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ethan brand-第4部分

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had first begun to contemplate those ideas which afterwards

became the inspiration of his life; with what reverence he had

then looked into the heart of man; viewing it as a temple

originally divine; and; however desecrated; still to be held

sacred by a brother; with what awful fear he had deprecated the

success of his pursuit; and prayed that the Unpardonable Sin

might never be revealed to him。 Then ensued that vast

intellectual development; which; in its progress; disturbed the

counterpoise between his mind and heart。 The Idea that possessed

his life had operated as a means of education; it had gone on

cultivating his powers to the highest point of which they were

susceptible; it had raised him from the level of an unlettered

laborer to stand on a star…lit eminence; whither the philosophers

of the earth; laden with the lore of universities; might vainly

strive to clamber after him。 So much for the intellect! But where

was the heart? That; indeed; had withered;had contracted;had

hardened;had perished! It had ceased to partake of the

universal throb。 He had lost his hold of the magnetic chain of

humanity。 He was no longer a brother…man; opening the chambers or

the dungeons of our common nature by the key of holy sympathy;

which gave him a right to share in all its secrets; he was now a

cold observer; looking on mankind as the subject of his

experiment; and; at length; converting man and woman to be his

puppets; and pulling the wires that moved them to such degrees of

crime as were demanded for his study。

Thus Ethan Brand became a fiend。 He began to be so from the

moment that his moral nature had ceased to keep the pace of

improvement with his intellect。 And now; as his highest effort

and inevitable development;as the bright and gorgeous flower;

and rich; delicious fruit of his life's labor;he had produced

the Unpardonable Sin!

〃What more have I to seek? what more to achieve?〃 said Ethan

Brand to himself。 〃My task is done; and well done!〃

Starting from the log with a certain alacrity in his gait and

ascending the hillock of earth that was raised against the stone

circumference of the lime…kiln; he thus reached the top of the

structure。 It was a space of perhaps ten feet across; from edge

to edge; presenting a view of the upper surface of the immense

mass of broken marble with which the kiln was heaped。 All these

innumerable blocks and fragments of marble were redhot and

vividly on fire; sending up great spouts of blue flame; which

quivered aloft and danced madly; as within a magic circle; and

sank and rose again; with continual and multitudinous activity。

As the lonely man bent forward over this terrible body of fire;

the blasting heat smote up against his person with a breath that;

it might be supposed; would have scorched and shrivelled him up

in a moment。

Ethan Brand stood erect; and raised his arms on high。 The blue

flames played upon his face; and imparted the wild and ghastly

light which alone could have suited its expression; it was that

of a fiend on the verge of plunging into his gulf of intensest


〃O Mother Earth;〃 cried he; 〃who art no more my Mother; and into

whose bosom this frame shall never be resolved! O mankind; whose

brotherhood I have cast off; and trampled thy great heart beneath

my feet! O stars of heaven; that shone on me of old; as if to

light me onward and upward!farewell all; and forever。 Come;

deadly element of Fire;…henceforth my familiar friend! Embrace

me; as I do thee! 〃

That night the sound of a fearful peal of laughter rolled heavily

through the sleep of the lime…burner and his little son; dim

shapes of horror and anguish haunted their dreams; and seemed

still present in the rude hovel; when they opened their eyes to

the daylight。

〃Up; boy; up!〃 cried the lime…burner; staring about him。 〃Thank

Heaven; the night is gone; at last; and rather than pass such

another; I would watch my lime…kiln; wide awake; for a

twelvemonth。 This Ethan Brand; with his humbug of an Unpardonable

Sin; has done me no such mighty favor; in taking my place!〃

He issued from the hut; followed by little Joe; who kept fast

hold of his father's hand。 The early sunshine was already pouring

its gold upon the mountain…tops; and though the valleys were

still in shadow; they smiled cheerfully in the promise of the

bright day that was hastening onward。 The village; completely

shut in by hills; which swelled away gently about it; looked as

if it had rested peacefully in the hollow of the great hand of

Providence。 Every dwelling was distinctly visible; the little

spires of the two churches pointed upwards; and caught a

fore…glimmering of brightness from the sun…gilt skies upon their

gilded weather…cocks。 The tavern was astir; and the figure of the

old; smoke…dried stage…agent; cigar in mouth; was seen beneath

the stoop。 Old Graylock was glorified with a golden cloud upon

his head。 Scattered likewise over the breasts of the surrounding

mountains; there were heaps of hoary mist; in fantastic shapes;

some of them far down into the valley; others high up towards the

summits; and still others; of the same family of mist or cloud;

hovering in the gold radiance of the upper atmosphere。 Stepping

from one to another of the clouds that rested on the hills; and

thence to the loftier brotherhood that sailed in air; it seemed

almost as if a mortal man might thus ascend into the heavenly

regions。 Earth was so mingled with sky that it was a day…dream to

look at it。

To supply that charm of the familiar and homely; which Nature so

readily adopts into a scene like this; the stage…coach was

rattling down the mountain…road; and the driver sounded his horn;

while Echo caught up the notes; and intertwined them into a rich

and varied and elaborate harmony; of which the original performer

could lay claim to little share。 The great hills played a concert

among themselves; each contributing a strain of airy sweetness。

Little Joe's face brightened at once。

〃Dear father;〃 cried he; skipping cheerily to and fro; 〃that

strange man is gone; and the sky and the mountains all seem glad

of it!〃

〃Yes;〃 growled the lime…burner; with an oath; 〃but he has let the

fire go down; and no thanks to him if five hundred bushels of

lime are not spoiled。 If I catch the fellow hereabouts again; I

shall feel like tossing him into the furnace!〃

With his long pole in his hand; he ascended to the top of the

kiln。 After a moment's pause; he called to his son。

〃Come up here; Joe!〃 said he。

So little Joe ran up the hillock; and stood by his father's side。

The marble was all burnt into perfect; snow…white lime。 But on

its surface; in the midst of the circle;snow…white too; and

thoroughly converted into lime;lay a human skeleton; in the

attitude of a person who; after long toil; lies down to long

repose。 Within the ribsstrange to saywas the shape of a human


〃Was the fellow's heart made of marble?〃 cried Bartram; in some

perplexity at this phenomenon。 〃At any rate; it is burnt into

what looks like special good lime; and; taking all the bones

together; my kiln is half a bushel the richer for him。〃

So saying; the rude lime…burner lifted his pole; and; letting it

fall upon the skeleton; the relics of Ethan Brand were crumbled

into fragments。

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