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ethan brand-第1部分

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Bartram the lime…burner; a rough; heavy…looking man; begrimed

with charcoal; sat watching his kiln at nightfall; while his

little son played at building houses with the scattered fragments

of marble; when; on the hill…side below them; they heard a roar

of laughter; not mirthful; but slow; and even solemn; like a wind

shaking the boughs of the forest。

〃Father; what is that?〃 asked the little boy; leaving his play;

and pressing betwixt his father's knees。

〃Oh; some drunken man; I suppose;〃 answered the lime…burner;

〃some merry fellow from the bar…room in the village; who dared

not laugh loud enough within doors lest he should blow the roof

of the house off。 So here he is; shaking his jolly sides at the

foot of Graylock。〃

〃But; father;〃 said the child; more sensitive than the obtuse;

middle…aged clown; 〃he does not laugh like a man that is glad。 So

the noise frightens me!〃

〃Don't be a fool; child!〃 cried his father; gruffly。 〃You will

never make a man; I do believe; there is too much of your mother

in you。 I have known the rustling of a leaf startle you。 Hark!

Here comes the merry fellow now。 You shall see that there is no

harm in him。〃

Bartram and his little son; while they were talking thus; sat

watching the same lime…kiln that had been the scene of Ethan

Brand's solitary and meditative life; before he began his search

for the Unpardonable Sin。 Many years; as we have seen; had now

elapsed; since that portentous night when the IDEA was first

developed。 The kiln; however; on the mountain…side; stood

unimpaired; and was in nothing changed since he had thrown his

dark thoughts into the intense glow of its furnace; and melted

them; as it were; into the one thought that took possession of

his life。 It was a rude; round; tower…like structure about twenty

feet high; heavily built of rough stones; and with a hillock of

earth heaped about the larger part of its circumference; so that

the blocks and fragments of marble might be drawn by cart…loads;

and thrown in at the top。 There was an opening at the bottom of

the tower; like an over…mouth; but large enough to admit a man in

a stooping posture; and provided with a massive iron door。 With

the smoke and jets of flame issuing from the chinks and crevices

of this door; which seemed to give admittance into the hill…side;

it resembled nothing so much as the private entrance to the

infernal regions; which the shepherds of the Delectable Mountains

were accustomed to show to pilgrims。

There are many such lime…kilns in that tract of country; for the

purpose of burning the white marble which composes a large part

of the substance of the hills。 Some of them; built years ago; and

long deserted; with weeds growing in the vacant round of the

interior; which is open to the sky; and grass and wild…flowers

rooting themselves into the chinks of the stones; look already

like relics of antiquity; and may yet be overspread with the

lichens of centuries to come。 Others; where the limeburner still

feeds his daily and night…long fire; afford points of interest to

the wanderer among the hills; who seats himself on a log of wood

or a fragment of marble; to hold a chat with the solitary man。 It

is a lonesome; and; when the character is inclined to thought;

may be an intensely thoughtful occupation; as it proved in the

case of Ethan Brand; who had mused to such strange purpose; in

days gone by; while the fire in this very kiln was burning。

The man who now watched the fire was of a different order; and

troubled himself with no thoughts save the very few that were

requisite to his business。 At frequent intervals; he flung back

the clashing weight of the iron door; and; turning his face from

the insufferable glare; thrust in huge logs of oak; or stirred

the immense brands with a long pole。 Within the furnace were seen

the curling and riotous flames; and the burning marble; almost

molten with the intensity of heat; while without; the reflection

of the fire quivered on the dark intricacy of the surrounding

forest; and showed in the foreground a bright and ruddy little

picture of the hut; the spring beside its door; the athletic and

coal…begrimed figure of the lime…burner; and the half…frightened

child; shrinking into the protection of his father's shadow。 And

when; again; the iron door was closed; then reappeared the tender

light of the half…full moon; which vainly strove to trace out the

indistinct shapes of the neighboring mountains; and; in the upper

sky; there was a flitting congregation of clouds; still faintly

tinged with the rosy sunset; though thus far down into the valley

the sunshine had vanished long and long ago

The little boy now crept still closer to his father; as footsteps

were heard ascending the hill…side; and a human form thrust aside

the bushes that clustered beneath the trees。

〃Halloo! who is it?〃 cried the lime…burner; vexed at his son's

timidity; yet half infected by it。 〃Come forward; and show

yourself; like a man; or I'll fling this chunk of marble at your


〃You offer me a rough welcome;〃 said a gloomy voice; as the

unknown man drew nigh。 〃Yet I neither claim nor desire a kinder

one; even at my own fireside。〃

To obtain a distincter view; Bartram threw open the iron door of

the kiln; whence immediately issued a gush of fierce light; that

smote full upon the stranger's face and figure。 To a careless eye

there appeared nothing very remarkable in his aspect; which was

that of a man in a coarse brown; country…made suit of clothes;

