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original short stories-3-第21部分

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〃I was shelling beans。  Just then they came in。  I said to myself; 'What
is the matter with them?  They do not seem natural; they seem up to some
mischief。'  They watched me sideways; like this; especially Cornu;
because he squints。  I do not like to see them together; for they are two
good…for…nothings when they are in company。  I said: 'What do you want
with me?'  They did not answer。  I had a sort of mistrust〃

The defendant Brument interrupted the witness hastily; saying:

〃I was full。〃

Then Cornu; turning towards his accomplice said in the deep tones of an

〃Say that we were both full; and you will be telling no lie。〃

The judge; severely:

〃You mean by that that you were both drunk?〃

Brument: 〃There can be no question about it。〃

Cornu : 〃That might happen to anyone。〃

The judge to the victim: 〃Continue your testimony; woman Brument。〃

〃Well; Brument said to me; 'Do you wish to earn a hundred sous?' 'Yes;'
I replied; seeing that a hundred sous are not picked up in a horse's
tracks。  Then he said: 'Open your eyes and do as I do;' and he went to
fetch the large empty barrel which is under the rain pipe in the corner;
and he turned it over and brought it into my kitchen; and stuck it down
in the middle of the floor; and then he said to me: 'Go and fetch water
until it is full。'

〃So I went to the pond with two pails and carried water; and still more
water for an hour; seeing that the barrel was as large as a vat; saving
your presence; m'sieu le president。

〃All this time Brument and Cornu were drinking a glass; and then another
glass; and then another。  They were finishing their drinks when I said to
them: 'You are full; fuller than this barrel。'  And Brument answered me。
'Do not worry; go on with your work; your turn will come; each one has
his share。' I paid no attention to what he said as he was full。

〃When the barrel was full to the brim; I said: 'There; that's done。'

〃And then Cornu gave me a hundred sous; not Brument; Cornu; it was Cornu
gave them to me。  And Brument said: 'Do you wish to earn a hundred sous
more?' 'Yes;' I said; for I am not accustomed to presents like that。
Then he said: 'Take off your clothes。!

〃'Take off my clothes?'

〃'Yes;' he said。

〃'How many shall I take off?'

〃'If it worries you at all; keep on your chemise; that won't bother us。'

〃A hundred sous is a hundred sous; and I have to undress myself; but I
did not fancy undressing before those two good…for…nothings。  I took off
my cap; and then my jacket; and then my skirt; and then my sabots。
Brument said; 'Keep on your stockings; also; we are good fellows。'

〃And Cornu said; too; 'We are good fellows。'

〃So there I was; almost like mother Eve。  And they got up from their
chairs; but could not stand straight; they were so full; saving your
presence; M'sieu le president。

〃I said to myself: 'What are they up to?'

〃And Brument said: 'Are you ready?'

〃And Cornu said: 'I'm ready!'

〃And then they took me; Brument by the head; and Cornu by the feet; as
one might take; for instance; a sheet that has been washed。  Then I began
to bawl。

〃And Brument said: 'Keep still; wretched creature!'

〃And they lifted me up in the air and put me into the barrel; which was
full of water; so that I had a check of the circulation; a chill to my
very insides。

〃And Brument said: 'Is that all?'

〃Cornu said: 'That is all。'

〃Brument said: 'The head is not in; that will make a difference in the

〃Cornu said: 'Put in her head。'

〃And then Brument pushed down my head as if to drown me; so that the
water ran into my nose; so that I could already see Paradise。  And he
pushed it down; and I disappeared。

〃And then he must have been frightened。  He pulled me out and said: 'Go
and get dry; carcass。'

〃As for me; I took to my heels and ran as far as M。 le cure's。  He lent
me a skirt belonging to his servant; for I was almost in a state of
nature; and he went to fetch Maitre Chicot; the country watchman who went
to Criquetot to fetch the police who came to my house with me。

〃Then we found Brument and Cornu fighting each other like two rams。

〃Brument was bawling: 'It isn't true; I tell you that there is at least a
cubic metre in it。  It is the method that was no good。'

〃Cornu bawled: 'Four pails; that is almost half a cubic metre。  You need
not reply; that's what it is。'

〃The police captain put them both under arrest。  I have no more to tell。〃

She sat down。  The audience in the court room laughed。  The jurors looked
at one another in astonishment。  The judge said:

〃Defendant Cornu; you seem to have been the instigator of this infamous
plot。  What have you to say?〃

And Cornu rose in his turn。

〃Judge;〃 he replied; 〃I was full。〃

The Judge answered gravely:

〃I know it。  Proceed。〃

〃I will。  Well; Brument came to my place about nine o'clock; and ordered
two drinks; and said: 'There's one for you; Cornu。' I sat down opposite
him and drank; and out of politeness; I offered him a glass。  Then he
returned the compliment and so did I; and so it went on from glass to
glass until noon; when we were full。

〃Then Brument began to cry。  That touched me。  I asked him what was the
matter。  He said: 'I must have a thousand francs by Thursday。' That
cooled me off a little; you understand。  Then he said to me all at once:
'I will sell you my wife。'

〃I was full; and I was a widower。  You understand; that stirred me up。
I did not know his wife; but she was a woman; wasn't she?  I asked him:
'How much would you sell her for?'

