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looks towards the palace。

                                                (A MESSENGER enters。)


    Ladies; where may I find Theseus; king of the country? pray;

tell me if ye know; is he within the palace here?


    Lo! himself approaches from the palace。

                                                    (THESEUS enters。)


    Theseus; I am the bearer of troublous tidings to thee and all

citizens who dwell in Athens or the bounds of Troezen。


    How now? hath some strange calamity o'ertaken these two

neighbouring cities?


    In one brief word; Hippolytus is dead。 'Tis true one slender

thread still links him to the light of life。


    Who slew him? Did some husband come to blows with him; one whose

wife; like mine; had suffered brutal violence?


    He perished through those steeds that drew his chariot and through

the curses thou didst utter; praying to thy sire; the ocean…king; to

slay thy son。


    Ye gods and king Poseidon; thou hast proved my parentage by

hearkening to my prayer! Say how he perished; how fell the uplifted

hand of justice to smite the villain who dishonoured me?


    Hard by the wave…beat shore were we combing out his horses' manes;

weeping the while; for one had come to say that Hippolytus was harshly

exiled by thee and nevermore would return to set foot in this land。

Then came he; telling the same doleful tale to us upon the beach;

and with him was a countless throng of friends who followed after。

At length he stayed his lamentation and spake: 〃Why weakly rave on

this wise? My father's commands must be obeyed。 Ho! servants;

harness my horses to the chariot; this is no longer now city of mine。〃

Thereupon each one of us bestirred himself; and; ere a man could say

'twas done; we had the horses standing ready at our master's side。

Then he caught up the reins from the chariot…rail; first fitting his

feet exactly in the hollows made for them。 But first with outspread

palms he called upon the gods; 〃O Zeus; now strike me dead; if I

have sinned; and let my father learn how he is wronging me; in death

at least; if not in life。〃 Therewith he seized the whip and lashed

each horse in turn; while we; close by his chariot; near the reins;

kept up with him along the road that leads direct to Argos and

Epidaurus。 And just as we were coming to a desert spot; a strip of

sand beyond the borders of this country; sloping right to the

Saronic gulf; there issued thence a deep rumbling sound; as it were an

earthquake; fearsome noise; and the horses reared their heads and

pricked their ears; while we were filled with wild alarm to know

whence came the sound; when; as we gazed toward the wave…beat shore; a

wave tremendous we beheld towering to the skies; so that from our view

the cliffs of Sciron vanished; for it hid the isthmus and the rock

of Asclepius; then swelling and frothing with a crest of foam; the sea

discharged it toward the beach where stood the harnessed car; and in

the moment that it broke; that mighty wall of waters; there issued

from the wave a monstrous bull; whose bellowing filled the land with

fearsome echoes; a sight too awful as it seemed to us who witnessed

it。 A panic seized the horses there and then; but our master; to

horses' ways quite used; gripped in both hands his reins; and tying

them to his body pulled them backward as the sailor pulls his oar; but

the horses gnashed the forged bits between their teeth and bore him

wildly on; regardless of their master's guiding hand or rein or

jointed car。 And oft as he would take the guiding rein and steer for

softer ground; showed that bull in front to turn him back again;

maddening his team with terror; but if in their frantic career they

ran towards the rocks; he would draw nigh the chariot…rail; keeping up

with them; until; suddenly dashing the wheel against a stone; he upset

and wrecked the car; then was dire confusion; axle…boxes and linchpins

springing into the air。 While he; poor youth; entangled in the reins

was dragged along; bound by a stubborn knot; his poor head dashed

against the rocks; his flesh all torn; the while he cried out

piteously; 〃Stay; stay; my horses whom my own hand hath fed at the

manger; destroy me not utterly。 O luckless curse of a father! Will

no one come and save me for all my virtue?〃 Now we; though much we

longed to help; were left far behind。 At last; I know not how; he

broke loose from the shapely reins that bound him; a faint breath of

life still in him; but the horses disappeared; and that portentous

bull; among the rocky ground; I know not where。 I am but a slave in

thy house; 'tis true; O king; yet will I never believe so monstrous

a charge against thy son's character; no! not though the whole race of

womankind should hang itself; or one should fill with writing every

pine…tree tablet grown on Ida; sure as I am of his uprightness。


    Alas! new troubles come to plague us; nor is there any escape from

fate and necessity。


    My hatred for him who hath thus suffered made me glad at thy

tidings; yet from regard for the gods and him; because he is my son; I

feel neither joy nor sorrow at his sufferings。


    But say; are we to bring the victim hither; or how are we to

fulfil thy wishes? Bethink thee; if by me thou wilt be schooled;

thou wilt not harshly treat thy son in his sad plight。


    Bring him hither; that when I see him face to face; who hath

denied having polluted my wife's honour; I may by words and heaven's

visitation convict him。

                                             (The MESSENGER departs。)

