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mugby junction(马格比岔口)-第14部分

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person who   should   propose  in   England   that there should be   kept;  say  at 

our own model Mugby Junction; pretty baskets; each holding an assorted 

cold   lunch   and   dessert   for   one;   each   at   a   certain   fixed   price;   and   each 

within a passenger's power to take away; to empty in the carriage at perfect 

leisure;   and   to   return   at   another   station   fifty   or   a   hundred   miles   farther 


     There     was    disagreement       what    such    a  person    should     be   called。 


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                                      MUGBY JUNCTION 

Whether revolutionise; atheist; Bright (I said him); or Un…English。                   Miss 

Piff    screeched     her  shrill  opinion     last;  in  the  words:     〃A     malignant 


     〃I adopt;〃 says Our Missis; 〃the brand set upon such a person by the 

righteous indignation of my friend Miss Piff。             A malignant maniac。 Know; 

then;   that   that   malignant   maniac   has   sprung   from   the   congenial   soil   of 

France; and that his malignant madness was in unchecked action on this 

same part of my journey。〃 

     I noticed that Sniff was a…rubbing his hands; and that Mrs。 Sniff had 

got her eye upon him。         But I did not take more particular notice; owing to 

the   excited   state   in   which   the   young   ladies   was;   and   to   feeling   myself 

called upon to keep it up with a howl。 

     〃On my experience south of Paris;〃 said Our Missis; in a deep tone; 〃I 

will    not   expatiate。    Too    loathsome      were    the  task!    But    fancy    this。 

Fancy a guard coming round; with the train at full speed; to inquire how 

many for dinner。        Fancy his telegraphing forward the number of dinners。 

Fancy  every  one   expected;   and   the   table   elegantly  laid   for   the   complete 

party。    Fancy a charming dinner; in a charming room; and the head…cook; 

concerned for the honour of every dish; superintending in his clean white 

jacket   and   cap。   Fancy   the   Beast   travelling   six   hundred   miles   on   end; 

very fast; and with great punctuality; yet being taught to expect all this to 

be done for it!〃 

     A spirited chorus of 〃The Beast!〃 

     I   noticed   that   Sniff   was   agin   a…rubbing   his   stomach   with   a   soothing 

hand; and that he had drored up one leg。             But agin I didn't take particular 

notice; looking on myself as   called upon to stimulate public  feeling。                  It 

being a lark besides。 

     〃Putting       everything       together;〃      said     Our     Missis;      〃French 

Refreshmenting   comes   to   this;   and   oh;   it   comes   to   a   nice   total!   First: 

eatable things to eat; and drinkable things to drink。〃 

     A groan from the young ladies; kep' up by me。 

     〃Second:      convenience; and even elegance。〃 

     Another groan from the young ladies; kep' up by me。 


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                                      MUGBY JUNCTION 

     〃Third:     moderate charges。〃 

     This time a groan from me; kep' up by the young ladies。 

     〃Fourth:…     and    here;〃    says   Our     Missis;    〃I  claim    your    angriest 

sympathy;attention; common civility; nay; even politeness!〃 

     Me and the young ladies regularly raging mad all together。 

     〃And   I   cannot   in   conclusion;〃   says   Our   Missis;   with   her   spitefullest 

sneer; 〃give you a completer pictur of that despicable nation (after what I 

have related); than assuring you that they wouldn't bear our constitutional 

ways and noble independence at Mugby Junction; for a single month; and 

that they would turn us to the right…about and put another system in our 

places; as soon as look at us; perhaps sooner; for I do not believe they have 

the good taste to care to look at us twice。〃 

     The swelling tumult was arrested in its rise。             Sniff; bore away by his 

servile disposition; had drored up his leg with a higher and a higher relish; 

and   was   now  discovered to be   waving his   corkscrew  over   his   head。            It 

was at this moment that Mrs。 Sniff; who had kep' her eye upon him like 

the   fabled   obelisk;   descended   on   her   victim。   Our   Missis   followed   them 

both out; and cries was heard in the sawdust department。 

     You come into the Down Refreshment Room; at the Junction; making 

believe you don't know me; and I'll pint you out with my right thumb over 

my shoulder which is Our Missis; and which is Miss Whiff; and which is 

Miss   Piff;   and   which   is   Mrs。   Sniff。 But   you   won't   get   a   chance   to   see 

Sniff;   because   he   disappeared   that   night。    Whether   he   perished;   tore   to 

pieces; I cannot say; but his corkscrew alone remains; to bear witness to 

the servility of his disposition。 


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