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Third Book

The Systems

Chapter 28

The National Economists of Italy

    Italy has been the forerunner of all modern nations; in the

theory as well as in the practice of Political Economy。 Count

Pechio has given us a laboriously written sketch of that branch of

Italian literature; only his book is open to the observation; that

he has clung too slavishly to the popular theory; and has not duly

set forth the fundamental causes of the decline of Italy's national

industry  the absence of national unity; surrounded as she was by

great nationalities united under hereditary monarchies; further;

priestly rule and the downfall of municipal freedom in the Italian

republics and cities。 If he had more deeply investigated these

causes; he could not have failed to apprehend the special tendency

of the 'Prince' of Macchiavelli; and he would not have passed that

author by with merely an incidental reference to him。(1*)

    Through a remark of Pechio; that Macchiavelli in a letter to

his friend Guicciardini (in 1525) had proposed a union of all the

Powers of Italy against the foreigner; and that as that letter was

communicated to Pope Clement VII he had thus exercised considerable

influence in the formation of the 'Holy League' (in 1526); we were

led to imagine that the same tendency must underlie the 'Prince。'

As soon as we referred to that work; we found our anticipation

confirmed at first sight。 The object of the 'Prince' (written in

1513) was clearly to impress the Medici with the idea; that they

were called upon to unite the whole of Italy under one sovereignty;

and to indicate to them the means whereby that end might be

attained。 The title and form of that book; as though its general

intention was to treat of the nature of absolute government; were

undoubtedly selected from motives of prudence。 It only alludes

incidentally to the various hereditary Princes and their

governments。 Everywhere the author has in view only one Italian

usurper。 Principalities must be overthrown; dynasties destroyed;

the feudal aristocracy brought under subjection; liberty in the

republics rooted out。 The virtues of heaven and the artifices of

hell; wisdom and audacity; valour and treachery; good fortune and

chance; must all be called forth; made use of; and tried by the

usurper; in order to found an Italian empire。 And to this end a

secret is confided to him; the power of which has been thoroughly

made manifest three hundred years later  a national army must be

created; to whom victory must be assured by new discipline and by

newly invented arms and manoeuvres。(2*)

    If the general character of his arguments leaves room for doubt

as to the special bias of this author; such doubt will be removed

by his last chapter。 There he plainly declares that foreign

invasions and internal divisions are the fundamental causes of all

the evils prevailing in Italy; that the House of the Medici; under

whose dominion were (fortunately) Tuscany and the States of the

Church; were called by Providence itself to accomplish that great

work; that the present was the best time and opportunity for

introducing a new r間ime; that now a new Moses must arise to

deliver his people from the bondage of Egypt; that nothing

conferred on a Prince more distinction and fame than great


    That anyone may read between the lines the tendency of that

book in the other chapters also; may be best seen by the manner in

which the author in his ninth chapter speaks of the States of the

Church。 It is merely an irony when he says; 'The priests possessed

lands but did not govern them; they held lordships but did not

defend them; these happiest of all territories were directly

protected by God's Providence; it would be presumption to utter a

criticism upon them。' He clearly by this language meant it to be

understood without saying so in plain words: This country presents

no special impediment to a bold conqueror; especially to a Medici

whose relative occupies the Papal chair。

    But how can we explain the advice which Macchiavelli gives to

his proposed usurper respecting the republics; considering his own

republican sentiments? And must it be solely attributed to a design

on his part to ingratiate himself with the Prince to whom his book

is dedicated; and thus to gain private advantages; when he; the

zealous republican; the great thinker and literary genius; the

patriotic martyr; advised the future usurper utterly to destroy the

freedom of the Italian republics? It cannot be denied that

Macchiavelli; at the time when he wrote the 'Prince;' was

languishing in poverty; that he regarded the future with anxiety;

that he earnestly longed and hoped for employment and support from

the Medici。 A letter which he wrote on October 10; 1513; from his

poor dwelling in the country to his friend Bettori; at Florence;

places that beyond doubt。(4*)

    Nevertheless; there are strong reasons for believing that he by

this book did not merely design to flatter the Medici; and to gain

private advantage; but to promote the realisation of a plan of

usurpation; a plan which was not opposed to his

republican…patriotic ideas; though according to the moral ideas of

our day it must be condemned as reprehensible and wicked。 His

writings and his deeds in the service of the State prove that

Macchiavelli was thoroughly acquainted with the history of all

periods; and with the political condition of all States。 But an eye

which could see so far backwards; and so clearly what was around

it; must also have been able to see far into the future。 A spirit

which even at the beginning of the sixteenth century recognised the

advantage of the national arming of Italy; must also have seen that

the time for small republics was past; that the period for great

monarchies had arrived; that nationality could; under the

circumstances then existing; be won only by means of usurpation;

and maintained only by despotism; that the oligarchies as they then

existed in the Italian republics constituted the greatest obstacle

to national unity; that consequently they must be destroyed; and

that national freedom would one day grow out of national unity。

Macchiavelli evidently desired to cast away the worn…out liberty of

a few cities as a prey to despotism; hoping by its aid to acquire

national union; and thus to insure to future generations freedom on

a greater and a nobler scale。

    The earliest work written specially on Political Economy in

Italy; is that of Antonio Serra of Naples (in 1613); on the means

of providing 'the Kingdoms' with an abundance of gold and silver。

    J。 B。 Say and M'Culloch appear to have seen and read only the

title of this book: they each pass it over with the remark that it

merely treats of money; and its title certainly shows that the

author laboured under the error of considering the precious metals

as the sole constituents of wealth。 If they had read farther into

it; and duly considered its contents; they might perhaps have

derived from it some wholesome lessons。 Antonio Serra; although he

fell into the error of considering an abundance of gold and silver

as the tokens of wealth; nevertheless expresses himself tolerably

clearly on the causes of it。

    He certainly puts mining in the first place as the direct

source of the precious metals; but he treats very justly of the

indirect means of acquiring them。 Agriculture; manufactures;

commerce; and navigation; are; according to him; the chief sources

of national wealth。 The fertility of the soil is a sure source of

prosperity; manufactures are a still more fruitful source; for

several reasons; but chiefly because they constitute the foundation

of an extensive commerce。 The productiveness of these sources

depends on the characteristic qualifications of the people (viz。

whether they are industrious; active; enterprising; thrifty; and so

forth); also on the nature and circumstances of the locality

(whether; for instance; a city is well situated for maritime

trade)。 But above all these causes; Serra ranks the form of

government; public order; municipal liberty; political guarantees;

the stability of the laws。 ' No country can prosper;' says he; '

where each successive ruler enacts new laws; hence the States of

the Holy Father cannot be so prosperous as those countries whose

government and legislation are more stable。 In contrast with the

former; one may observe in Venice the effect which a system of

order and legislation; which has continued for centuries; has on

the public welfare。' This is the quintessence of a system of

Political Economy which in the main; notwithstanding that its

object appears to be only the acquisition of the precious metals;

is remarkable for its sound and natural doctrine。 The work of J。 B。

Say; although it comprises ideas and matter on Political Economy of

which Antonio Serra had in his day no foreknowledge; is far

inferior to Serra's on the main points; and especially as respects

a due estimate of the effect of political circumstances on the

wealth of nations。 Had Say studied Serra instead of laying his work

aside; he could hardly have maintained (in the first page of his

system of Political Economy) that 'the constitution of countries

cannot be taken into account in respect to Political Econo
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