  CHORUS (singing)

    Ah! Cypris; thine the hand that guides the stubborn hearts of gods

and men; thine; and that attendant boy's; who; with painted plumage

gay; flutters round his victims on lightning wing。 O'er the land and

booming deep on golden pinion borne flits the god of Love; maddening

the heart and beguiling the senses of all whom he attacks; savage

whelps on mountains bred; ocean's monsters; creatures of this

sun…warmed earth; and man; thine; O Cypris; thine alone the

sovereign power to rule them all。

                                             (ARTEMIS appears above。)

  ARTEMIS (chanting)

    Hearken; I bid thee; noble son of Aegeus: lo! 'tis I; Latona's

child; that speak; I; Artemis。 Why; Theseus; to thy sorrow dost thou

rejoice at these tidings; seeing that thou hast slain thy son most

impiously; listening to a charge not clearly proved; but falsely sworn

to by thy wife? though clearly has the curse therefrom upon thee

fallen。 Why dost thou not for very shame hide beneath the dark

places of the earth; or change thy human life and soar on wings to

escape this tribulation? 'Mongst men of honour thou hast now no

share in life。

                                                    (She now speaks。)

    Hearken; Theseus; I will put thy wretched case。 Yet will it naught

avail thee; if I do; but vex thy heart; still with this intent I came;

to show thy son's pure heart;…that he may die with honour;…as well the

frenzy and; in a sense; the nobleness of thy wife; for she was cruelly

stung with a passion for thy son by that goddess whom all we; that joy

in virgin purity; detest。 And though she strove to conquer love by

resolution; yet by no fault of hers she fell; thanks to her nurse's

strategy; who did reveal her malady unto thy son under oath。 But he

would none of her counsels; as indeed was right; nor yet; when thou

didst revile him; would he break the oath he swore; from piety。 She

meantime; fearful of being found out; wrote a lying letter; destroying

by guile thy son; but yet persuading thee。


    Woe is me!


    Doth my story wound thee; Theseus? Be still awhile; hear what

follows; so wilt thou have more cause to groan。 Dost remember those

three prayers thy father granted thee; fraught with certain issue?

'Tis one of these thou hast misused; unnatural wretch; against thy

son; instead of aiming it at an enemy。 Thy sea…god sire; 'tis true;

for all his kind intent; hath granted that boon he was compelled; by

reason of his promise; to grant。 But thou alike in his eyes and in

mine hast shewn thy evil heart; in that thou hast forestalled all

proof or voice prophetic; hast made no inquiry; nor taken time for

consideration; but with undue haste cursed thy son even to the death。


    Perdition seize me! Queen revered!


    An awful deed was thine; but still even for this thou mayest

obtain pardon; for it was Cypris that would have it so; sating the

fury of her soul。 For this is law amongst us gods; none of us will

thwart his neighbour's will; but ever we stand aloof。 For be well

assured; did I not fear Zeus; never would I have incurred the bitter

shame of handing over to death a man of all his kind to me most

dear。 As for thy sin; first thy ignorance absolves thee from its

villainy; next thy wife; who is dead; was lavish in her use of

convincing arguments to influence thy mind。 On thee in chief this

storm of woe hath burst; yet is it some grief to me as well; for

when the righteous die; there is no joy in heaven; albeit we try to

destroy the wicked; house and home。

  CHORUS (chanting)

    Lo! where he comes; this hapless youth; his fair young flesh and

auburn locks most shamefully handled。 Unhappy house! what two…fold

sorrow doth o'ertake its halls; through heaven's ordinance!

        (HIPPOLYTUS enters; assisted by his attendants。)

  HIPPOLYTUS (chanting)

    Ah! ah! woe is me! foully undone by an impious father's impious

imprecation! Undone; undone! woe is me! Through my head dart fearful

pains; my brain throbs convulsively。 Stop; let me rest my worn…out

frame。 Oh; oh! Accursed steeds; that mine own hand did feed; ye have

been my ruin and my death。 O by the g
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