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napoleon bonaparte, v4-第15部分

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openly solicited; by certain ladies who were ambitious of the title of
favorites; although this title would have given very few rights and
privileges with the Emperor; but I would never enter into such bargains;
restricting myself to the duties which my position imposed on me; and not
going beyond them; and; although his Majesty took pleasure in reviving
the usages of the old monarchy; the secret duties of the first valet de
chambre were not re…established; and I took care not to claim them。

Many others (not valets de chambre) were less scrupulous than I。  General
L spoke to the Emperor one day of a very pretty girl whose mother
kept a gambling…house; and who desired to be presented to him; but the
Emperor received her once only; and a few days afterwards she was
married。  Some time later his Majesty wished to see her again; and asked
for her; but the young woman replied that she did not belong to herself
any longer; and refused all the invitations and offers made to her。  The
Emperor seemed in no wise dissatisfied; but on the contrary praised
Madame D for her fidelity to duty; and approved her conduct highly。

In 1804 her imperial highness Princess Murat had in her household a young
reader named Mademoiselle E; seventeen or eighteen years of age;
tall; slender; well made; a brunette; with beautiful black eyes;
sprightly; and very coquettish。  Some persons who thought it to their
interest to create differences between his Majesty and the Empress; his
wife; noticed with pleasure the inclination of this young reader to try
the power of her glances upon the Emperor; and his disposition to
encourage her; so they stirred up the fire adroitly; and one of them took
upon himself all the diplomacy of this affair。  Propositions made through
a third party were at once accepted; and the beautiful E came to the
chateau secretly; but rarely; and remained there only two or three;
hours。  When she became enceinte; the Emperor had a house rented for her
in the Rue Chantereine; where she bore a fine boy; upon whom was settled
at his birth an income of thirty thousand francs。  He was confided at
first to the care of Madame I; nurse of Prince Achille Murat; who
kept him three or four years; and then Monsieur de Meneval; his Majesty's
secretary; was ordered to provide for the education of this child; and
when the Emperor returned from the Island of Elba; the son of
Mademoiselle E was placed in the care of her Majesty; the Empress…
mother。  The liaison of the Emperor with Mademoiselle E did not last
long。  She came one day with her mother to Fontainebleau; where the court
then happened to be; went up to his Majesty's apartment; and asked me to
announce her; and the Emperor; being exceedingly displeased by this step;
directed me to say to Mademoiselle E that he forbade her to present
herself before him again without his permission; and not to remain a
moment longer at Fontainebleau。  In spite of this harshness to the
mother; the Emperor loved the son tenderly; and I brought him to him
often; on which occasions he caressed the child; gave him a great many
dainties; and was much amused by his vivacity and repartees; which showed
remarkable intelligence for his age。

This child and that of the Polish beauty; of whom I will speak later;

     'This son of Countess Walewska became Count Walewski; a leading
     statesman of the Second Empire; ambassador to London; 1852; minister
     of foreign affairs; 1855; minister of state; 1860; president of
     Corps Legislatif; 1865。  Born 1810; died 1868。 TRANS。'

and the King of Rome; were the only children of the Emperor。  He never
had a daughter; and I believe he desired none。

I have seen it stated; I know not where; that the Emperor; during the
long stay we made at Boulogne; indemnified himself at night for the
labors of the day with a beautiful Italian; and I will now relate what I
know of this adventure。  His Majesty complained one morning; while I was
dressing him; in the presence of Prince Murat; that he saw none but
moustached faces; which he said was very tiresome; and the prince; ever
ready on occasions of this kind to offer his services to his brother…in…
law; spoke to him of a handsome and attractive Genoese lady; who had the
greatest desire to see his Majesty。  The Emperor laughingly granted a
tete…a…tete; the prince himself offering to send the message; and two
days later; by his kind assistance; the lady arrived; and was installed
in the upper town。  The Emperor; who lodged at Pont des Briques; ordered
me one evening to take a carriage; and find this protegee of Prince
Murat。  I obeyed; and brought the beautiful Genoese; who; to avoid
scandal; although it was a dark night; was introduced through a little
garden behind his Majesty's apartments。  The poor woman was much excited;
and shed tears; but controlled herself quickly on finding that she was
kindly received; and the interview was prolonged until three o'clock in
the morning; when I was called to carry her back。  She returned
afterwards four or five times; and was with the Emperor afterwards at
Rambouillet。  She was gentle; simple; credulous; and not at all
intriguing; and did not try to draw any benefit from a liaison which at
best was only temporary。

