by

any ordinary means。  There was but one effectual mode。The body of

a living man could alone stanch the flow。  The man must give himself

of his own will; and the lake must take his life as it filled。

Otherwise the offering would be of no avail。  If the nation could

not provide one hero; it was time it should perish。〃

13。  Here I Am。

This was a very disheartening revelation to the kingnot that he

was unwilling to sacrifice a subject; but that he was hopeless of

finding a man willing to sacrifice himself。  No time was to be lost;

however; for the princess was lying motionless on her bed; and

taking no nourishment but lake…water; which was now none of the

best。  Therefore the king caused the contents of the wonderful plate

of gold to be published throughout the country。

No one; however; came forward。

The prince; having gone several days' journey into the forest; to

consult a hermit whom he had met there on his way to Lagobel; knew

nothing of the oracle till his return。

When he had acquainted himself with all the particulars; he sat

down and thought;

〃She will die if I don't do it; and life would be nothing to me

without her; so I shall lose nothing by doing it。  And life will be

as pleasant to her as ever; for she will soon forget me。  And there

will be so much more beauty and happiness in the world!To be

sure; I shall not see it。〃  (Here the poor prince gave a sigh。) 〃How

lovely the lake will be in the moonlight; with that glorious

creature sporting in it like a wild goddess!It is rather hard to

be drowned by inches; though。  Let me seethat will be seventy

inches of me to drown。〃  (Here he tried to laugh; but could not。)

〃The longer the better; however;〃 he resumed: 〃for can I not

bargain that the princess shall be beside me all the time?  So I

shall see her once more; kiss her perhaps;who knows?and die

looking in her eyes。  It will be no death。  At least; I shall not

feel it。  And to see the lake filling for the beauty again!All

right!  I am ready。〃

He kissed the princess's boot; laid it down; and hurried to the

king's apartment。  But feeling; as he went; that anything

sentimental would be disagreeable; he resolved to carry off the

whole affair with nonchalance。  So he knocked at the door of the

king's counting…house; where it was all but a capital crime to

disturb him。

When the king heard the knock he started up; and opened the door in

a rage。  Seeing only the shoeblack; he drew his sword。  This; I am

sorry to say; was his usual mode of asserting his regality when he

thought his dignity was in danger。  But the prince was not in the

least alarmed。

〃Please your Majesty; I'm your butler;〃 said he。

〃My butler! you lying rascal!  What do you mean?〃

〃I mean; I will cork your big bottle。〃

〃Is the fellow mad?〃 bawled the king; raising the point of his


〃I will put a stopperplugwhat you call it; in your leaky lake;

grand monarch;〃 said the prince。

The king was in such a rage that before he could speak he had time

to cool; and to reflect that it would be great waste to kill the

only man who was willing to be useful in the present emergency;

seeing that in the end the insolent fellow would be as dead as if

he had died by his Majesty's own hand。  〃Oh!〃 said he at last;

putting up his sword with difficulty; it was so long; 〃I am obliged

to you; you young fool!  Take a glass of wine?〃

'No; thank you;〃 replied the prince。

〃Very well;〃 said the king。  〃Would you like to run and see your

parents before you make your experiment?〃

〃No; thank you;〃 said the prince。

〃Then we will go and look for the hole at once;〃 said his Majesty;

and proceeded to call some attendants。

〃Stop; please your Majesty; I have a condition to make;〃 interposed

the prince。

〃What!〃 exclaimed the king; 〃a condition! and with me!  How dare


〃As you please;〃 returned the prince; coolly。  〃I wish your Majesty

a good morning。〃

〃You wretch!  I will have you put in a sack; and stuck in the hole。〃

〃Very well; your Majesty;〃 replied the prince; becoming a little

more respectful; lest the wrath of the king should deprive him of

the pleasure of dying for the princess。  〃But what good will that do

your Majesty?  Please to remember that the oracle says the victim

must offer himself。〃

〃Well; you have offered yourself;〃 retorted the king。

〃Yes; upon one condition。〃

〃Condition again!〃 roared the king; once more drawing his sword。

〃Begone!  Somebody else will be glad enough to take the honour off

your shoulders。〃

〃Your Majesty knows it will not be easy to get another to take my


〃Well; what is your condition?〃 growled the king; feeling that the

prince was right。

〃Only this;〃 replied the prince: 〃that; as I must on no account die

before I am fairly drowned; and the waiting will be rather

wearisome; the prin
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