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the pigeon-第11部分

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CHIEF HUMBLE…MAN。  'Clinking the coins。'  Third time of arskin'!
April fool!  Not 'arf !  Good old pigeon!

SECOND HUMBLE…MAN。  'Uman being; I call 'im。

CHIEF HUMBLE…MAN。  'Taking the three glasses from the last
packing…case; and pouring very equally into them。' That's right。
Tell you wot; I'd never 'a touched this unless 'e'd told me to; I
wouldn'tnot with 'im。

SECOND HUMBLE…MAN。  Ditto to that!  This is a bit of orl right!
'Raising his glass。' Good luck!


'Simultaneously they place their lips smartly against the liquor;
and at once let fall their faces and their glasses。

CHIEF HUMBLE…MAN。  'With great solemnity。'  Crikey!  Bill!  Tea!。
。。。。。'E's got us!

     'The stage is blotted dark。'


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