Another of these favorites of the moment; who threw themselves so to
speak into the arms of the Emperor without giving him time to make his
court to them; was Mademoiselle L。 B; a very pretty girl。  She was
intelligent; and possessed a kind heart; and; had she received a less
frivolous education; would doubtless have been an estimable woman; but I
have reason to believe that her mother had from the first the design of
acquiring a protector for her second husband; by utilizing the youth and
attractions of the daughter of her first。  I do not now recall her name;
but she was of a noble family; of which fact the mother and daughter were
very proud; and the young girl was a good musician; and sang agreeably;
but; which appeared to me as ridiculous as indecent; she danced the
ballet before a large company in her mother's house; in a costume almost
as light as those of the opera; with castanets or tambourines; and ended
her dance with a multiplicity of attitudes and graces。  With such an
education she naturally thought her position not at all unusual; and was
very much chagrined at the short duration of her liaison with the
Emperor; while the mother was in despair; and said to me with disgusting
simplicity; 〃See my poor Lise; how she has ruined her complexion in her
vexation at seeing herself neglected; poor child。  How good you will be;
if you can manage to have her sent for。〃  To secure an interview for
which the mother and daughter were both so desirous; they came together
to the chapel at Saint…Cloud; and during mass the poor Lise threw glances
at the Emperor which made the young ladies blush who witnessed them; and
were; nevertheless; all in vain; for the Emperor remained unmoved。

Colonel L。 B was aide…de…camp to General L; the governor of
Saint…Cloud; and the general was a widower; which facts alone furnish an
excuse for the intimacy of his only daughter with the family of L。 B;
which astonished me greatly。  One day; when I was dining at the house of
the colonel; with his wife; his step…daughter; and Mademoiselle L;
the general sent for his aides…de…camp; and I was left alone; with the
ladies; who so earnestly begged me to accompany them on a visit to
Mademoiselle le Normand; that it would have been impolite to refuse;
consequently we ordered a carriage and went to the Rue de Tournon。
Mademoiselle L。 B was first to enter the Sybil's cave; where she
remained a long while; but on her return was very reserved as to any
communications made to her; though Mademoiselle L told us very
frankly that she had good news; and would soon marry the man she loved;
which event soon occurred。  These ladies having urged me to consult the
prophetess in my turn; I perceived plainly that I was recognized; for
Mademoiselle le Normand at once discovered in my hand that I had the
happiness of being near a great man and being highly esteemed by him;
adding much other nonsense of the same kind; which was so tiresome that I
thanked her; and made my adieux as quickly as possible。


While the Emperor was giving crowns to his brothers and sisters;to
Prince Louis; the throne of Holland; Naples to Prince Joseph; the Duchy
of Berg to Prince Murat; to the Princess Eliza; Lucca and Massa…Carrara;
and Guastalla to the Princess Pauline Borghese; and while; by means of
treaties and family alliances; he was assuring still more the co…
operation of the different states which had entered into the
Confederation of the Rhine;war was renewed between France and Prussia。
It is not my province to investigate the causes of this war; nor to
decide which first gave cause of offense。

All I can certify is this; frequently at the Tuileries; and on the
campaign; I heard the Emperor; in conversation with his intimate friends;
accuse the old Duke of Brunswick; whose name had been so odious in France
since 1792; and also the young and beautiful Queen of Prussia; of having
influenced King Frederic William to break the treaty of peace。  The Queen
was; according to the Emperor; more disposed to war than General Blucher
himself。  She wore the uniform of the regiment to which she had given her
name; appeared at all reviews; and commanded the maneuvers。

We left Paris at the end of September。  I will not enter into the details
of this wonderful campaign; in which the Emperor in an incredibly short
time crushed to pieces an army of one hundred and fifty thousand men;
perfectly disciplined; full of enthusiasm and courage; and fighting in
defense of their country。  In one of the first battles; the young Prince
Louis of Prussia; brother of the king; was killed at the head of his
troops by Guinde; quartermaster of the Tenth Hussars。  The prince fought
hand to hand with this brave sub…officer; who said to him; 〃Surrender;
Colonel; or you are a dead man;〃 to which Prince Louis replied only by a
saber stroke; whereupon Guinde plunged his own into the body of his
opponent; and he fell dead on the spot
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