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ethan brand-第3部分

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fellow;I told you so twenty years ago;…neither better nor worse

than a crazy fellow; and the fit companion of old Humphrey;


He pointed to an old man; shabbily dressed; with long white hair;

thin visage; and unsteady eyes。 For some years past this aged

person had been wandering about among the hills; inquiring of all

travellers whom he met for his daughter。 The girl; it seemed; had

gone off with a company of circus…performers; and occasionally

tidings of her came to the village; and fine stories were told of

her glittering appearance as she rode on horseback in the ring;

or performed marvellous feats on the tight…rope。

The white…haired father now approached Ethan Brand; and gazed

unsteadily into his face。

〃They tell me you have been all over the earth;〃 said he;

wringing his hands with earnestness。 〃You must have seen my

daughter; for she makes a grand figure in the world; and

everybody goes to see her。 Did she send any word to her old

father; or say when she was coming back?〃

Ethan Brand's eye quailed beneath the old man's。 That daughter;

from whom he so earnestly desired a word of greeting; was the

Esther of our tale; the very girl whom; with such cold and

remorseless purpose; Ethan Brand had made the subject of a

psychological experiment; and wasted; absorbed; and perhaps

annihilated her soul; in the process。

〃Yes;〃 he murmured; turning away from the hoary wanderer; 〃it is

no delusion。 There is an Unpardonable Sin!〃

While these things were passing; a merry scene was going forward

in the area of cheerful light; beside the spring and before the

door of the hut。 A number of the youth of the village; young men

and girls; had hurried up the hill…side; impelled by curiosity to

see Ethan Brand; the hero of so many a legend familiar to their

childhood。 Finding nothing; however; very remarkable in his

aspect;nothing but a sunburnt wayfarer; in plain garb and dusty

shoes; who sat looking into the fire as if he fancied pictures

among the coals;these young people speedily grew tired of

observing him。 As it happened; there was other amusement at hand。

An old German Jew travelling with a diorama on his back; was

passing down the mountain…road towards the village just as the

party turned aside from it; and; in hopes of eking out the

profits of the day; the showman had kept them company to the


〃Come; old Dutchman;〃 cried one of the young men; 〃let us see

your pictures; if you can swear they are worth looking at!〃

〃Oh yes; Captain;〃 answered the Jew;whether as a matter of

courtesy or craft; he styled everybody Captain;〃I shall show

you; indeed; some very superb pictures!〃

So; placing his box in a proper position; he invited the young

men and girls to look through the glass orifices of the machine;

and proceeded to exhibit a series of the most outrageous

scratchings and daubings; as specimens of the fine arts; that

ever an itinerant showman had the face to impose upon his circle

of spectators。 The pictures were worn out; moreover; tattered;

full of cracks and wrinkles; dingy with tobacco…smoke; and

otherwise in a most pitiable condition。 Some purported to be

cities; public edifices; and ruined castles in Europe; others

represented Napoleon's battles and Nelson's sea…fights; and in

the midst of these would be seen a gigantic; brown; hairy

hand;which might have been mistaken for the Hand of Destiny;

though; in truth; it was only the showman's;pointing its

forefinger to various scenes of the conflict; while its owner

gave historical illustrations。 When; with much merriment at its

abominable deficiency of merit; the exhibition was concluded; the

German bade little Joe put his head into the box。 Viewed through

the magnifying…glasses; the boy's round; rosy visage assumed the

strangest imaginable aspect of an immense Titanic child; the

mouth grinning broadly; and the eyes and every other feature

overflowing with fun at the joke。 Suddenly; however; that merry

face turned pale; and its expression changed to horror; for this

easily impressed and excitable child had become sensible that the

eye of Ethan Brand was fixed upon him through the glass。

〃You make the little man to be afraid; Captain;〃 said the German

Jew; turning up the dark and strong outline of his visage from

his stooping posture。 〃But look again; and; by chance; I shall

cause you to see somewhat that is very fine; upon my word!〃

Ethan Brand gazed into the box for an instant; and then starting

back; looked fixedly at the German。 What had he seen? Nothing;

apparently; for a curious youth; who had peeped in almost at the

same moment; beheld only a vacant space of canvas。

〃I remember you now;〃 muttered Ethan Brand to the showman。

〃Ah; Captain;〃 whispered the Jew of Nuremberg; with a dark smile;

