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a house-boat on the styx-第7部分

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what a bore it is to have to listen to a poet reading his own poem。

Pugilists' Clubs are good; so are all other class clubs; but so also

are clubs like our own; which takes in all who are worthy。  Here a

poet can talk poetry as much as he wants; but at the same time he

hears something besides poetry。  We must stick to our original idea。〃

〃Then let us do something to abate the nuisance of which I complain;〃

said Confucius。  〃Can't we adopt a house rule that poets must not be

inspired between the hours of 11 A。M。 and 5 P。M。; or in the evening

after eight; that any poet discovered using more than five arm…chairs

in the composition of a quatrain will be charged two oboli an hour

for each chair in excess of that number; and that the billiard…marker

shall be required to charge a premium of three times the ordinary fee

for tables used by versifiers in lieu of writing…pads?〃

〃That wouldn't be a bad idea;〃 said Sir Walter Raleigh。  〃I; as a

poet would not object to that。  I do all my work at home; anyhow。〃

〃There's another phase of this business that we haven't considered

yet; and it's rather important;〃 said Demosthenes; taking a fresh

pebble out of his bonbonniere。  〃That's in the matter of stationery。

This club; like all other well…regulated clubs; provides its members

with a suitable supply of writing materials。  Charon informs me that

the waste…baskets last week turned out forty…two reams of our best

correspondence paper on which these poets had scribbled the first

draft of their verses。  Now I don't think the club should furnish the

poets with the raw material for their poems any more than; to go back

to Confucius's shoemaker; it should supply leather for our cobblers。〃

〃What do you mean by raw material for poems?〃 asked Sir Walter; with

a frown。

〃Pen; ink; and paper。  What else?〃 said Demosthenes。

〃Doesn't it take brains to write a poem?〃 said Raleigh。

〃Doesn't it take brains to make a pair of shoes?〃 retorted

Demosthenes; swallowing a pebble in his haste。

〃They've got a right to the stationery; though;〃 put in Blackstone。

〃A clear legal right to it。  If they choose to write poems on the

paper instead of boring people to death with letters; as most of us

do; that's their own affair。〃

〃Well; they're very wasteful;〃 said Demosthenes。

〃We can meet that easily enough;〃 observed Cassius。  〃Furnish each

writing…table with a slate。  I should think they'd be pleased with

that。  It's so much easier to rub out the wrong word。〃

〃Most poets prefer to rub out the right word;〃 growled Confucius。

〃Besides; I shall never consent to slates in this house…boat。  The

squeaking of the pencils would be worse than the poems themselves。〃

〃That's true;〃 said Cassius。  〃I never thought of that。  If a dozen

poets got to work on those slates at once; a fife corps wouldn't be a

circumstance to them。〃

〃Well; it all goes to prove what I have thought all along;〃 said

Doctor Johnson。  〃Homer's idea is a good one; and Samson was wise in

backing it up。  The poets need to be concentrated somewhere where

they will not be a nuisance to other people; and where other people

will not be a nuisance to them。  Homer ought to have a place to

compose in where the vingt…et…un players will not interrupt his

frenzies; and; on the other hand; the vingt…et…un and other players

should be protected from the wooers of the muse。  I'll vote to have

the Poets' Corner; and in it I move that Cassius's slate idea be

carried out。  It will be a great saving; and if the corner we select

be far enough away from the other corners of the club; the squeaking

of the slate…pencils need bother no one。〃

〃I agree to that;〃 said Blackstone。  〃Only I think it should be

understood that; in granting the petition of the poets; we do not

bind ourselves to yield to doctors and lawyers and shoemakers and

plumbers in case they should each want a corner to themselves。〃

〃A very wise idea;〃 said Sir Walter。  Whereupon the resolution was

suitably worded; and passed unanimously。

Just where the Poets' Corner is to be located the members of the

committee have not as yet decided; although Confucius is strongly in

favor of having it placed in a dingy situated a quarter of a mile

astern of the house…boat; and connected therewith by a slight cord;

