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03-east of sun-第3部分

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fall on it; but no one can wash them out but one born of

Christian folk: it cannot be done by one of a pack of

trolls; and then I will say that no one shall ever be my bride

but the woman who can do this; and I know that you

can。〃 There was great joy and gladness between them all

that night; but the next day; when the wedding was to

take place; the Prince said; 〃I must see what my bride

can do。〃 〃That you may do;〃 said the stepmother。

〃I have a fine shirt which I want to wear as my wedding

shirt; but three drops of tallow have got upon it which I

want to have washed off; and I have vowed to marry no

one but the woman who is able to do it。 If she cannot do

that; she is not worth having。〃

Well; that was a very small matter; they thought; and

agreed to do it。 The Princess with the long nose began

to wash as well as she could; but; the more she washed and

rubbed; the larger the spots grew。 〃Ah! you can't wash

at all;〃 said the old troll…hag; who was her mother。 〃Give

it to me。〃 But she too had not had the shirt very long in

her hands before it looked worse still; and; the more she

washed it and rubbed it; the larger and blacker grew the


So the other trolls had to come and wash; but; the more

they did; the blacker and uglier grew the shirt; until at

length it was as black as if it had been up the chimney。

〃Oh;〃 cried the Prince; 〃not one of you is good for

anything at all! There is a beggar…girl sitting outside the

window; and I'll be bound that she can wash better than

any of you! Come in; you girl there!〃 he cried。 So she

came in。 〃Can you wash this shirt clean?〃 he cried。 〃Oh!

I don't know;〃 she said; 〃but I will try。〃 And no sooner

had she taken the shirt and dipped it in the water than

it was white as driven snow; and even whiter than that。

〃I will marry you;〃 said the Prince。

Then the old troll…hag flew into such a rage that she

burst; and the Princess with the long nose and all the

little trolls must have burst too; for they have never been

heard of since。 The Prince and his bride set free all the

Christian folk who were imprisoned there; and took away

with them all the gold and silver that they could carry;

and moved far away from the castle which lay east of the

sun and west of the moon。'1'

'1' Asbjornsen and Moe。

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