tall and thin; with the staff and heavy shoes of a wayfarer。 As

he advanced; he fixed his eyeswhich were very brightintently

upon the brightness of the furnace; as if he beheld; or expected

to behold; some object worthy of note within it。

〃Good evening; stranger;〃 said the lime…burner; 〃whence come you;

so late in the day?〃

〃I come from my search;〃 answered the wayfarer; 〃for; at last; it

is finished。〃

〃Drunk!or crazy!〃 muttered Bartram to himself。 〃I shall have

trouble with the fellow。 The sooner I drive him away; the


The little boy; all in a tremble; whispered to his father; and

begged him to shut the door of the kiln; so that there might not

be so much light; for that there was something in the man's face

which he was afraid to look at; yet could not look away from。

And; indeed; even the lime…burner's dull and torpid sense began

to be impressed by an indescribable something in that thin;

rugged; thoughtful visage; with the grizzled hair hanging wildly

about it; and those deeply sunken eyes; which gleamed like fires

within the entrance of a mysterious cavern。 But; as he closed the

door; the stranger turned towards him; and spoke in a quiet;

familiar way; that made Bartram feel as if he were a sane and

sensible man; after all。

〃Your task draws to an end; I see;〃 said he。 〃This marble has

already been burning three days。 A few hours more will convert

the stone to lime。〃

〃Why; who are you?〃 exclaimed the lime…burner。 〃You seem as well

acquainted with my business as I am myself。〃

〃And well I may be;〃 said the stranger; 〃for I followed the same

craft many a long year; and here; too; on this very spot。 But you

are a newcomer in these parts。 Did you never hear of Ethan


〃The man that went in search of the Unpardonable Sin?〃 asked

Bartram; with a laugh。

〃The same;〃 answered the stranger。 〃He has found what he sought;

and therefore he comes back again。〃

〃What! then you are Ethan Brand himself?〃 cried the lime…burner;

in amazement。 〃I am a new…comer here; as you say; and they call

it eighteen years since you left the foot of Graylock。 But; I can

tell you; the good folks still talk about Ethan Brand; in the

village yonder; and what a strange errand took him away from his

lime…kiln。 Well; and so you have found the Unpardonable Sin?〃

〃Even so!〃 said the stranger; calmly。

〃If the question is a fair one;〃 proceeded Bartram; 〃where might

it be?〃

Ethan Brand laid his finger on his own heart。

〃Here!〃 replied he。

And then; without mirth in his countenance; but as if moved by an

involuntary recognition of the infinite absurdity of seeking

throughout the world for what was the closest of all things to

himself; and looking into every heart; save his own; for what was

hidden in no other breast; he broke into a laugh of scorn。 It was

the same slow; heavy laugh; that had almost appalled the

lime…burner when it heralded the wayfarer's approach。

The solitary mountain…side was made dismal by it。 Laughter; when

out of place; mistimed; or bursting forth from a disordered state

of feeling; may be the most terrible modulation of the human

voice。 The laughter of one asleep; even if it be a little

child;the madman's laugh;the wild; screaming laugh of a born

idiot;are sounds that we sometimes tremble to hear; and would

always willingly forget。 Poets have imagined no utterance of

fiends or hobgoblins so fearfully appropriate as a laugh。 And

even the obtuse lime…burner felt his nerves shaken; as this

strange man looked inward at his own heart; and burst into

laughter that rolled away into the night; and was indistinctly

reverberated among the hills。

〃Joe;〃 said he to his little son; 〃scamper down to the tavern in

the village; and tell the jolly fellows there that Ethan Brand

has come back; and that he has found the Unpardonable Sin!〃

The boy darted away on his errand; to which Ethan Brand made no

objection; nor seemed hardly to notice it。 He sat on a log of

wood; looking steadfastly at the iron door of the kiln。 When the

child was out of sight; and his swift and light footsteps ceased

to be heard treading first on the fallen leaves and then on the

rocky mountain…path; the lime…burner began to regret his

departure。 He felt that the l
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