which can be easily cut in case the squeaking of the poets' slate…

pencils becomes too much for the nervous system of the members who

have no corner of their own。


〃I observe;〃 said Doctor Darwin; looking up from a perusal of an

asbestos copy of the London Times〃I observe that an American

professor has discovered that monkeys talk。  I consider that a very

interesting fact。〃

〃It undoubtedly is;〃 observed Doctor Livingstone; 〃though hardly new。

I never said anything about it over in the other world; but I

discovered years ago in Africa that monkeys were quite as well able

to hold a sustained conversation with each other as most men are。〃

〃And I; too;〃 put in Baron Munchausen; 〃have frequently conversed

with monkeys。  I made myself a master of their idioms during my brief

sojourn inahinwell; never mind where。  I never could remember

the names of places。  The interesting point is that at one period of

my life I was a master of the monkey language。  I have even gone so

far as to write a sonnet in Simian; which was quite as intelligible

to the uneducated as nine…tenths of the sonnets written in English or


〃Do you mean to say that you could acquire the monkey accent?〃 asked

Doctor Darwin; immediately interested。

〃In most instances;〃 returned the Baron; suavely; 〃though of course

not in all。  I found the same difficulty in some cases that the

German or the Chinaman finds when he tries to speak French。  A

Chinaman can no more say Trocadero; for instance; as the Frenchman

says it; than he can fly。  That peculiar throaty aspirate the

Frenchman gives to the first syllable; as though it were spelled

trhoque; is utterly beyond the Chineseand beyond the American; too;

whose idea of the tonsillar aspirate leads him to speak of the

trochedeero; naturally falling back upon troches to help him out of

his laryngeal difficulties。〃

〃You ought to have been on the staff of Punch; Baron;〃 said

Thackeray; quietly。  〃That joke would have made you immortal。〃

〃I AM immortal;〃 said the Baron。  〃But to return to our discussion of

the Simian tongue:  as I was saying; there were some little points

about the accent that I could never get; and; as in the case of the

German and Chinaman with the French language; the trouble was purely

physical。  When you consider that in polite Simian society most of

the talkers converse while swinging by their tails from the limb of a

tree; with a sort of droning accent; which results from their swaying

to and fro; you will see at once why it was that I; deprived by

nature of the necessary apparatus with which to suspend myself in

mid…air; was unable to quite catch the quality which gives its chief

charm to monkey…talk。〃

〃I should hardly think that a man of your fertile resources would

have let so small a thing as that stand in his way;〃 said Doctor

Livingstone。  〃When a man is able to make a reputation for himself

like yours; in which material facts are never allowed to interfere

with his doing what he sets out to do; he ought not to be daunted by

the need of a tail。  If you could make a cherry…tree grow out of a

deer's head; I fail to see why you could not personally grow a tail;

or anything else you might happen to need for the attainment of your


〃I was not so anxious to get the accent as all that;〃 returned the

Baron。  〃I don't think it is necessary for a man to make a monkey of

himself just for the pleasure of mastering a language。  Reasoning

similarly; a man to master the art of braying in a fashion

comprehensible to the jackass of average intellect should make a

jackass of himself; cultivate his ears; and learn to kick; so as

properly to punctuate his sentences after the manner of most

conversational beasts of that kind。〃

〃Then you believe that jackasses talk; too; do you?〃 asked Doctor


〃Why not?〃 said the Baron。  〃If monkeys; why not donkeys?  Certainly

they do。  All creatures have some means of communicating their

thoughts to each other。  Why man in his conceit should think

otherwise I don't know; unless it be that the birds and beasts in

their conceit probably think that they alone of all the creatures in

the world can talk。〃

〃I haven't a doubt;〃 said Doctor Livingstone; 〃that monkeys listening

to men and women talking think they are only jabbering。〃

〃They're not far from wrong in most cases if they do;〃 said Doctor

Johnson; who up to this time had been merely an interested listener。

〃I've thought that many a time myself。〃

〃Which is perhaps; in a slight degree; a confirmation of my theory;〃

put in Darwin。  〃If Doctor Johnson's mind runs in the same channels

that the monkey's mind runs in; why may we not say that Doctor

Johnson; being a man; has certain qualities of the monkey; and is

therefore; in a sense; of the same strain?〃

〃You may say what you please;〃 retorted Johnson; wrathfully; 〃but

I'll make you prove what you say about me。〃

〃I wouldn't if I were you;〃 said Doctor Livingstone; in a peace…

making spirit。  〃It would not be a pleasant task for you; compelling

our friend to prove you descended from the ape。  I should think you'd

prefer to make him leave it unproved。〃

〃Have monkeys Boswells?〃 queried Thackeray。

〃I don't know anything about 'em;〃 said Johnson; petulantly。

〃No more do I;〃 said Darwin; 〃and I didn't mean to be offensive; my

dear Johnson。  If I claim Simian ancestry for you; I claim it equally

for myself。〃

〃Well; I'm no snob;〃 said Johnson; unmollified。  〃If you
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