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stringent Paternal Power。 He; a Roman; familiar with a Patria

Potestas as yet undecayed; thinks it worthy of remark that the

head of a Gallic household had the power of life and death over

his wives as well as his children; and notices with astonishment

that; when a husband died under suspicious circumstances; his

wives were treated with the same cruelty as a body of household

slaves at Rome whose master had been killed by an unknown hand。

(B。 G。; vi。 19。) Now; though very much cannot be confidently said

about the transition (which; nevertheless; is an undoubted fact)

of many societies from polygamy to monogamy under influences

other than those of religion; it may plausibly be conjectured

that here and there it had its cause in liberty of divorce。 The

system which permitted a plurality of wives may have passed into

the system which forbade more than one wife at a time; but which

did not go farther。 The monogamy of the modern and Western world

is; in fact; the monogamy of the Romans; from which the license

of divorce has been expelled by Christian morality。 There are

hardly any materials for an opinion upon the degree of influence

exercised by the Church over the transformation of

marriage…relations in Ireland; but there are several indications

that the ecclesiastical rules as to the conditions of a valid

marriage established themselves very slowly among the ruder races

on the outskirts of what had been the Roman Empire。 Mr Burton

('History of Scotland;' ii。 213); in speaking of the number of

illegitimate claimants who brought their pretensions to the Crown

of Scotland before Edward the First; observes: 'That they should

have pushed their claims only shows that the Church had not yet

absolutely established the rule that from her and her ceremony

and sacrament could alone come the union capable of transmitting

a right of succession to offspring。' The tract on 'Social

Connexions' notices a 'first' wife; and the recognition may be

attributable to the Church; but on the whole my impression

certainly is that the extremely ascetic form under which

Christianity was introduced into Ireland was unfavourable to its

obtaining a hold on popular morality。 The common view seems to

have been that chastity was the professional virtue of a special

class; for the Brehon tracts; which make the assumptions I have

described as to the morals of the laity; speak of irregularity of

life in a monk or bishop with the strongest reprobation and

disgust。 At the present moment Ireland is probably the one of all

Western countries in which the relations of the sexes are most

nearly on the footing required by the Christian theory; nor is

there any reasonable doubt that this result has been brought

about in the main by the Roman Catholic clergy。 But this

purification of morals was effected during the period through

which monks and monasticism were either expelled from Ireland or

placed under the ban of the law。

    I will take this opportunity of saying that the influence of

Christianity on a much more famous system than the Brehon law has

always seemed to me to be greatly overstated by M。 Troplong and

other well…known juridical writers。 There is; of course; evidence

of Christian influence on Roman law in the disabilities imposed

on various classes of heretics and in the limitations of that

liberty of divorce which belonged to the older jurisprudence。

But; even in respect of divorce; the modifications strike me as

less than might have been expected from what we know of the

condition of opinion in the Roman world; and; as regards certain

improvements said to have been introduced by Christianity into

the Imperial law of slavery; they were probably quickened by its

influence; but they began in principles which were of Stoical

rather than of Christian origin。 I do not question the received

opinion that Christianity greatly mitigated and did much to

abolish personal and predial slavery in the West; but the

Continental lawyers of whom I spoke considerably antedate its

influence; and take far too little account of the prodigious

effects subsequently produced by the practical equality of all

men within the pale of the Catholic priesthood。 But I principally

deprecate these statements; which in some countries have almost

become professional commonplaces; for two reasons。 They slur over

a very instructive fact; the great unmalleability of all bodies

of law。 and they obscure an interesting and yet unsettled;

problem; the origin of the Canon law。 The truth seems to be that

the Imperial Roman law did not satisfy the morality of the

Christian communities; and this is the most probable reason why

another body of rules grew up by its side and ultimately almost

rivalled it。

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