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beyond me; only some drops would still remain; that now and then

would fall upon me〃;and at last:  〃Now did my chains fall off

my legs indeed; I was loosed from my afflictions and irons; my

temptations also fled away; so that from that time; those

dreadful Scriptures of God left off to trouble me; now went I

also home rejoicing; for the grace and love of God。 。 。 。 Now

could I see myself in Heaven and Earth at once; in Heaven by my

Christ; by my Head; by my Righteousness and Life; though on

Earth by my body or person。 。 。 。  Christ was a precious Christ

to my soul that night; I could scarce lie in my bed for joy and

peace and triumph through Christ。〃

Bunyan became a minister of the gospel; and in spite of his

neurotic constitution; and of the twelve years he lay in prison

for his non…conformity; his life was turned to active use。  He

was a peacemaker and doer of good; and the immortal Allegory

which he wrote has brought the very spirit of religious patience

home to English hearts。

But neither Bunyan nor Tolstoy could become what we have called

healthy…minded。  They had drunk too deeply of the cup of

bitterness ever to forget its taste; and their redemption is into

a universe two stories deep。  Each of them realized a good which

broke the effective edge of his sadness; yet the sadness was

preserved as a minor ingredient in the heart of the faith by

which it was overcome。  The fact of interest for us is that as a

matter of fact they could and did find SOMETHING welling up in

the inner reaches of their consciousness; by which such extreme

sadness could be overcome。  Tolstoy does well to talk of it as

THAT BY WHICH MEN LIVE; for that is exactly what it is; a

stimulus; an excitement; a faith; a force that re…infuses the

positive willingness to live; even in full presence of the evil

perceptions that erewhile made life seem unbearable。  For

Tolstoy's perceptions of evil appear within their sphere to have

remained unmodified。  His later works show him implacable to the

whole system of official values:  the ignobility of fashionable

life; the infamies of empire; the spuriousness of the church; the

vain conceit of the professions; the meannesses and cruelties

that go with great success; and every other pompous crime and

lying institution of this world。  To all patience with such

things his experience has been for him a perroanent ministry of


Bunyan also leaves this world to the enemy。

〃I must first pass a sentence of death;〃 he says; 〃upon

everything that can properly be called a thing of this life; even

to reckon myself; my wife; my children; my health; my enjoyments;

and all; as dead to me; and myself as dead to them; to trust in

God through Christ; as touching the world to come; and as

touching this world; to count the grave my house; to make my bed

in darkness; and to say to corruption; Thou art my father and to

the worm; Thou art my mother and sister。 。 。 。  The parting with

my wife and my poor children hath often been to me as the pulling

of my flesh from my bones; especially my poor blind child who lay

nearer my heart than all I had besides。  Poor child; thought I;

what sorrow art thou like to have for thy portion in this world!

Thou must be beaten; must beg; suffer hunger; cold; nakedness;

and a thousand calamities; though I cannot now endure that the

wind should blow upon thee。  But yet I must venture you all with

God; though it goeth to the quick to leave you。〃'97'

'97' In my quotations from Bunyan I have omitted certain

intervening portions of the text。

The 〃hue of resolution〃 is there; but the full flood of ecstatic

liberation seems never to have poured over poor John Bunyan's


These examples may suffice to acquaint us in a general way with

the phenomenon technically called 〃Conversion。〃  In the next

lecture I shall invite you to study its peculiarities and

concomitants in some detail。

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