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original short stories-3-第25部分

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〃A week afterward; I received ten lines; breaking off our engagement; and
then an explanatory letter from her father; whom she had; somewhat late;
taken into her confidence。

〃At the sight of the shrine; she had suddenly seen through my trickery
and my lie; and at the same time discovered my real innocence of any
crime。  Having asked the keeper of the relics whether any robbery had
been committed; the man began to laugh; and pointed out to them how
impossible such a crime was。  But; from the moment that I had not plunged
my profane hand into venerable relics; I was no longer worthy of my fair…
haired; sensitive betrothed。

〃I was forbidden the house; I begged and prayed in vain; nothing could
move the fair devotee; and I became ill from grief。  Well; last week; her
cousin; Madame d'Arville; who is your cousin also; sent me word that she
should like to see me; and when I called; she told me on what conditions
I might obtain my pardon; and here they are。  I must bring her a relic; a
real; authentic relic of some virgin and martyr; certified to be such by
our Holy Father; the Pope; and I am going mad from embarrassment and

〃I will go to Rome; if needful; but I cannot call on the Pope
unexpectedly; to tell him my stupid misadventure; and; besides; I doubt
whether they allow private individuals to have relics。  Could not you
give me an introduction to some cardinal; or even to some French prelate
who possesses some remains of a female saint?  Or; perhaps; you may have
the precious object she wants in your collection?

〃Help me out of my difficulty; my dear Abbe; and I promise you that I
will be converted ten years sooner than I otherwise should be!

〃Madame d'Arville; who takes the matter seriously; said to me the other

〃'Poor Gilberte will never marry。'

〃My dear old schoolmate; will you allow your cousin to die the victim of
a stupid piece of subterfuge on my part?  Pray prevent her from being
virgin eleven thousand and one。

〃Pardon me; I am unworthy; but I embrace vou; and love you with all my

〃Your old friend;
                              〃HENRI FONTAL。〃

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