〃He reflected; or pretended to reflect。  When one is full one is not very
clear…headed; and he replied: 'I will sell her by the cubic metre。'

〃That did not surprise me; for I was as drunk as he was; and I knew what
a cubic metre is in my business。  It is a thousand litres; that suited

〃But the price remained to be settled。  All depends on the quality。  I
said: 'How much do you want a cubic metre?'

〃He answered: 'Two thousand francs。'

〃I gave a bound like a rabbit; and then I reflected that a woman ought
not to measure more than three hundred litres。  So I said: 'That's too

〃He answered: 'I cannot do it for less。  I should lose by it。'

〃You understand; one is not a dealer in hogs for nothing。  One
understands one's business。  But; if he is smart; the seller of bacon; I
am smarter; seeing that I sell them also。  Ha; Ha; Ha!  So I said to him:
'If she were new; I would not say anything; but she has been married to
you for some time; so she is not as fresh as she was。  I will give you
fifteen hundred francs a cubic metre; not a sou more。  Will that suit

〃He answered: 'That will do。  That's a bargain!'

〃I agreed; and we started out; arm in arm。  We must help each other in
this world。

〃But a fear came to me: 'How can you measure her unless you put her into
the liquid?'

〃Then he explained his idea; not without difficulty for he was full。  He
said to me: 'I take a barrel; and fill it with water to the brim。  I put
her in it。  All the water that comes out we will measure; that is the way
to fix it。'

〃I said: 'I see; I understand。  But this water that overflows will run
away; how are you going to gather it up?'

〃Then he began stuffing me and explained to me that all we should have to
do would be to refill the barrel with the water his wife had displaced as
soon as she should have left。  All the water we should pour in would be
the measure。  I supposed about ten pails; that would be a cubic metre。
He isn't a fool; all the same; when he is drunk; that old horse。

〃To be brief; we reached his house and I took a look at its mistress。  A
beautiful woman she certainly was not。  Anyone can see her; for there she
is。  I said to myself: 'I am disappointed; but never mind; she will be of
value; handsome or ugly; it is all the same; is it not; monsieur le
president?'  And then I saw that she was as thin as a rail。  I said to
myself: 'She will not measure four hundred litres。'  I understand the
matter; it being in liquids。

〃She told you about the proceeding。  I even let her keep on her chemise
and stockings; to my own disadvantage。

〃When that was done she ran away。  I said: 'Look out; Brument!  she is

〃He replied: 'Do not be afraid。  I will catch her all right。  She will
have to come back to sleep; I will measure the deficit。'

〃We measured。  Not four pailfuls。  Ha; Ha; Ha!〃

The witness began to laugh so persistently that a gendarme was obliged to
punch him in the back。  Having quieted down; he resumed:

〃In short; Brument exclaimed: 'Nothing doing; that is not enough。' I
bawled and bawled; and bawled again; he punched me; I hit back。  That
would have kept on till the Day of judgment; seeing we were both drunk。

〃Then came the gendarmes!  They swore at us; they took us off to prison。
I want damages。〃

He sat down。

Brument confirmed in every particular the statements of his accomplice。
The jury; in consternation; retired to deliberate。

At the end of an hour they returned a verdict of acquittal for the
defendants; with some severe strictures on the dignity of marriage; and
establishing the precise limitations of business transactions。

Brument went home to the domestic roof accompanied by his wife。

Cornu went back to his business。


                      Madame de X。  to Madame de L。

                                        ETRETAT; Friday。
My Dear Aunt:

I am coming to see you without anyone knowing it。  I shall be at Les
Fresnes on the 2d of September; the day before the hunting season opens;
as I do not want to miss it; so that I may tease these gentlemen。  You
are too good; aunt; and you will allow them; as you usually do when there
are no strange guests; to come to table; under pretext of fatigue;
without dressing or shaving for the occasion。

They are delighted; of course; when I am not present。  But I shall be
there and will hold a review; like a general; at dinner time; and; if I
find a single one of them at all careless in dress; no matter how little;
I mean to send them down to the kitchen with the servants。

The men of to…day have so little consider
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