〃I find it to be a heavy matter in my show…box;this

Unpardonable Sin! By my faith; Captain; it has wearied my

shoulders; this long day; to carry it over the mountain。〃

〃Peace;〃 answered Ethan Brand; sternly; 〃or get thee into the

furnace yonder!〃

The Jew's exhibition had scarcely concluded; when a great;

elderly dog who seemed to be his own master; as no person in

the company laid claim to himsaw fit to render himself the

object of public notice。 Hitherto; he had shown himself a very

quiet; well…disposed old dog; going round from one to another;

and; by way of being sociable; offering his rough head to be

patted by any kindly hand that would take so much trouble。 But

now; all of a sudden; this grave and venerable quadruped; of his

own mere motion; and without the slightest suggestion from

anybody else; began to run round after his tail; which; to

heighten the absurdity of the proceeding; was a great deal

shorter than it should have been。 Never was seen such headlong

eagerness in pursuit of an object that could not possibly be

attained; never was heard such a tremendous outbreak of growling;

snarling; barking; and snapping;as if one end of the ridiculous

brute's body were at deadly and most unforgivable enmity with the

other。 Faster and faster; round about went the cur; and faster

and still faster fled the unapproachable brevity of his tail; and

louder and fiercer grew his yells of rage and animosity; until;

utterly exhausted; and as far from the goal as ever; the foolish

old dog ceased his performance as suddenly as he had begun it。

The next moment he was as mild; quiet; sensible; and respectable

in his deportment; as when he first scraped acquaintance with the


As may be supposed; the exhibition was greeted with universal

laughter; clapping of hands; and shouts of encore; to which the

canine performer responded by wagging all that there was to wag

of his tail; but appeared totally unable to repeat his very

successful effort to amuse the spectators。

Meanwhile; Ethan Brand had resumed his seat upon the log; and

moved; as it might be; by a perception of some remote analogy

between his own case and that of this self…pursuing cur; he broke

into the awful laugh; which; more than any other token; expressed

the condition of his inward being。 From that moment; the

merriment of the party was at an end; they stood aghast; dreading

lest the inauspicious sound should be reverberated around the

horizon; and that mountain would thunder it to mountain; and so

the horror be prolonged upon their ears。 Then; whispering one to

another that it was late;that the moon was almost down;…that

the August night was growing chill;they hurried homewards;

leaving the lime…burner and little Joe to deal as they might with

their unwelcome guest。 Save for these three human beings; the

open space on the hill…side was a solitude; set in a vast gloom

of forest。 Beyond that darksome verge; the firelight glimmered on

the stately trunks and almost black foliage of pines; intermixed

with the lighter verdure of sapling oaks; maples; and poplars;

while here and there lay the gigantic corpses of dead trees;

decaying on the leaf…strewn soil。 And it seemed to little Joe a

timorous and imaginative childthat the silent forest was

holding its breath until some fearful thing should happen。

Ethan Brand thrust more wood into the fire; and closed the door

of the kiln; then looking over his shoulder at the lime…burner

and his son; he bade; rather than advised; them to retire to


〃For myself; I cannot sleep;〃 said he。 〃I have matters that it

concerns me to meditate upon。 I will watch the fire; as I used to

do in the old time。〃

〃And call the Devil out of the furnace to keep you company; I

suppose;〃 muttered Bartram; who had been making intimate

acquaintance with the black bottle above mentioned。 〃But watch;

if you like; and call as many devils as you like! For my part; I

shall be all the better for a snooze。 Come; Joe!〃

As the boy followed his father into the hut; he looked back at

the wayfarer; and the tears came into his eyes; for his tender

spirit had an intuition of the bleak and terrible loneliness in

which this man had enveloped himself。

When they had gone; Ethan Brand sat listening to the crackling of

the kindled wood; and looking at the little spirts of fire that

issued through the chinks of the door。 These trifles; however;

once so familiar; had but the slightest hold of his attention;

while deep within his mind he was reviewing the gradual but

marvellous change that had been wrought upon him by the search to

which he had devoted himself。 He remembered how the night dew had

fallen upon him;how the dark forest had whispered to him;how

the stars had gleamed upon him;a simple and loving man;

watching his fire in the years gone by; and ever musing as it

burned。 He remembered with what tenderness; with what love and

sympathy for mankind and what pity for human guilt and woe; he

had first begun to contemplate those ideas which afterwards

became the inspiration of his li
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